
Hello, readers!

Yes, this is not a chapter update. But, it's an update nonetheless. And that too an important one. So, till now the story had been a mixture of crushes, relationships, friendships, regular days, family, fun, drama. Then, came the forest. And the girls lives seemed to take a huge turn. The calm collected life with usual ups and downs weren't the only thing left to be worried about. Because, they haven't even started climbing their life threatening peak. I warn, you readers. What you're about to read is a roller coaster. I know, you've got so many questions in your mind.

Where's Michelle?

What happened to Scarlett?

Where are the girls?

Most importantly, why are you giving trailers but not the movie?

Well, well. The wait is over. Here begins the movie. Because, we've got our last and final character.


Yes! I present you with the only character that was left.

Enrique Iglesias as JACKSON WYATT

He's last, but definitely not the least. After all, this story can't be complete without him. I've described in the upcoming chapter, if you want to imagine someone else. Then, please free to do so. I just thought he suited the best in my book and according to the character's character and description. So, that's it.

Now, the story actually begins.

*Insert writer's evil laugh*