Chapter Twenty One

Angel Of Death

Scarlett's POV

Breathe in. Breathe out.

My world was in order now. It had started spinning in its axis. The peaceful moment would have lasted, if Tony hadn't pulled away and saw the bandage on my forehead. He softly touches the place. Confusion, misery and anger flashing through his eyes, all at the same time. I take a deep breath, as I try to concentrate on all the people that have suddenly surrounded the area. The boys are out and I frown. When did they get here? Roman on the driving seat, tenses. Ashley and Amie give me puzzled looks. I don't understand, what's with the tension? Then, I follow Bree's curious gaze. Everyone is staring at Jackson like a threat. Before, I can clear the obvious misunderstanding. Everything happens in a haze.

Tony glowers at his form and begins to charge. But too late, Ethan grabs Jackson by his collar and pulls him forward with harsh callousness.

"Bastard!" Ethan thunders.

"How dare you!" The shocking part is, Jackson doesn't retreat or even give a slight comeback. He stands there, just maintaining a sharp eye contact. He clenches and unclenches his fists, but he doesn't attack. Why isn't he punching him square in the face? I know, he wants to; so what's with the placidness? Ethan shoves him further and I've had it. "What did you think, huh?" Tony advances and I grab his arm, stopping him. "Did you think she was alone? Vulnerable? That there's nobody to protect her?" Why isn't he doing something? I wonder, as I volunteer their rough exchange, anxiously. Ethan brutally holds him closer and Jack just glares at him. Okay, that's enough!

"Yes, I was alone!" I shout facing Ethan, "Weak, vulnerable and very lonely," he jolts at my not-to-argue tone. Even impassive Jackson seems to show hidden surprise. His face lights up, as if he wanted to provoke this reaction out of me. "Scarlett –" He starts, but I cut him off. "There really was, nobody to help me," I hold his hands, over Jack's collar and shrug him off. Jack observes me silently.

"If it weren't for him." I announce with rival gratefulness.

"Jack saved my life. Not once but twice."

I look at him and when the moments flash in front of my eyes, I can't help but smile. "And it doesn't take a genius to understand, that the person who would have harmed me, wouldn't be standing here in front of all of you."

He gazes me with pure defiance. I can still feel Ethan's hostile stare towards him. Tony clears his throat and we are hardly distracted from our staring fest. It only breaks, when Florence makes her presence known,

"If that's the case, he's our guest now," She adds in a soft voice, which doesn't shadow her authority as well. "I welcome you to stay in our lake house. I hope, it's up to your standards. We will try our best to have no complaints regarding your hospitality." Jackson faces her and nods his head in greeting. She waltz towards me and tenderly caresses my shoulders. "This girl over here. She's the life of our huge friends' family and by saving her life. You have put us all in debt to your needs. I will be really glad, if you stayed with us for some time. Just so we can be contented, although I know we can't do anything to repay you. Especially, after what you have done for us."

My heart clenches, as it can't bear his rejection. I can't believe how quickly my happiness, has started depending on a total stranger. "But, sister –" Tony is swiftly interrupted, as she holds up a finger. "Don't you see I'm talking, Antonio?" She softly replies and reminds. "Manners." Tony loses his ability of speech and bows his head signaling surrender to her commands.

"I'll say sorry from their behalf. When it comes to her, they don't really think before acting." Florence adds. "So?" She prolongs, when she gets no answer from the silent version of Jackson Wyatt.

He's going to say no.

"Yes. I'll be obliged," I stop breathing midway. Fighting the urge of dropping my mouth wide open. Wait, did I hear him right? As if to answer my conscience he answers again, "It would be an honor."

Then, to weigh my shock further. He looks down at me and smirks.

What the actual hell?

"You know, what they say. Generosity doesn't require general's order." Giving me a charming grin next, like we've got crushes over one another. Woah. Hold up! How did he go from cold and detached stranger to charismatic boy next door? I shake my head, this man might be the reason I go mental.

Florence laughs accompanying him and so do the girls. Bree gives out her hand to shake and instead he turns it flat and pecks it gently at the back. My eyebrows shoot up.

She blushes and chuckles giddily, "I know, a gentleman when I see one."

To which he replies, "And I know, a beauty when I see one." I quickly look at Ethan, he sharply inhales. Are they flirting?

In front of Ethan?

In front of me?

Wait, what? Where did that come from? I shake my head again.

What the hell is happening? The girls casually sweet talk with him and he laughs with them. Has everyone forgotten, that they just met him ten minutes ago? Didn't they all hate him just a few moments ago? Edward shrugs himself and comes to hug him, like he's known this distant stranger since he was a kid. Roman even though composed, doesn't let his demeanor betray his intentions and manages a handshake and fist bump. Amie continuously teases and Jackson doesn't seem annoyed, at all. Ashley comments on how nice, Jackson's jacket is. Edward agrees on her taste too and they all surround him like a family. Everyone except me, Tony and Ethan. We are the still-weary-and-cautious group. But, seems like the others don't sense the unease, or more appropriately don't care about our discomfort. Especially, Bree. She's head on with every conversation and reaction of his. I'm not exaggerating, but they are standing too close and incidentally, my word vomit couldn't keep itself,

"Mov –" Then, I shut my mouth because of the looks I get. Their gazes say it all. I'm not jealous! I thank God, I didn't say that out loud. "I meant, Michelle."

Though, "Michelle" and "move" do not rhyme at all, but everyone seems to believe me. Everyone but Bree, she's got that mischievous glint in her eyes. And now, she might be brewing something in her devil's workshop. I sigh. "Where is she? How is she?"

"Oh, Michelle's fine. Nothing to worry about." Ashley answers and Amie clarifies, "She fainted, after she got to know that you're missing." She pauses and adds, "She kept on rambling in her sleep though. That it's her fault, you got lost. On and on."

I abruptly take a step forward and my arm brushes past Jackson, who holds onto it and doesn't let go. I frown and he clenches his jaw. And there, he's back being a meanie again. I roll my eyes before I realize, why he did that and to my awareness, Ashley stuns,

"You're bleeding!"

Sure enough, there's blood on my-no-his white shirt and then he drags me with him, as Florence shows him the way inside. There's rushing here and there for one first aid box and small injury, which I had completely forgotten about, marked on my arm. Jack folds the sleeves to get a proper view and his gaze directly captures mine. He doesn't need to question.

"When I was running from that creature. My arm might have scratched past some pointed log."

"What creature?" Florence enquires, quitting her searching quest. Jack holds onto a breath and I pucker my brows. How unusual?

"It was huge," I explain further, my eyes flashing an image of its stature. "Black fur, yellow eyes," I pant, remembering his hungry face. "He had sharp claws and even sharper teeth." That were filled with saliva, I reminisce. "And it seemed like a dog. But, it wasn't a dog," When I see the confused look on their faces, I add, "Because, it was as big as a bear and had the attributes of dog."

"Like in that movie, Twilight. That wolf sort of thing." I describe. What was its name? I crease my forehead, trying to remember the details.

"You mean, a werewolf?" Amie prompts. "Yea –"

Jackson's scoff catches me off guard. "Werewolf, really? How delusional." He looks me in the eye. "It was just a bear." He shakes his head and looks me square in the eye, as if daring me to argue.

"But, it growled..." I argue.

"Was a wild one." He contends. How can you pat a bear? I wanted to shot back. But, he eyes me wearily and I frown. Okay.

He grabs the first aid box from Roman and settles down to do his work. I regard him, as he digs his fingers to find his tools. I carefully observe. Up close, he's so innocent and ordinary but the aura he supports, tells more of the story that, he hides. He dips the cotton in the antiseptic. "This might hurt." He murmurs softly, to my pensive self and I manage a nod. He dabs it over the wound and I wince retreating my hand. But, he tightens his hold, as his palm grazes my arm. When I bite my lip and fist my hand, he loosens his hold understanding his agility. Just like his hands, I wonder. Rough like a wood cutters, and a grasp of a feather.


I snap out of my reverie, when I see Michelle hurrying down to hug me. "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." She mumbles behind my ear. "What can I do for you to forgive me?" I smile, hugging her back. She's so cute, when she looks apologetic. Plus, she had taken my life with her, when she disappeared.

"Stay away." Jackson interrupts curtly. I cast him a displeased glance and Michelle jumps back like, he's burnt her. When she sees my aiding, she continues her string of words,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so sorry..." Jack rolls his eyes.

Time ticks by quickly, as I meet the rest of my besties. They don't seem to mind Jackson so much, which is a shocker because Hazel is the queen of paranoia. And yes, the "I owe you" drama didn't end either. I have to mention, Jackson has earned many favors in just one day. Not to forget, Robby and Ruby have decided that he stays in their room; which is a pain for me since it's directly across from mine. Ethan argues on my behalf, but Andrew talks some sense into him. Wow, Jack's got another supporter, like he needed anyone else. But, he has definitely hit his head somewhere. That's the only logical explanation I can come up with, for his bipolar swings.

Like at dinner, he pulled up a chair for me. Asked me for refills and was a literal darling (Bree's nickname for him) the entire time. But, when I was cleaning the dishes and asked him to assist me. He left me in the kitchen and closed the lights. "How mature?" I had scowled. And when, I turned to switch them on. He was right there, standing right behind me. Breathe escaping in pants and uttered,

"Do you really day dream, Scarlett?"

That's not Jack.

When I had gasped, he had switched on the lights. Looking more confused than ever and asked, "What?" Completely ignoring his cluelessness. I turned the tap and continued my chores. But, he was quicker as he closed the tap and stared hard at me.

"What happened?" He grinds the words, seriously demanding an answer.

"Nothing." I mutter. "I'm no fool, Miss Holmes." He grates.

But, without paying him heed, I again turn the tap and wash the remaining dishes. All the while, I could feel his penetrating gaze on me. Though, my plan is working perfectly so far. I'm immune to his actions. Finally done, I brush my hands over the apron and turn to leave. He mutters something under his breath, and before I know it. He catches my wrist, before I can get any further. He pulls me back, after all my restraints. The dilemma is, I can't even complain that he's hurting me. His hand may be steel, but his grip is soft. His breath fans my neck and he slowly drawls the syllables,

"Fine. Don't tell me,"

I gulp, fearing the intimacy we share. The hairs on my neck stand, as if on cue. Every muscle of my body reacts and my plan badly fails to show him no response. With the slight falter of his tone, I'm assured. Damn, he knows. He pulls me even closer, so much that my back clashes with his chest. But, other than my quivering body nothing moves. He bends his head, and invades the vacant space between us. My ears go erect, at his slight movement and the world around me seems to halt. As he whispers, "But, I'll find out."

I bite my lip, to stop myself from panting. Then, he brusquely leaves my wrist and slightly pushes me to walk away. I stand there like a vice, my better judgment lost, like earlier. When he's in the radius with me, he blocks my thought cloud. When he finally leaves the kitchen, I get my mind back. And I scowl, groan and stomp my feet like a kid.

"I hate you!" I shout, but he's obviously gone to hear that out. My inner self laughs at me. Now, who's immature?

I walk up the stairs and abruptly stop, when I hear footsteps behind me. Who'll be up at this hour? Maybe, Jackson doesn't had enough of it. He's back for more, and I'm so ready to shoot this time. Before, he can get the first word out. I speak over it,

"Don't even think about touching me again. I'll break your fingers." I warn and Tony moves out of the shadows, with a very puzzled look on his face. "I won't, I swear." He promises and raises his hands in mock surrender. I laugh and he eases himself following me. Just like old times.

"Why can't everyone be like you?" I wish, as I let him in.

"Then, I won't be as important." He replies, as he gives me his charismatic grin and I share a lopsided one back.

I jump onto the bed like a dork and Tony follows my lead. When we realize, how stupid we look, we laugh like there's no tomorrow. But, it's cut short, as he stares at me miraculously. "Is everything okay, Scarlett?" Only he can do it, look at me like a wonder and be concerned.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask.

"I don't trust him." He declares, menacingly.

I chuckle, "Err, who?" He looks at me, knowing full well that I know who he's talking about and laughs back. "Oh-kay, if he's that irrelevant."

He is, he isn't. I don't know. But, I don't tell him that.

"Don't worry, Tony. I can handle it." I say and he smiles back, having faith that I can. I love his faith in me, partly the reason why he's my best friend. He switches on the television and adjusts a DVD and my-our favorite classic starts playing. No way.

"I figured, "She's the man" would make your day better."

I jump to hug him saying, I love you a hundred times. He just laughs and pushes the play button. I glance at him, during the movie wondering.

There's Tony, who always understands me. Someone who always wants to make my day better.

And then there's Jack, who never understands me. Whenever I reach out, he becomes cold and is always hell bent on making my day worse. And suddenly, that night flashes back. I take a deep breath, as the nostalgia hits me with a harsh force. Before, the darkness engulfed me that day; I fell onto something soft. His hand. Then, again when the creature leaped in air ready to eat me. He was there. He didn't leave me alone, even when he had left me. I frown, as the pieces start becoming clearer. He's worried about me, that's for sure. That's the reason, why he's always there when I need him. But, isn't it weird for a total stranger to feel this way and do such things? Maybe, I'm not the only one wrecking my head and cursing myself for feeling connected. Maybe he is too. But if he is then, what's with the cold exterior? He's sweet to everyone even me, but in front of others. It's like, there's a motive to his every move. But then again, there wasn't any motive to his rescues. Or was there?

I shake my head. Don't think. Don't think.

But, I can't help and remember today, do you day dream, Scarlett? I mean, what the hell? What kind of a joke was that? Obviously, a joke he wasn't aware of. Jack wasn't there, that day. It had been just me and my friends. Then, how did he know? Has he known me, before I know him? Was there really a motive to everything, he did? But, his voice in the kitchen. It was so platonic, no depth to it. That wasn't Jack. But, only Jack was in the kitchen with me. So, if there is a motive. He's not gonna play far; because I'm going to find out. But still, for all the doubts, he has given me. I can't cross out the times, he has saved my life.

Hence, I have come to the conclusion that.

The devil has a heart.

But when his poker face and cold tone comes in mind, I understand.

A heart, he doesn't want to show.
