Chapter Twenty Seven


Scarlett's POV


Then the thumping of my heartbeat. I was too mortified to cry.

As I heard those words tumble out of Antonio William's mouth, I ran like a madman on a chase. Not a single thought about how I am or where I've been. Because the mere declaration just made me lose my mind. I was already caught in a daze, but this made my senses shake and rush. I forgot I had to breathe, because right now, the only thing on my mind; was to prove him wrong. Make him see, that whatever he just said, was a misconception. My subconscious sighs,

Are you sure it's him you need to convince?

I didn't have the strength to say no, because my fears needed to be fed with a reasonable explanation. After all, what I have seen is not anything ordinary, for me to stop worrying. We aren't exactly at the safest place on earth. But, seeing the havoc in front of me, my brain begs to differ.

The boys are all over the place. Roman is leaning over his jeep. Andrew not standing far yells loudly in his phone. Ethan scowls and kicks the bonnet. Hazel paces back and forth on the entrance of the lake house. Michelle is sitting on a log nearby, her shoulders shaking as she cries, her hands in her hair, trying to rip them off. Probably sensing presence, she looks up and her mumbling seems to stop. Eyes red from tears and face grief stricken. She gets up immediately, just as I turn my head to see Andy rushing towards Tony. He moves his phone in the air and mentions, "I called the police." Tony manages an immotile nod and Andrew gives his friend a sympathetic hug. But he doesn't budge, his face impassive. It makes my chest hurt seeing him like that, but my feet can't walk over to console him, they stay rooted remembering shame.

Michelle engulfs me and I draw my arms around her too, as she sobs lightly over my shoulders. Though my mind is still too numb to accept all this. She pulls away and when my eyes catch sight of her face, my heart does clench. "Florence," She begins, "We can't find her, Scarlett," Sniffs. "She was right here. We were sitting together, talking to each other. When suddenly she got up to get something and I was going to follow her, but I stayed. It took her so long to get back, so I went in and her room..." She shakes her head, still sobbing, managing to wipe those tears. "I should have been there with her, but I... I did it again, didn't I? I wasn't there for my bestie when she needed me. Just like you. Just like you..." She rambles on and on. I hug her back, soothing her, giving her comfort makes me forget my own pain. "Mich, no. It's not your fault. We were all here, don't take all the burden on yourself. What happened, just happened. But we are going to find her." My own words sound foreign to me.

"That's what I said. She will be fine. Everything will be okay." Hazel adds, she looks pale yet passes us a convincing smile. We manage to do the same.

"Maybe she's out in the woods." Michelle talks to herself. Andrew sighs, "What for?" I wince from his rough tone, "A walk, perhaps." He scoffs, "At this time of the night, the chances are unlikely." I pass him a look, remembering his exchange with Tony. He looks away.

"Guys any progress?" Hazel shouts at the boys working on their jeep, only to hear them both scowl and grunt in return. "Working on it, baby." Roman adds gently, almost losing it when it comes to his partner. "You!" He admonishes Ethan, pulling his head out of the gear. "Stop kicking my ride!" Ethan gives out a mocking chuckle. "You call this junk your ride? Keep it in the museum, it's antique boy." Roman slams his big fists on the steering wheel and the engine roars to life. He pushes the accelerator and the jeep jolts forward, making Ethan jump back. "Woah, man! I was kidding." Roman narrows his eyes and announces, "Get in!" Andrew, Tony and Ethan follow suit. And when they leave, I decide to give the house a look and stop just as immediately, I hear noises from the nearby bush.

"Of course, I looked that way. Okay, okay mommy. Don't give me that look, when I said I did, then I did." Amie snaps, as she emerges out of the greens, Ashley sighs as she folds her arms over her chest and Edward clearly looks uncomfortable.

"Amie, Ash? Anything?" Hazel urges and to her response, Amie scowls,

"There are leaves in my hair. Urgh!"

Ashely glares at her, "Stop being a grouch, Amanda." Another round of scowls and before they can physically attack each other. Edward moves Ashley to his left and adds loudly, "No sign of her."

Dread fills me. Michelle begins crying again and Hazel squeezes her hand. Amie looks at her and raises her eyebrow,

"I really don't understand what the fuss is about?" When everyone pauses to glare at her, she continues, "Oh come on! Just look at Scarlett. She was lost for two freaking days and still made her way back safely. It's another thing, she found someone. But, get over it guys! Maybe Nista would find herself a hunk too, no?" I roll my eyes and before I have a chance to retort,

"How can you joke about something so serious? Didn't you see her room? You know this disappearance is not the same as Scarlett's." Glancing at me, "She got lucky. What if Florence doesn't share the same luck?" My heart changes pace, not sure if it's my luck reference, or Florence in danger with no one to save her.

"Exactly and that's why you kids should have left when I told you so."

Comes a valiant voice from behind me and turning around to see, a tall lanky man is the source. Jack stands behind him, looking as cool and composed as ever. "Officer James, thank goodness you're here!" Hazel sighs relieved and I blankly stare at him. "Of course, Miss Brown. The William's family and I go way back, not to mention my close ties with her uncle," I flinch at his mention. "So, it's my duty to find her, just like last time." He turns his eyes to observe me, "I'm assuming you're Miss Holmes?" I pass him a nod, "I am." My voice comes out lower than usual. He smiles at me, a toothy grin, "You miss, are a very lucky girl. Caught in the hands of Mr. Wyatt in the outskirts of the woods, very lucky indeed. But sadly, there aren't many Wyatts out there."

"Not anymore." Jack interrupts under his breath and I frown, looking at him.

"Your father –" And I can't help but notice the caring lilt in his tone, "Is the last person to discuss. Shouldn't we think about Florence?" Jack coldly cuts him off and I crease my eyebrows. What is this behavior?

This goes unfazed by the officer, as he solemnly nods and follows Hazel up to Nista's room. Emotions start churning within me, my grief deluding my insides, my worries burning crimson and my scared beating heart finding rest- but most of all- I've found a new mystery. What happened to Jackson's father? Why does he not want to discuss it? I know at this point, thinking about such futile matters is irrelevant, especially if on the other hand is my best friend's disappearance. But there's this part that eats me and exclaims itself as a hint and that these situations might be somewhat related. So, there are things I need to know. Things, that the mysterious Jackson Wyatt, doesn't tell me and I have to do it on my own.

"Watch your foot!" Bree shouts, revoking me from my reverie.

I look down to find shards of glass near my feet, it trails up to the broken dressing table by the window. Beside it is a broken chair, that hangs almost uselessly on the table and falls on the floor with a thud, as Bree walks towards James showing him Nista's phone. The cupboard doors swinging open, her clothes messed up on the carpet. A shirt that I recognize in the crippling mess, is the one, I gave her on thanksgiving. I swallow, she loved that shirt. Then, I see it. I see blood stains on the beige rug, that have dripped till her bed sheet. I place a hand over my mouth, as I walk closer to the bed. Seeing those blood clots half covering the white cotton. Ashley can't take it; she runs out of the room. Eddy follows her, excusing himself for feeling nauseous. Seeing the room so out of place and blood. So much blood, brings back those horrible flashbacks.

Blood on my bathrobe.

Blood on my hands.

Blood I bathed in, the shower, my feet.

Her, her, her.


My head starts spinning, and I walk till my back hits the nearest wall and slide down. Sitting on the floor, my hands beside me. I tear my eyes away from the bed, to finally acknowledge Ruby's presence in the room. It dawns on me, that all my friends have been grieving, but her pain would be incomparable. She was the closest to her. They've known each other long before, we all met Florence. As she stands there, her body taut, her wet eyes looking out the window, probably searching for her. Her void self resembles a body with no soul, she was breathing, but it was a burden. We all had our grief and our different ways to cope. But this one was... gruesome.

The investigation continues, as none of us move. Bree intercepts me before leaving, I shake my head and this time, even her persuasive self doesn't win. I just can't seem to leave, my body hardly budging. My subconscious wants to stay here, it seems to make this place her new home. Because her scent lingers right here. The last place she had been. I look around and surveying the walls, it feels like she's still here. Her screams suddenly encompass me, but if that's the way I can have her, in-the-most-dreadful-but-the-only-way, so be it. Robby hugs Ruby and she walks out with him. Officer James tries to sympathize, I formally nod, and again sag my back to the wall. Closing my eyes, I feel hot tears cascade. The pain is silent, it's quiet and calm. It's like, I have pent up a whistling storm inside and outside, I'm the calmness of an ocean. A storm within the calm. When I open my eyes, I see a tissue being waved in front of me. Slowly turning my line of sight to who's doing the courtesy. It's him. It's the guy, who can't bear to look at my face- who's so collected, hardly caring- yet he's here, helpless when it comes to me. Extending a hand like always. A yelp escapes me, an involuntary demand to hug him, needing comfort only his arms can bring.

But officer James speaks too soon,

"You kids should join me downstairs. I want to have a word with all of you."

I place my hands on the carpet and push myself to get up. Officer James beats me to it, as he extends his hand midway. Only when I've earned support, do I finally realize, how limp my body feels. Jackson grunts and without casting a look in my direction, he leaves the room. His momentary hot and cold demeanor is of no concern to me, at least for now. When I regain my composure, I nod an agreement to James. There's no one in the hallway, so I fire,

"Officer, can I ask you something?"

"No need to question, Miss Holmes. Please do."

Taking in two short breaths. Here goes nothing. "Jackson's dad?"

I pause to catch the expression on his face, he seems dejected, as if knowing that I'll ask this question eventually, "What happened to him?"

He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, "Mr. Wyatt has been missing since last month. Counting down days, I'd say it's been over 20 days." I gulp. "And there has been no trace of him. His son and I have been at it, since a long time." Is that why he's always so cold? "That is until he stayed here." If his dad is missing, why is he staying here?

"So, the search is over? His dad is missing and he doesn't want to investigate further? Is that how it works here? People disappear with no sign of them returning and half a month passes and their loved ones stop looking for them?" Saying that all in one breath, because indeed it has been too much. It's freaking irrevocably unnervingly ridiculous. "Who knows if they are dead or alive? Who knows if they are still calling out?" I shiver, remembering the horrid dream, I had at Jack's house. "Or who knows if they are in trouble?"

I try breathing harder, suddenly the room is closing in and it's suffocating me.

What if what I saw in the nightmare was true?

What if Florence's life is in danger?

What if she's screaming for help and there is no one there to help her?

My frantic pants and head spinning. "Miss Holmes," James voice sounds so far away. "Scarlett?" It's getting nearer and shaking me out of my miserable thoughts. I look up at him. "You know why I'm here, miss? To investigate and I will try my level best to find your loved ones. Don't delude yourself already. Keep your hopes high. It's not over yet." He sounds so optimistic and I want to believe him.

But, Jack's dad? No, don't think about it. You'll find her.

Nista will be alright. My sissy will be safe. Hopefully.

Downstairs in the lounge, all my besties have formed a board meeting. The boys are back and sit bundled up on the seven seat couch, close to staircase. Bree is glaring at Nista's phone and Michelle rests her head on her lap. Ash leans her head on Ed's shoulder, as they sprawl their legs on the carpet floor. Amie sits with Rob and Rue on the table, munching her favorite chips. Hazel as usual is prancing back and forth, leaving imprints on the floor.

"Honey, please. Sit down."

Roman admits restlessly, it's not the first time he has said that. "I can't! In five minutes, it will be dawn; exactly six hours since she left." She holds her forehead, shaking her head, she's losing it. Roman gets up to calm her down and she walks away, folding her arms across her chest.

"Kids." James starts to get attention, but everyone carelessly ignores.

"Punishing yourself won't bring her back!" Ethan adds, noticing Roman's misery.

"And so won't acting careless!" Hazel shouts back. I have never seen her so tense.

"Kids, patience!"

"Hazel, what are you –" Ashley gets up, trying to hold her, but she lets go again.

"What? What?!" Ticking time bomb.

"Miss Brown!" The officer scowls, but she's relentless.

"How can you all be so calm? There is a girl missing! She leaves at night, her room a mess and now it's morning. Did the ground open and swallow her whole? First Scarlett goes missing and now her. I should have never agreed to come here! This place is f***ing cursed!" Officer James begins to furiously walk up to her, but stops.

"Haze, keep it together!"

Tony announces, standing beside me. "She's my sister. How can we forget how much of a fighter she is? We'll find her," I turn to look at him and he passes me a convincing smile. "Or better yet, she'll find us back." All the hope that I had lost, suddenly comes crashing back. He tangles his fingers with mine. Officer James almost looks grateful. He walks us to the lounge. "She's going to come back, alright? No one is unsafe. All's good in the hood."

"Safe? Williams, I think you're talking about some other place." Jack adds, as he chuckles darkly.

"I don't delve into irrelevance." Tony shots back.

Jack walks till he's eye to eye with him. "Or maybe you just want everyone to get hurt. That a plan, eh?" His words frank, but his sharp tone and dark gaze makes me wince. Instead of cowering away, Tony stands tall.

"Aren't you the stranger? We should be watching out from you!" He pauses, then continues, "Don't even think, that I miss the cheap tricks you are pulling to stay here."


Jack sneers, "So, that's what's bothering you." His breath aghast, as he leans in to his face to laugh.

"Scarlett is innocent. You can fool her, but you can't fool me!"

Tony shouts to his face, as I let go of his hand and walk back. Although, Jack doesn't seem cheeky anymore, his poker face at display, jaw taut and fists clenched. His fury is seething, I gulp. I want to get involved, but my lips are sealed.

"Keep. Her. Out. Of. This."

He grits his teeth, with every syllable he drawls out. "Buddy –" Eddy starts, but he shuts himself, when Tony holds up a hand. I look at the officer, who stands casually enjoying the show or just too tired to stop them.

"Why? So you can keep harassing her." He didn't.

"Excuse me?" My words escape me through the insanity. Tony turns to give me a look, but before I can say anything. Jack punches him square on the jaw. He falls back from the harsh blow but Jack grabs his collar, ushering him forward. Everyone's up in a second and I rush towards them.

"What the f**k, man!"

Ethan cusses loudly, as he and Edward try to pull Tony from his hold.

"Let go, Jackson!" Andrew and Roman try to pull him off from wounding Tony further. But, they aren't budging.

"Didn't I warn you not to involve her?" Jack adds in monotone.

"What? Don't like to kiss and tell? I do." I swiftly look at him. How can he? Casually throw away something, even we never decided to talk through? I'm taken aback, genuinely hurt and completely shocked. What the hell is happening? And why isn't James saying anything?!

"The f**k, dude! You kissed her?!" Ethan yells through the mayhem.

"It's none of our freaking business!" Bree shouts through the crowd.

Oh, she knows about Tony and me and Jack and me.

My drama, oh my drama.

"You are going to stay the hell away from her, dipshit!" Jackson warns, looking like an outraged beast.

"Why me? She's on my side! She called you a MISTAKE!" Tony repeats the words, I said in the woods. Jackson's voice going mute, as I zone out to what happened earlier.

Tony stands there gawking at our vulnerable position. His judgy eyes assess us, making me cower from shame. I push Jack away, as I stand up trying immensely hard to regain my composure. My shivering hands quickly fixing my hair and then my shirt. When Jack moves forward to help me, I move a safe distance from him. Jack and Tony both begrudgingly look away, as I desperately try to fix myself. My internals screaming and body cold. I'm freezing. I don't even have the willpower to face them. Any of them. It's a disturbing and uncomfortable silence between us, but Jack breaks it. "Scarlett, you okay?" Without looking at him, I call out to Tony. "I...Jack, the...this was a mistake." Jack looks at me baffled, his expressions changing from confusion to hurt and then to anger. He doesn't have the time to react, because that's when Tony breaks the news of Florence disappearance and I run back to the lake house, completely out of my mind.

Tony's repetition brought back Jack's face, when he was confused and looked hurt. And I my heart twists brutally, for the pain I've caused. Guilt turning to regret. I finally scream my heart out,


The pounding in my head worsens. The dread filling my body. The room caging me in, I look around and everything starts spinning. My heart begins to falter and suddenly I feel so light. My eyes closing, vision falling blur, I fall weightless as a feather. Patience and in peace.

The room's screams don't matter, nor does the fleeting touches of many.

I've fainted and floated into another realm.
