Chapter 2 ∆Book 2∆


*Rose's POV*

I stood in the fire place waving goodbye to Sev.

"Be back on a good time, okay?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Cya. DIAGON ALLEY"

I was teleported to Diagon alley. I smiled. I walked towards an ice cream shop to see Hermione waiting.

"Hey Hermione!"

"Rose! How are you."

"Not too shabby, you?"

"The usual."

We sat down and had some ice cream.

"Rose, did you know that he one and only Gilderoy Lockhart will be teaching us DADA this year?"

"No way, really? I am so excited," we both squealed, it was going to be an awesome year! And atleast there was going to be a non-garlic smelling vampire teacher.

We both decided to go on a walk. Hermione showed me the poster of how she knew about Lockhart.

"I can't wait to meet him. I mean, he has written almost the whole booklist."

"I know, right. Wait, Herms?"


"How do you know that he will be our teacher?"

"I have my ways Rose," she said smirking. I rolled my eyes at her.


Hermione ran to Harry and gave him a hug, "what happened to your glasses? Hello, Hagrid ... Oh its so wonderful to see you two again ... Are you going to Gringotts Harry?"

I just stood there awkwardly.

"As soon as I have found the Weasley's," Harry said not taking his eyes off me.

Oh shoot... Did he just say the Weasley's?

"Eerr Hermione? I will be off now."

"Sure you don't want to join us?"

I shook my head and left Hermione. I walked towards the pet shop.

"Hey Pansy, Millicent," I said giving both of them a hug,"are you getting the cat?"

"No, she isn't," Pansy replied for Millicent,"Her parents expected better grades from her..."

Millicent just grunted. Typical.

"I am so sorry to hear!"

She just grunted again like a rhino.

"Sooo," I said to Pansy," which pet?"

"I was thinking and owl, because Xander, my family eagle, doesn't really like me, so I am finding hard to post."

I nodded.

"You?" She asked.

"I was thinking about a cat"

We separated our ways to meet up later.

I looked around. I saw a lovely black cat. I named him Midnight. I bought supplies for Midnight.

Going out the shop, I saw Draco. Both of us walked into Flourish and Botts. We went up the stairs to get a better view.

Everyone started to enter in making a huge crowd. I saw the trio had also joined the crowd, with Hermione squealing her head off.

Lockhart was under us clicking pictures for the daily prophet.

All of a sudden he pulled Harry out of the crowd. I could hear Draco getting Jealous next to me.

Once Lockhart stopped taking pictures with Harry, Draco pulled me forward full of anger,"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a book shop without making the front page."

"Leave him alone!" Ginny said glaring,"He didn't want all that."

"Look Potter," Draco sneered,"You've got yourself a girlfriend." Ginny went Scarlett.

I raised my eyebrows at her. Ginny has a crush on Harry Potter?!

Ron and Hermione fought their way through the crowd, clutching stacks of Lockhart books. Hermione smiled at me, "Here, got these signed for you."


The others ignored us.

"Oh, it is you," Ron said looking at Draco,"Bet you are surprised to see Harry, eh?"

"Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley."

Ron jumped onto Draco, as I moved out the way, not wanting to get involved in the fight.


It was my dad. He saw me and started stuttering, but tried his best to ignore me.

"Well, well, well Arthur Weasley."

I jumped out of my skin scared to death, it was Lucius Malfoy. Wow, he has stealth skills. I noticed that Midnight was still in my arm, thank goodness I didn't drop him.

"Lucius," dad said, nodded closely.

"Busy time at the ministry, I hear," Lucius said,"All those raids ... I Hope they're paying you overtime?"

He reached into Ginny's cauldron and took out a book. As he slipped it back in, I saw that there was a second book, one that wasn't there before.

"Lets go, Rose," Draco said as, once again I jumped, noticing that I had zoned out.

I used floo powder, and got back to Sev.