Chapter 7 ∆Book 2∆

-The Voice Once More-

*Roses POV*

October arrived pretty soon, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. I had been to see Madam Pomfrey quite a few times because I had kept on getting a cold.

Her pepper up potion would work instantly, though it left my ears smoking for several hours.

Raindrops, the size of bullets, thundered on the castle windows for days, distracting me a bit at times. The water from the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams.

We had regular Quidditch training sessions in the wet rain, going back to the common room all splattered in mud.

Draco and the group (obviously including me).

"I heard some news," Draco stated,"The Weasley twins. They are planning to play a big prank on us Slytherins during the Halloween feast."

We gasped,"Really?!"

Draco nodded.

"Then we will have to be alert," Blaise said.

"Exactly," Draco replied.

"We will have to be on guard. Everyone in different places. Pansy, you can guard outside with Millicent. Crabbe, Goyle, you two will be inside the Great Hall. Draco and I will be outside the Great Hall. Daphne and Tracey Potion classroom. And that leaves you, Rose," said Blaise.

They looked at me.

Draco suggested,"You can go to the Headless Ghost's deathday party just incase."

I shrugged, only a bit sad for the fact that I would be alone,"Sure"



By the time Halloween arrived, we had a full on plan. If Fred and George were to attack, we had these coins and we would inform by using those. We were to keep an eye on it all the time. Then the other would bring a teacher.

At seven on Halloween, Tracey dropped me off at the 'party' full of ghosts, following the passageway that had been lined with candles.

I immediately hid in a corner as soon as I said bye to Tracey. I started to flick my coin, already getting bored. I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry join. What were they doing here?

I shrugged. The trio was weird. They set of on the edge of something that was to be a dance floor. They passed a group of gloomy nuns, a ragged man wearing chains, and the Fat Friar. There was also a cheerful HufflePuff ghost who, however got scared away by the Bloody Baron.

All of a sudden Hermione stopped, it was because of Moaning Myrtle. I smirked. This was going to be a show.

Sadly, they walked away talking about something, till Ron pointed at food, ghost food. Typical Ron. I quietly giggled.

They approached the food, with eager looks on their face. But the next moment, the eager look turned into a horrified look after seeing the food.

I laughed this time, making Peeves look around. I widened my eyes and hid further onto the side. He shrugged and Flew somewhere else. Phew. That was a close one.

Peeves flew towards the trio. They seemed to be having a small, but very bad conversation be the look of Hermione's face.

Myrtle had flown towards them. All of a sudden she started crying. Peeves left them coming towards where I was.

I gasped and went back to hiding, however, Peeves had seen me.

"Oooooo, what do we have here?," He said.

"Shh, please Peeves,"I replied.

He cackled,"Rosie Posie doesn't want to be seen... I knew I heard something."


".... Rip .... Tear .... Kill ...."

I gasped as Peeves eyed me. It was the same sound that I had heard in Lockhart's classroom!

".... Soo Hungry .... For so long ...."

I ditched confused Peeves and ran towards the sound.

".... Kill .... Time to kill ...."

The voice got fainter as I reached the Great Hall. Panting, Blaise and Draco came towards me.

"No sign of anything?"

I shook my head in motion to say 'no.'

Draco shrugged,"The Halloween feast is finished anyway."

Together, with the flock of students we started to head back to the common room.

All of a sudden we all stopped dead in our tracks. There was a message written in red - blood! - on the wall.

The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened Once Again, Enemies Of The Heir, Beware.

"Enemies of the heir beware!," Draco read smirking,"You'll be next mudbloods!"

Draco looked at Roseline and Hermione in particular.

I slapped Draco, while looking at Filch's hanging, immobile cat. Wow, I never knew that I could multitask.