Chapter 26 ∆Book 3∆


*Rose's POV*

We were in Care Of Magical Creatures and Hermione was filling me up with what I had missed.

"A-And then I got a-a letter f-from Hagrid," she sniffed, trying her best not to cry,"Buckbeak's date to be Executed is fixed!"

My face was blank, I didn't really care for that bird, but killing it for the useless drama Draco created? That wasn't fair for the poor thing.

I sighed, there was nothing we could do. Hermione, Harry, and Ron started talking to Hagrid, which left me to be lonely as all of us walked to the castle.

 I was not about to get friendly to a teacher who I still thought did horrible at his job, I was only with that oaf because of the trio.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were in front of us, and they did not look happy for the fact that I was with the trio.

Draco kept on looking back at me. At points, he would say stuff to Crabbe and Goyle, which would make them laugh.

I did kind of get jealous because they were having more fun than us.

"Look at him blubber!"

I was suddenly snapped at of my thoughts and I looked around to see what I had missed.

Hagrid and turned around to go back to his cabin.

"Have you seen anything quite as pathetic?" Draco asked. Now come to think of it, no, no I had not seen anything as pathetic as this. He did have a point.

"And he is supposed to be our teacher!" Draco exclaimed.

I saw Harry and Ron both make furious moves towards Draco, it all happened in slow motion. I was going to stop them, but somehow Hermione reached in front of us and smacked Draco.

I stood there, wide-eyed, shocked. Draco staggered backwards.

All of us was were flabbergasted.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul - you evil -"

"Hermione," Ron said weakly as he tried to grab Hermione's hand.

"Get off, Ron!"

Hermione had pulled out her wand now.

Ron and Harry looked at me for help, but I was too shocked to even move.

"C'mon," Draco muttered. He looked at me before dragging me with them to the Slytherin common room.

"How dare that Mud-!" Draco received a glare from me,"-Muggle Born slap me like that!"

"You deserved it," I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Draco half yelled at me.

Anger rose through me,"I said, you deserved it!'"

Draco sighed,"I am sorry, just don't get angry, I will make it up to you."

"Really?" I eyed him suspiciously.

He nodded.

"Salazar," I said, entering the common room.

I sat beside Midnight and started stroking her. There had to be a way to save that bird.