And I was right about the whole thing. The Louvre museum had been robbed. But that was not all, a statue had also been broken.
They didn't mention the item which was robbed though and then I understood that this way the way the media worked, telling half truths.
So I decided to visit the source to find the full scene. But then I realized that they wouldn't let me in and told Rita about the situation.
She was a girl known for her contacts with people so I knew she'd help me out and she did. Luckily she once did a music video at the Louvre and since she is really kind, she donated some money to the museum hence she got a permit to visit it any time.
She gave it to me and told me that in case they didn't let me in, she asked me to tell them about the theft at my place.
And it worked, not at first they didn't but after I told them about the theft they let me in 10 mins. I was surprised to see very few investigators and when I asked why, they told they didn't want anyone to leak any information.
At least they weren't that unwise and made good decisions I thought. But I spoke too soon because I only found one archeologist examining the statue.
At first I didn't understand why they would examine something that was probably broken by a hammer or something, most definitely not hands. I couldn't even identify the sculpture, but as I went closer I saw it.
The Winged Victory of Samothrace. We learned a little about it in our History class last semester. So basically this sculpture is also as the Nike of Samothrace. It was a limestone sculpture?
Honestly I don't remember. I think I was half asleep in the class that day. This is why Charlotte you need to start learning your History I thought.
How am I supposed to figure anything out without knowing about it. Then I saw the archeologist who looked tense.
Maybe I could actually help if I knew something about this fallen statue. So I approached the guy who was busy with his work.
"Um, hey" I said so that he would notice me
"I'm so sorry I didn't find anything yet but if I do I'll let you know"
"That's okay plus I don't think you really need to tell me but if you want to, sure" He then turned around.
"Oh hi, wait... Are you the Charlotte Pourqoui?"
"So you do know me, except that I don't have the surname "The" I said intending to make a pun
"I'm sorry for not noticing you earlier. I'm Tim by the way. It's just that that was stolen was a jewel in here, nobody knows that it existed except my brother suspected that there was something in there because there is a crack line.
Not many people notice it and those who do assumed it was because of shifting the statue's place. But they wouldn't have to believe that anymore, this is solid proof" he said showing me a perfectly carved jewel holder.
I had to admit, it was pretty impressive. The person has to be a sculptor, to achieve something this perfect even though it had to broken to see it.
"So how did you land up here"
"Well... After the theft happened my superiors were talking about the Winged Victory of Samothrace.
I put two and two together and so told them about my brother's suspicion from the start. Now they expect me to "find something" to know more about this jewel" he said.
"Tell me, something about this statue that most people don't know"
"Um... It is a marble sculpture (ohh, not limestone but close right?), It was created in the 2nd century BC. It symbolizes action, triumph, art and drapery. That's about it to be brief"
"That's so cool!" I said examining the statue more now considering it being so ancient and wonderfully sculpted. Tim let me look at it closely. I noticed something slightly elevates near the crate of the jewel.
So I tried viewing it from the top but it wasn't there. So I bent down to look again and there it was. I ran my fingers over it and it fell.
Not the statue but the small elevation, which was like that of a circle. I panicked and called Tim to retrieve the piece of marble. But to our surprise we found something else, something we least expected.