The Trap



I climbed through the window just as I had planned. I eased my boots onto the floor, careful to keep quiet. I squeezed the rest of my body through the small opening before turning around and shutting it. It didn't squeak. It didn't make any noise at all. I smiled to myself.

Damn, I was really good at my job.

"Sei bravo in quello che fai ma penso di essere migliore." A low voice greeted me from the darkness.

(Translation: You are good at what you do but I believe I am better)

I froze. He wasn't supposed to be here right now.

Almost as if he read my mind he let out a small chuckle.

This was not good. Not good at all.

I reached up to my head and pulled my beanie lower, in the process taking out a small knife I had hidden there. I didn't need a butcher knife in operations like these. Dammit, I reprimanded myself. You just had to go for the window. I really wanted this to be over with quick. With the possibility of a pay rise in the back of my mind, I quickly calculated my position.

His first mistake was that he had spoken, giving away his position.

His second was that he seemed to be sitting down, which most probably meant he was armed with a gun.

His third mistake was that he gave time for my eyes to adjust to the room.


Making a split-second decision, I ran as light as a feather to where his voice came from. I had my mini blade against his throat faster than he could say pasta.

"Where is your boss?" I whispered in his ear, deepening my voice. I didn't need these people to know who I was, I just needed to get the job over with. I didn't enjoy the company of strange people.

"I am the boss." He replied shakily.

I smiled.

I didn't kill people that weren't my target, but this man didn't need to know that.

"You act like an amateur. Your boss would not be so careless." I said, pressing my knife deeper into his neck. He stiffened. I could feel the blood drip over my thumb.

"You are right, I wouldn't," He said, insisting that he was the one in charge.

I internally sighed. I knew this was going to be pointless. His boss must've been informed that this was going to happen in order for him to set this up. My eyes widened in realization.

This was a trap.

How could you be such an idiot? I scolded myself

Keep calm. I stepped away from the man in the chair. Change of plan. The new top priority was getting out of here. I could finish the job later, even though that would mean that I probably wouldn't get my pay rise.

Sensing that I had backed off, the man breathed an audible sigh of relief.

Yeah, he was definitely not the don.

Maybe I could use this to my advantage. If this really was a trap then I needed to do something that they wouldn't expect me to do. I stood up to my full length and looked around. An eerie silence overtook the room.

I could sense another person lingering in the shadows. If they had a gun it would be game over for me. I quickly went over the layout of the room I had studied in my head. The bed was behind me to the left. A chair and desk to my right. A lounge further forward and down a few steps. The entrance was next to the lounge. The bathroom door next to me. The main light switch was by the entrance.

I knew what to do.

I reached in my pocket soundlessly and took out some rope and a piece of cloth. I began to tie his hand to the chair.

"What are you-."

"Shh." I interrupted him delicately shoving the piece of cloth in his mouth.

After I had bound his hands, I took a second piece of cloth out and wrapped it around his eyes. I couldn't have him see me.

I reached to my right and felt a lamp. Perfect.

I pulled my beanie over my eyebrows and switched on the light.

Instantly, noticed a man across the room. My real target. Romano Acerbi. He stood in the corner of the room. Blocking my way not only to the window but to the main door. I could escape through the bathroom. I thought to myself but immediately decided against it. He'd seen my face. If I went back home without new blood on my hands or information I would be killed. Plus, no pay rise.

Guess I only had one option. I smiled.

He wore only black. Black dress trousers. Black shoes. Black button up. Black gun.

Fuck. Of course he had a gun.

I needed to get close. Guns were good long distance but in a fistfight, if your opponent was inexperienced, one could easily disarm them. But something told me this man had lots of experience.

Before I could formulate yet another plan, he spoke.

"You are here to kill me." His voice was calm, not a hint of fear displayed.

He paused slightly before continuing.

"And you are smiling."

I didn't respond. I had locked eyes with him and it felt like a challenge, one that I would gladly take up.

I straightened my back, standing at my full height.

He raised his eyebrows as if he was shocked that I hadn't made a move yet.

I needed to be careful and I knew it. I didn't know what this man was capable of and I had already made too many mistakes tonight. Patience was the key to this game and I was going to win.

"You are shorter than I thought you would be." He commented.

My malicious smile fell. That was just plain rude.

A minute passed. I held his gaze.

I had a plan.

I knew he had the upper hand so I guess I just had to play dirty.

"I am not who you think I am," I said, no longer deepening my voice. I moved to sit on the bed in the room, taking off my shoes.

I looked over to him, his face stoic.

"You are a hitman." He said.

"Well, I prefer the term assassin. It so much... sexier." I said laying down in the bed.

Jesus, why won't this fucker bite this goddamn bait.

He sighed, "If you are trying to seduce me you are not doing very well."

He ran his hand through his hair.


I flew off the bed with a new blade in my hand and stabbed him in the stomach. It didn't matter where I stabbed him, as long as the blade made contact with his insides.

It was my secret weapon and my deadliest blade that I kept on me at all times, at the bottom of my shoe.

I pulled the blade out and met with his eyes, seeing disbelief and immense pain etched there.

Yeah, I'm glad I never had to meet myself in this sort of situation.

I smirked and shot like a bullet to the window breaking the glass and ready to take the jump, only to be met with a strong pair of arms pulling me back into the room.

A blunt object made contact with the back of my head and the world went dark.