Target 1 Pt.2



I could pick up his food and hand it to him, sprinkling the poison on top except that another server had already been assigned to their table and I couldn't take the table over without more attention. Whatever I came up with had to be done quickly, we had already lost unwanted time with the confusion. It was time to take matters into my own hands.

There was only one way to get this done.


I walked past Jaekyung's table, letting my hand run over her shoulder before leaving and heading to the ladies bathroom. It was our signal of distress. Exactly four minutes later, she appeared and locked the door behind her.

Her face was worried, emotional. Mine was stoic and focused.

"Give me your dress and 5 euros."

Her face contorted into one of confusion but she didn't hesitate before she started to unzip her dress, handing it over to me. I stripped my clothes off my body and slid on her elegant dress. "There's been a change of plans," I explained, zipping up the dress with ease. It didn't fit me as well as it did with her but it would do.

"What are you going to do?"

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to make it presentable and hopefully, alluring.

"What I do best, trust me." My voice felt foreign, cold, and commanding. If Jaekyung noticed, she didn't comment, she only nodded at my statement and if we were in any other situation than the one we were in right now I probably would've smiled at the fact that she blindly followed my directions, but we weren't. And we needed our target eliminated.

"What do you want me to do?"

I looked at her straight in the eyes, "I need you to do what you've been doing already. You're my eyes and ears. Tell me when the target leaves the room, any helpful bits of conversation. Tell me anything you deem important and even if you don't think it is, tell me. I can't communicate back to you through this piece so I need as much information as possible to make this work."

She nodded, her lips forming a straight line.

"I'll be out of range of the earpiece for the next 10 minutes. After that, I should be back and running. Tell me everything of note that happened in the time I was out of reach. When I'm back, I'll take your place at the table and I will be able to hear their conversation for myself. Continue to report to me through the piece if anything serious comes up. Put the waitress outfit on and start serving." I pushed past her and took a stabilising breath.

I hope 5 euros is enough for this.

I looked at the clock on the wall exactly ten minutes later as I carefully slid into the seat that had been Jaekyung's not long ago. I spotted her from across the room and curled my lips up the slightest bit, showing her that I was ready to hear what she had picked up. I watched her as she left the room and I heard the familiar crackle in my ear.

"The man is the Target's business partner. Brought to help negotiate with Romano. For the entire 10 minutes, they've been throwing crude jokes around about the women servers and their exposed breasts. Romano is doing well in playing the part. Their negotiations are close to finished. They plan to leave to a hotel close by. They have separate hotels and cars. Over."

I had to fight myself from grinning. I sat up straighter and let my shoulders roll back, helping my breasts stick out a little more. I moved my arse a little backwards, making it seem bigger than it was, and made sly eye contact with the target. He was staring directly at me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jaekyung enter the room and pretend to make herself busy.

I batted my eyelashes and pretended to shyly look away, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, exposing my breasts more.

Bite the bait.

I could feel a familiar gaze settle on me. One that I could pick out of a busy crowd. Romano. He didn't know about the abrupt change of plans but I hoped that somewhere in his pea-sized brain, he would have figured out that the man that sat beside the target complicated things more than he should.

I didn't look over to Romano, my gaze flitting from the table to the target before I finally tilted my head a little, indicating I wanted to leave with him and ever so slowly, slid out of my seat, shimmying my hips as I strutted out of the room.

It took two minutes and 38 seconds for the target to round the corner to where I was leaning against the wall, letting my dress outline my body.

When he came over to me and put his mouth beside my ear, I had to fight the urge to gag. He desperately needed a mint.

"Why don't we go somewhere a little more private? My hotel room, for example." He tried to whisper seductively in my ear and instead somehow made my ear sopping wet. Ew.

I giggled a little and I felt his body relax. He thought he was going to be rejected.

At least he knows I'm way out of his league,

"What hotel would that be, big boy?" I gripped his tie and pulled him closer to me and he hummed in approval. I forced an Italian accent and hoped that he didn't notice how terrible it was.

"The Ritz, kitten."

I pushed his body off of mine, smiling a seductive smile.

"I'll meet you out front in two minutes, I have to ... freshen up." I said, sashaying to the bathroom the same way I did when I left the dinner table.

Just as I was about to reach the bathroom I heard the familiar crackle of Jaekyung's voice in my ear. "M.M is making his way towards you. He looks angry. Target's friend has left the premises. Other waiters are trying to find the who they call, the girl with the shitty hair dye. Over."

I sighed to myself. My hair couldn't be that bad, could it? I couldn't dwell on it any longer as a very angry looking Romano came barrelling up towards me.

"What the hell are you trying to pull with your little seducing stunt? What the fuck happened to the poison? Why are you wearing Jae's dress? I can't believe-."

I put my finger up to his lips, silencing him and completely unfazed by his rant. Right now, I needed him to be less mafia and more assassin.

"Problems arose with that plan. We have a new one. You and Jaekyung must leave now. I want a car outside of The Ritz hotel at 11 pm sharp not one minute more, not one minute less. Details later. Don't give Jaekyung a nickname if she doesn't want one." I commanded before making my way to the disgusting date I had landed but not before I turned around and called out turning around to face him,

"Oh, and Romano? Jealousy isn't a good look on you."

I turned on my heel and walked to the grand entrance of the restaurant, wrapping my arms around the targets beer belly, whispering in his ear, "Are you sure you want a piece of me, big boy?"

He chuckled and pulled me into his ugly car. As soon as my arse hit the car seat, he leaned over, trying to make his first move on me but I pushed him back into his seat with a sly smirk.

"Patience, patience. The night is young."

He seemed discontented with my answer but turned away to look out of the window, not before resting his grimy hand on my upper thigh, where my leg was exposed due to the high slit in the dress.

I better be getting a bonus for this shit.

When we climbed out of the car, I let his hand rest on my lower back and travel south of it too. Walking through to his hotel room I whispered in his ear, "I'm going to the bathroom, I have a surprise for you."

He frivolously nodded his head up and down like a child would when they are asked if they want a lollipop and I made my way to the bathroom. I picked up a glass that they had in there and filled it up, putting the ricin in after. I reached into my bra and took out what I had gone out to buy with Jaekyung's money.


I let the dress drop to my feet and I shrugged on a robe that was hanging in the bathroom. I carefully took off the knives that were strapped on my body, hoping not to make any noise as they touched the counter. I opened the door, pills in one hand and water in the other.

"Take a pill, big boy, we have a long night ahead of us."

He looked at me suspiciously, "Oh, honey, I don't think I need the pills if you're here."

I feigned a chuckle at his response.

"That's what they all say." I pushed the water and pills into his hands, letting the bathrobe drop to my feet. I seductively sat down on top of the crappy hotel desk in only a very lacy pair of bra and panties.
