Payment and Debt



Asking for a little help wouldn't be too bad, would it?

"Of course," I affirmed, watching as his face lit up at the possibilities I could offer.

Maybe I could trust him after all.



Mano looked up at me, his eyes pleading and warm, almost coaxing me to give in to his demands. Almost.

Merely feeling the presence of the man standing beside me reminded me why I didn't want to work with him.

He jutted his bottom lip out a little and my gaze hardened.

Did he really think that was going to work?

"Mano, no."

He held my stare for a few more moments before sighing in defeat and leaning backwards.

I looked into the intense blue eyes that were hellbent on ogling my side profile.

"Malcolm, leave. I have a few things I need to discuss with Mano." His eyebrows shot up in amusement and his mouth opened to speak but I cut him off, "privately."

He looked over to Mano in search of affirmation, only to get a dismissive wave from him.

Malcolm looked at me one last time before turning and silently making his way out of the study to god knows where.

Mano sat with his hand propping his chin up, scrutinizing me as if he was trying to figure something out.

"I need to know why," he said, dragging his eyes to mine.

I felt my jaw clench at his words. I knew I couldn't tell him why I didn't want to work with Malcolm, that had to wait until I trusted him more.

Keeping him in the dark would be the best way to move forward.

Sighing, I looked away from him and spoke, "I can't tell you."

My eyes wandered around the room, really taking it in for the first time. It was dark and mysterious, rich with deep browns, maroons and reds, large bookcases lining almost all of the walls.

His large mahogany desk stood grandly in front of the gardens, his chair facing inwards.

My gaze travelled to where I sometimes sat when I had nothing else to do, a little surprised when I saw a familiar face sitting there, chatting to Dante as I did before.

A twinge of guilt shot through my stomach. I hadn't talked to the man since the beginning of the second mission.

What Jaekyung was talking to him about?

Mano cleared his throat, forcing me to remember where I was and what I was doing here.

Goddamn Malcolm.

"Just help me understand, carota," he splayed his hands on the desk, "last week you were so adamant on having him on our team and now you've done a full 180, why?"

When my eyes met his, I seriously debated telling him. His eyes looked confused and conflicted, it hurt knowing that I did that.

Instead of telling him, I deflected.

"I-Just can you please trust me on this?" I pleaded with him, hoping that he would give up but I should've known better.

A lopsided grin grew on his face as he looked me over from his side of the desk.

"I can let this slide," he said making me let out a sigh of relief.

I opened my mouth to thank him but was instantaneously cut off by him.

"For a price, of course."

A price? What did he want? I looked at him through hooded eyes, making sure he knew that I was hesitant about this.

"A price?" I repeated slowly.

He nodded, "si, a price."

I tried to dissect his facial expression knowing that he knew how much money was in my new bank account.

It could hardly be a lot compared to his.

"I only have the money you've given me," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. I wasn't about to give him any of my hard-earned cash.

Hearty laughter filled the room in response to what I said.

"Don't worry stella, it's not money I'm interested in."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What?

When I looked into his eyes again and I saw a mischievous glint there, my heart started picking up speed.

"I'm not going to sleep with you."

He snorted at my accusation, putting his hand on his chest and leaning back in mock surprise, raising his eyebrows as far as they would go.

I scowled. What did he expect me to think?

"Don't worry, carota," he said, a smile playing on his lips, "when I take you to bed you'll be begging me, I won't have to force anything."

I huffed in annoyance and sent him a harsh glare that would have any normal person running for the hills. Except Mano was not a normal person.

Instead of backing off and taking the hint, he chuckled and decided to ruffle my feathers further.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look cute when you're angry, carota?"

I kept my glare on him for a few moments before transforming my face into a sickly sweet smile.

"Do you mean before or after I killed them?" I asked, making sure my words were dripping in venomous honey.

He sighed contentedly, resting his head on the palm of his hand, "only you can make murder sound so appealing."

I rolled my eyes, unable to hold back my annoyance anymore.

"Only you have succeeded in making me annoyed and living to see the next day."

He placed his hand over his heart.

"I am deeply honoured."

I couldn't restrain my smile anymore, letting it engulf my face as a product of his theatrics. No matter how serious I wanted him to act, he would always manage to put a smile on my face.

A knock sounded through the room.

"Hey, are you guys done yet?"

Being reminded of Malcolm's presence outside of the study, I let out a giggle by the fact that there were no chairs there meaning he had to have been standing the entire time.

Serves him right, the two-timer.

"Five minutes, Malcolm," Mano called out, a smile tugging at his lips.

I cleared my throat and looked into his eyes.

"So, what's the payment?"

The twinkle in his eye returned.

"Well, I have nothing I want from you at the moment," he took a pause and circled his index finger on the desk, "though that could change as things develop."

I mulled his words over carefully.

"So I would owe you a favour?"

He nodded.

"And you can use it at any time?"

He nodded again.

"How do I know you won't just ask me why I don't want to work with Malcolm?"

He started to nod but paused, the tips of his ears growing the lightest shade of pink.


I gazed into his eyes, scrutinizing his face to see if there were any cracks, any hint of a joke.

Satisfied with the results, I replied.

"Okay, trust."
