Chapter 27: Change and Justice

* The interview with Uncle Lino had given me chills, I was back on the train to the capital again, playing mechanically with a coin in my hands, thinking of what I could do once return. The testimonies of the soldiers did not have anything "logical" if one assumes that they waged a fierce war against the rebels of the North for nearly 8 years. In combat these guys would be worthy of the Spetnaz but once the conflict was over he would have treated them with all the respect of a human. What are they looking for .... What do they want to accomplish with this? *.

-Zell ... Zell? Damn he's still lost in his thoughts, Zell.

* Do they want to negotiate? It would seem logical to me, but what? Or worse it would be an enemy nation giving them a hand. Train islanders to occupy a neighboring nation just to look away to have free rein *.

-Zell standing.

-No wait, Fried don't do that ...

* He trhow a bucket of water filled with ice water in my face which made me jump. I turned sharply to my friends and Fried with his usual straightforward gaze was staring at me *.

- Are you awake?

-Daaaamn it's cold.

-You really are an idiot sometimes. * Said Swan annoyed *.

-You are too lost in your thoughts these days. * Fried told me *. I want you to be worried and all but not think that it does not affect us. On the other hand, you no longer eat and no longer sleep.

* He approached me and put his hand in front of my eyes. We could see dark circles, a little invisible but there *.

-And you don't eat either. It's you who tells us to feed each time, it would be time for you to follow your own advice.

-Friedich is right. * Said Lancell *. It is time for you to release the pressure and learn to rely on us.

*I smiled when I saw how much they really worried about me. Lancell is right, what's the point of surrounding me with the right people if I don't let them do their part of the job. These are really great guys that I have here*.

-On the other hand, you are going to change, you're as if you would say too indescent. * Fried laughed *.

- Whose fault it is Asshole? * I was shouting *.

* In addition I liked this jacket tch. I got up and walked to my cabin. Politico-military affairs will wait, I'll stop thinking about it for a while or I'll end up old. Once in my cabin, I quickly dried myself off with a towel. I was sharing this one with Lancell so I borrowed some stuff from him. There I undressed and changed little by little. As I pulled on my pants I noticed this body that I had acquired in 18 years of life. In my previous life I had a loose body but I never needed to use it to defend myself because my parents were always interfering. I was largely able to deal with some of my conflicts with words. Using my fists was a luxury. But there it was a bit different, the burns of my childhood were only a distant memory but they still left me with a beautiful scar *.

-I don't intend to become a Bodybuilder or a model either.

* I put on my wool sweater and wore my black raincoat over it. I observed my face a little more, my falling hair hiding my scar made by the shell that I took *.

-It will eventually disappear. * I tell myself *. Having said that, I have a nasty tendency to put myself in danger when it comes to Lancell ... Why am I overprotecting him like that?

* In first place Lancell was supposed to be my puppet in a future power struggle but by fraternizing I ended up sticking to him like the plague, it would become almost unhealthy. And conversely he too is stuck to me H-24. I let out a jaded sigh and put on round sunglasses to hide my still messy eyes *.

-I guess I like him the way he is.

* I left my cabin hand in pocket and a woman walked past me, pushing me aside. At first I let it go but I ticked quickly and approached her from behind and whispered in her ear *.

-You will give me back what you took from me.

* She stopped and smiled *.

-Ah lala if we can't even joke with you.

* She turned and stared straight at me. I recognized the young blonde woman with the allure of a tigress that I used to hang out with *.


-Surprise surprise.

* She handed me my pistol and I put it back in my inside pocket *.

-It's a habit for you to steal my gun.

-If it had been your wallet you wouldn't have noticed. You care too much about this weapon my dear Alfar.

* There I noticed that she was dressed in civilian clothes. Almost the same outfit as me. Gray wool sweater with a brown raincoat and black pants on boots. Her hair had grown out, too, compared to the last time. We looked a little too alike there, especially since we're both blond *.

-What surprises you that I'm much more feminine without my uniform, is that it? * She told me, winking at me *.

* She approached me and pressed me against the wall, leaning towards me while resting her knees towards my crotch *.

-Hey do you mean we're doing something fun? * You whispered in my ear *.

-Stop that. * I say in a dry voice *.

-Raaah you're not funny. * She pouted while withdrawing *. But that's also what attracts me to you.

* Joining the others they were surprised to see me in two copies. We had the same gait and almost the same clothes *.

-Wow wow what's going on here? * Swan asked a little shocked *.

-Zell since when do you have a twin sister? * Said Lancell mockingly *.

-She is already much better and more sexy than him in this uniform. Can you introduce us?

* She turned to me, smiling *.

-He really doesn't recognize me.

-Why should we? * Lancell asked *.

-Ophelia Müller. * Said Friedich *. It's been a long time.

-I see that there is one who has the sense of observation.

* Hearing this name the smiling gaze of Swan disappeared *.

-Oh it's you. I thought that the plebian did not have enough to pay for a train trip.

-You want to know how I did it?

* She sat down where I was and put her legs crossed on the table. The sight of her boots turned Swan up enough, but he didn't say anything *.

-You give me a little room Lancy? *She says*.

* Lancell let it go without flinching and I sighed before sitting down with Friedich away *.

-What are you doing here ? * Continued Swan *.

- I haven't been in active service for a long time. I was hoping to join a mafia in order to rebuild my life in the capital, but since I have you on hand, you might as well walk the road with you haha.

-The Mafia ? * Swan wondered *.

-But whatever. Nice to travel with you.

* The train ends up returning to Aether. Muller's arrival had put a chill on the group but she remained radiant. We all got off the train, suitcase in hand except her. Once at the station, we mingled with the crowd of people to go out. There I saw her, she robbed everyone who brushed against her, wallet, watch, belt and hat. It made him crazy stuff once he got out of the guard *.

-Zell expel this peasant right away or I'm the one who does it. * Swan whispered to me angry *.

- Very soft, I will try to reason with her.

* I approached Müller who was stuffing everything into his inside pockets *.

- I didn't know you like that. You rob everyone without distinction.

-No I strip only the nobles. Commoners have nothing to offer it must be said.

-Eh ... Here is a well-written word coming from you.


-Don't be ignoring. Tell me how much tax has your father had to pay the tax service since he was born?

* I froze in front of what she had just told me *.

- I suspected it.

-I have already...

-You have already planned the move eh? It's always the same with you. But while you put your plan in place honest people are getting robbed every day.

-And you think that gives you legitimacy?

-It's nothing compared to what they do to us anyway. The commoners pay the taxes which fatten the nobles. Because of that this country is running on its head.

* She walked a bit and spread her arms. Her raincoat came down slightly to her elbows *.

-Until you manage to restore order in this country. It is only fair retribution.

* Swan sprang up behind me and grabbed her by the arm *.

- You are going to give back what you took from them to these people, you filthy thieves.

-And who's going to force me? * She said her smiling *. You?

- That's enough you two. I'm going to close my eyes this time Ophelia so stop for now.

-But Zell ...

-And you Swan these watches and jewels are not a big loss so we will let it flow ok?

-Tch as you like.

* I sighed and we left the station quietly. We decided to go for a coffee at the usual place but what was our surprise when we noticed that the place had *.

-Burn ???

-Who did that ? * I asked amazed *.

-Ah there you are ...

* We turned around and faced Decken sitting on a crate that seemed to be waiting for us for hours *.

- I was wondering when you were going to come home.

* It must have been 5 good days since we last saw him and he was pulling his head from the bad days. He got up and walked over to us while having fun throwing stones in the air *.

-Troy what happened here? * Friedich asked calmly *.

-The view speaks for himself.

* He walked to the ashes of the restaurant and threw the stones in his hand before stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweet *.

-Shina's father was attacked by activists. They also set fire to their restaurant as you can see. The fire killed the old man who lived upstairs. He died charred like meat even though he had asked nothing of anyone.

-Decken. *I said*. Did you at least receive my telegram?

-Yeah yeah follow me.

* The atmosphere was getting electric and it was weird. Everyone was calm but even without having to read the wavelength I could feel everyone's anger and frustration. The racist movements that are rampant in this country have done a lot of harm to a lot of good people and our corrupt administration has never tried anything to stop it. Damn I'm starting to get fed up with all these internal issues *.

-But a new wind is blowing on Elysion. * I said as my gaze turned to the sky *.

* The others stared at me without really understanding but Troy seemed to have understood *.

-This wind will have to blow very hard. * He said *.

-It won't be a squall. * Resumed I *. It will be a fucking Cyclone that will sweep away all the prejudices and assumption in this country. The Elysians will form only one people.

* The intensity with which I said it made my friends shudder. I could feel it they were in a hurry to do battle *.

-And so what happened to those who burnt the coffee? * I asked *.

-I found them one by one and I skinned them. The instigator on the other hand is the son of a nobleman and I wanted to avoid making a crooked move so I waited for you to discuss it.

* At that moment I saw Lancell give him a slightly disgusted look *.

-What bothers you that I killed those motherfuckers off the battlefield? * Asked Troy *.

-Yes a bit. Even though I understand the reasons that pushed you to do it.

* I walked over and put my arm around his neck, smiling *.

-Lancell the Elysian police are as competent as a dentist who has to fix an airplane.

-Yes but there is ....

- Nobles behind this case. * Added Decken *.

-Try to understand there are times when we will have to become the righteous ourselves.

* He wanted to answer but my gaze intimidated him too much for him to reply too I continued *.

-I would not force you to participate, you are free not to take part in that. After all you are still ....

-I am with you. * He said *. Zell I'm with you. Even if sometimes I find it hard to understand what exactly you are thinking, I will continue to follow you.

* I laughed out loud and clapped a little *.

-Remember this lesson Lancell. Assholes don't deserve your pity. Is it clear ?

-Very clear.

-And one last thing. * Swan added *. Nobody knows what's going on in Zell's head so stop thinking about it, it's bad for the heart.

* The others laughed as Friedich gave me a cold look. I just answered him with a smile. After that Decken took us to a little busy street full of bars where he took us down to the basement of a building through the back. Going down the steps we couldn't see anything, it was dark until we turned on the light *.

-Welcome to the safe house. * Said Troy *.

-Woaw the class. * Said Ophelia *. Are you the one who made the rotten decoration?

-Haha very funny. It belonged to the guys I killed, now that the owners are ... we can use it.

-We asked you for a safe hideout. * Said Swan *. And you bring us a hole.

-It's perfect on the contrary. *I said*. Come on, let's get to work and make it happen.

* We began to repair the place from floor to ceiling. From morning until after, we mopped the mop all over the place, we removed the cobwebs and crap all over the place. The bloodstains and splashes were also cleaned up and the casings his bullets. Troy had done a bit too wild a job for my taste. But once finished we installed a real little cell worthy of the secret services. At the same time 2 guests were returning. It was Major Hook and Lieutenant Barclay *.

-Well, your hideout is much classier than ours. I will like working here. *She says*.

-As long as you do what you are told. * Friedich told her who was blocking her path *.

-It's because he takes me down on him. * She said raising her head *. I know how to bring down coloss you know.

-Whatever we have your order. * Said Hook *.

* He put bags on the table, they were all full of guns *.

-Do not worry. If all goes well we won't have to use it.

* I then took out a table with photos and pins all connected to each other with a single name in common at the top. SEB *.

-Before starting please know that everything that will be said here must remain in the greatest secrecy. I have selected you all because I personally trust you so I am counting on your discretion.

-Of course.

* I sat down on the table and faced them. Some were seated in the chairs, others just stand*

-Since I was little I have been constantly looking for a way to improve the military structure of this country. But there was one aspect that I have constantly neglected until today because it is far too underestimated but is not far the most important of all.

-The society. * says Friedich *.

-Exactly. A great military revolution cannot take place without an awakening of consciousness and a high level of social culture. To put it simply, the mentalities of the Elysians must change. We are all in the same boat oppressed by Inglesia serving as a shield nation against potential invasion. Ladies and gentlemen, I declare open to the first crisis cell of Elysian Intelligence Agency or in the near future E I A.

* The Elysian special forces have just been born in this basement *

* End of chapter *