Chapter 37: Iron Way

* December 17, 1018 is 6 days before the attack of the Task force against the rebels, in the county of Galatea fort W&G or WG. This county was located northwest of Elysion and was one of the few that had a sufficient mountain range to allow this type of training and the forest also allowed to learn new tactics in this remote place. Fort WG was built at the express request of General Lineberg on the advice of Zell to accommodate all members of the unit. This is where they will be stationed now, this is where they will sleep, live, train and be buried if they die. Speaking of training *.

-Run faster bunch of little Jerk. You think it's a game, in real life your enemies would have already caught up with you. This is how you plan to defend our homeland from the invader.

* Lineberg made misery to the tookies and personally ensured their training not hesitating to make fail the weakest and to break the mental of the strong. I do not really understand the principle of this training but I am happy to have already passed it. There he took them around the camp *.

-No sir. * Yelled a recruit *.

-It's not Sir. * He said, grabbing him by the head *. This is DRILL SERGEANT.

-But ... You are Staff Warrant officier. * He said quietly *.

-I am also your mother, your father and your niece. Take me 10 more laps.


-What do I hear there?


* Then he started to accelerate and run faster *.

-I like this better.

* Lineberg is very calm and often withdrawn but when he puts on his chef's outfit he becomes a real monster, I still remember my training he was freaking out. From where I was sitting I could see the whole training ground. I had a notebook in my hand, a kind of diary where I wrote down what happened to me. I hope someone will read it if something happens to me. That said, next to me there was a small group of soldiers from my unit *.

-Watch him dragging himself through the mud. * They laughed *.

-He bends over backwards in training and does everything that is asked of him without flinching.

-I heard he lied about his age when he got enlisted he is only be 17.

* Huh 17? He's like me then *.

-But look how he distances his peloton by at least 20 meters. He would climb the Himalayas if Cailum asked him.

-This looser decided to stay after getting kicked in the ass by the rebels what an idiot.

-It's not idiocy, that's exactly what we expect from our soldiers. * I said as I sat on the hood of the jeep *. Go back to the front.

* They understood that they were next to an officer and they rose with a bang from their hole and stood at attention *.





-Rest Sergeant.

* They made themselves at ease but still remained shrugged when they saw me *.

-What do you blame Private Quincy for? He and I are the same age and that doesn't make him a worse soldier than me or you. Cody Tamer also lied about his age and he's 16.

-We're sorry lieutenant, we didn't want to make fun of him...

-It's just that he's tenacious and that he clings like mad to Lieutenant Cailum, it's creepy.

-In addition, there is something wrong with this guy. At the beginning he was rather average but one evening I saw him join the lieutenant in his room.

* I blushed with embarrassment at hearing that *.

-Then when he left his gaze changed. Since then he has had incredible performances.

* I took a deep breath and looked at Quincy, he was barely six feet tall but he was already outperforming most of the veterans here. He scaled obstacles and crawled with such ease, was bewildered. His marksmanship stats had also improved to meet the Task Force standards. Frankly there was nothing to be alarmed about *.

-You get excited for nothing. Giving up is not in Beowulf's nature I believe Lieutenant Cailum was just lecturing him on it. And concerning Quincy ....

* I activated this strange gift again with my eyes and I could see these electric flows which ran through his mind. I could see Quincy cheering on his friends and helping them get through the obstacles *.

-I think we are in front of a natural born soldier.

-Sir the delivering arrived at the station. * Told me a soldier who had just arrived *.

-It's not too early * I say closing my book *.

* At the same time a group of soldiers could be seen coming out of the forest, they were all in sweaty white from head to toe, but their aura was clearly different from the other soldiers in the camp *.

-Look ... It's the Ghost band. The Lobisomem unit.

-The wolf men. * Repeated the sergeant *. Is their training that hard?

-These guys are freaking out, don't go near them.

* The alleged team leader watched his men as he lowered his mask slightly *.

-Well. Memorize this course we will do it and repeat 100 times if necessary until it becomes automatic.

-Yes Master Sergeant.

-Our team is not allowed to make mistakes. If we crash, the whole task force will be in danger, is that clear?

-Sir Yes Sir. * They shouted *.


* The soldiers separated and went to the locker room to change as I approached the team leader *.

-Yo Decken.

- Don't say my name when I'm in this uniform. What do you think masks are for?

-Oops sorry the habit.

-What do you want to me princess?

-I just had an order in town, are you coming with me for a ride?

-The time to change and I arrive.

* He took a quick tour of the locker room and changed. I had noted that the Lobisomems had a black beret unlike us and they had tattooed on their arm half of a wolf man who was crying at the moon. Shortly after when we arrived at the station, the tarpaulin was removed from our cargo, his mouth was practically speechless and then he stared at me *.

-Is that what you intend to fight with?

-According to the tests I am the best in this area. Better than you, better than Zell. My unit should be able to do that, what do you say?

-I say that it's not the kind of thing that we would use in the mountains in normal times but if it is correctly handled ...

-I know where you're coming from. But I would succeed, don't worry.

-I want to believe you, but my guys will have to take some training on it ok? If it ever fails you can count on them.

-Deal then. Aaah I feel like I'm going to love this campaign. One last thing Troy.

-What do you want princess?

- I would like you to cut my hairs, they still pushed back. * I say touching thep *.

* He gave me a sly smile and pulled a razor blade out of his coat pocket. I started to look at him all shaking *.

- Don't worry, it will only take a minute.

* 20 December 1018, 3 days before the beginning of hostilities, we met in a bar with Der Linde, Zell and a guy with the Tarkovian accent *.

-You want us to let your airships pass through the wolf's jaw, but what will we gain in exchange?

-If our airships ever work * Zell Began *, and they will, I will give you the full plans so you can build your own. See it as a partnership.

-In that case why not fly them to Elysion? * He asked curious *.

-They are already flying in Elysion and are heading towards your borders. * I told him *. Only we also want to test them in the harsh climate of Tarkovia, if ever our balloons manage to resist your inclement weather, which is moreover in this particularly harsh winter ...

-We will have proof that our device works. * finished Der Linde *. You will be able to transport goods, people or even weapons anywhere in your country.

-And that without worrying about the weather. * end Zell *. So, what do you think ?

* The Tarkovian looked at us Skeptically as I stared at my watch, signaling that the clock was ticking. He smiled and then gave us a handshake. On the way back in the jeep we almost laughed * ....

-Remind me who had the shit idea to negotiate with Tarkovia already? * Zell asked *.

-Sorry for coming up with a more ingenious plan than yours. * Yelled Der Linde *.

-We have nothing to lose. In 2 years Venus will have made more efficient aircraft and two years later there will be others. *I Explained *. So just enjoy. But this Kazimir ... He doesn't inspire confidence in me.

-He will fulfill his part of the contract. * Said Zell who put his sunglasses back on *. It remains to be seen which part of the contract he will not respect.

-It's all well and good, but who will take care of the DCA? * I asked *. If airships get shot down in the north you're screwed.

-We'll ask Troy to deal with it. That's why he trains harder than anyone. * say Zell *. By the way beautiful hairstyle Lancell, Decken did a great job.

-It's the same gradient as yours. * I replied *. Nothing to get excited about.

*December 21 around 8 o'clock in the evening, or 2 days before the confrontation. I was sitting in the shed near my jeep scribbled in my notebook when I saw a group of recruits enter. They looked from left to right, rummaging in the nooks and crannies as they had been taught to make sure they were alone, alas they did not see me hiding under the truck *.

-Is it okay we're alone? Let's go ...

-Yeah I ask that. * I say appearing to them *.

* Seeing them jump with fright like that made me laugh, I admit, but I remained calm *.

-He ... But who are you?

- Lieutenant Van Elysée.

-Van ... You changed my word. Your hair ?

-Yes I know it feels weird the first time. On the other hand, drinking on the base is forbidden unless you want to finish in the hole.

- Sorry sorry sorry ... We just wanted to have a little cooked before departure, we are sorry sir.

* They call me sir while some are probably older than me. I'm only 17 guys, but seeing these 5 exhausted recruits having been roughed up all over the place I decided to help them *.

-You are from my section aren't you ? Hammerhead.


- I suspected it. Go get in the jeep.

- Go up but ...

-It is forbidden to drink on the base is not it? * I say putting on my beret *. So we go outside.

* We went to a bar outside of WG, there the young people partied with the ladies, drank and had fun. I got to know some of them. Corporal Quentin Benz, black and native of the North, he says he returns there hoping to save his family. Jarod Drüker, like him but especially hopes for the fight, 1st class Greg Stavro, son of a miner he has decided to get involved to provide fund for his family. Corporal Aurelie Xander, apparently she wants a career in the army. She has chocolate brown hair and is quite muscular, looks like Muller. But her freckles on her face make her look cute. Alec Noin Sergeant, Bruneyte, is the oldest of the gang, he has a brother among the remaining prisoners he hopes to rescue him. All these guys are my responsibility and I'm starting to tell myself that some will not survive this fight. The best I can do is give them one last ride before the balls whistle. We left the bar at the same time as another group of soldiers came out of the neighboring bar. Strangely, we faced each other, but they were in civilian clothes *.

-You ... Sheperd guys. * Shouted Jarod *.

-Hammerhead. * Shouted another *.



* We laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. It looked like him to break the rules to his advantage, we decided to go home together. Quincy was glued to him like the plague, Zell ordered him to bring the others back to let us go. That's good because Stavro couldn't stand alcohol. We found ourselves alone walking the way home as the winter breeze hammered on us.*

-What's up Lancell? * He asked *. We've been walking for 10 minutes, you should decide to talk.

-I am scared. * I simply confessed *. Not for me but for all these guys who will be under my command. Are you not afraid for them?

-Lancell it's not your first time to command what's happening to you?

-Nothing .... By dint of being around them I come to tell myself that I still have responsibilities towards these men, some will die under my orders while others will live. Such decision-making power is scary as hell.

* As I shared my concerns with him I saw my cousin burst out laughing, but like really he was laughing to the point of having a tear in his eye. Then he calmed down to catch his breath *.

-Haa .. Haaa. Excuse ... I'm sorry that's right. I am happy.

-Happy ?

* He suddenly hugged me again his chest *.

-I'm happy, I thought that by walking with me you ended up becoming insensitive but on the contrary. Haaa Lancell the army is really not for you.

-Zell ... Let go of, people ... Look at us. * Say I embarrass *.

-Just a little longer, please.

* He held me tight and I have to say it warmed my heart. I felt good in his arms and I felt he was worried about me. He finally let go and put his hands on my cheeks, looking at me tenderly *.

-Don't change bro.

-It's good to let me go. * I say embarrassed looking away *. Understood.

* We started walking again and the eyes on us faded *.

-There is a saying that goes "Treat your men as you would treat your sons and they will follow you to their death". These guys are also your family, mine we are all brothers and like you said, you are responsible for each of them. You are not God to prevent the enemy from killing your guys, that's why we are training to put the odds on our side. But even the most seasoned Navy Seals are not immune to a stray bullet, mortirer shell, or even friendly fire.

-What's a Navy Seal?

-Uuuh ... Forget it. What I mean is that we officers must be prepared to lose men and make the best tactical choices in order to lose as little as possible. This is my military doctrine and it is the doctrine of the entire Beowulf task force. And you Lancell, you embody this doctrine.

* For a moment I felt a tremendous amount of self-confidence. So that's Zell's famous sermon, no wonder Quincy got back motivated *.

-We entrusted you with Hammerhead for your leadership. Make us proud. Be-a-Wolf.

* December 23, D-day, 1 hour after the appearance of the airships in the sky and the establishment of the fire support base, the rebels' radios signaled several echo. Abnormal noises, mechanical noises, bursts of machine guns in the trees, vehicles that did not fear claymore mines or bullets. They stationed themselves in the bushes about 1km from a former Elysian forward combat post which appeared to have been converted into a prison. The unit leader looked at his watch and then when the time came, ordered the assault. It was with amazement that the rebels saw 4 tanks landing on their left flanks. Light armored vehicles cut out for combat against infantry. Behind each tank a column of 20 guys who used it as a cover. The rebels used their heavy machine guns but most of the shots barely scratched the armor of the tanks which responded with cannon and machine guns. The enemy defensive position did not last long under the shells and gusts. At the same time, right flank 4 halftruck position, semi-tracked trucks equipped with heavy machine guns charged the camp. They were less imposing than the tanks but faster and armored. I was in this group with my men and we were being shot but the closer we got to the lines, the less enemy there seemed to be *.

-Keep your head down. * I screamed *. And stay behind your Halftrucks. If you were to have even an inch you would get turned on.

-Yes lieutenant.

* I waited for the enemy Sentry Guns to stop due to overheating and then gave the order to charge. We left our covers and opened fire on the enemy who obviously did not expect our coming, under cover of our tanks and machine guns we easily took the enemy trenches and then we entered the buildings. I entered the command building with my guys and we did a complete cleaning. Their training had paid off, they were disciplined and well ordered. I shot down 2 enemies while going up the stairs then I let Quentin go up before reaching the door where the transmissions were *.

-Ready ?

- Ready sir.

* I opened the door slightly and threw a grenade. Once it had exploded we entered by breaking down the door. I saw the scene in slow motion and calmly and precisely aimed shooting down every enemy in the room. In less than 10 seconds the room was secure. From where I was I could see the armored vehicles entering the complex. Suddenly a bullet hit one of my men in the head. He was on a Halftruck's machine gun when it collapsed *.

-Fuck. Noin is hit, Noin is hit. * Shouted Stavro dragging him to the back of the truck *. Jarod takes the machine gun.



* When I saw Jarod come up I activated my gift to track down the shooter. I scanned the area and spotted the Sniper who had been hiding on the roof just next to my control post. He was about 200 meters away. I smashed the glass next to it and pointed my rifle in his direction, then pressed several times to shoot him. I saw him take cover and then I ordered one of the tankers through the radio to fire on his position. The shell exploded the roof and I saw the gunner's wavelength disappear. I then turned to the back of the Halftruck *.

-Stavro how is Noin? * I asked on the radio *.

-He's fine, lieutenant. The bullet just grazed his temple.

-He should be up and running in a while. This guy is a real warrior. * Said Xander who was bandaging his head *.

* I let out a sigh of relief as I watched the others bring Elysian soldiers out of the jails. So I got in touch with the rest of the companies *.

-Shepered Leader, GodHand, This is Hammerhead Leader. * I say calmly on the radio *. We have just freed our prisoners, we are still counting but at first glance I would say that they are at least 3000.

-Good job Hammerhead. Losses to be deplored?

- Sergeant Noin has a head injury but other than that nothing serious. Establishment of a extraction route for our men. Secure Iron Way.

* I will do my best to bring my guys and these prisoners back to their families. My name is Lancell Van Elysée, 17 years Lieutenant of Task Force Beowulf and this is my battle report *.

-Beowulf Clear The Path

*To be continued*.

Author note: Hi everyone i'm Darwin-15 you know your favorite author. Ares Game "The gods General" is by far my most popular story along with Warrior of Adrun. Thanks to you all i have reached 50k read and i guess this is very high. Even if you are that much the lack of review and comment make me ask myself about you my readers. What did you think about my story ? Did you Like It ? Did you Hate it ? who is your favorite character ? Your favorite Scene, Your favorite quote ? What do you think that would happen ? I'm Curious i wanna know your reaction and your feeling. As i love to say Review is the Fuel of the Author. It help getting away of lazyness so...

Anyway i hope you'll keep reading and Enjoying Ares Game. Thanksfully Darwin