Chapitre 56: Bird Eye

After my stay with Spearhead I asked to take a month off, I had to decompress after the pressure I had been under from all these missions. And above all I tried to integrate the fact that she was no longer there. It was not the first time that I lost someone but this time it was really different. To which Colonel Wallcroft replied with a smile.

-See you in a month then. Major.

I spent my leave in my hometown of Bushmeister. The return to civilian life was... Hard. No raids, no attacks, no shells raining down, I felt like I was living between two worlds. That the houses in front of me could be razed in the blink of an eye, that this kindergarten could become a carpet of blood in an instant. This thought terrified me. I had moments of absence and sometimes I just stopped walking in the middle of the road.. The civilians don't know it but if they can sleep peacefully it's because a handful of brave men risked their lives so that they could enjoy this peace. Soldiers like the ones from Spearhead. Being a bureaucrat almost made me forget that. During my leave I received a letter from my parents. Roughly speaking they asked when I would get married and when they would see their grandchild.

-Tch have children. With the life I lead it's not likely to happen.

I approaching thirtieth and I was still alone, normal that they were worried. I reassured them with a whole answer. That said, time heals wounds and I had already moved on. After a only one week and Half I received a phone call on one of my many phone booths.


-Lieutenant-colonel Starling ?

-So did you clean up your garden?

He was basically asking me if I had come to my senses.

-Just a few dead leaves that I swept, nothing to worry about. The garden is clean.

-good because your next destination won't be luxury. Are you feeling up to it?

I took a deep breath and stared out the window of the cabin at the street.

-Just say where and when.

My next destination was very standard and ordinary. Februray 29, 1021, 3 days since I had just arrived at my new assignment. The guys and I were coming back from a raid, I was sitting in the front of our Jeep with my legs on the hood while the other soldiers in the back were chatting among themselves. Our small convoy of 3 vehicles was heading to our camp.

-And then he told Smith to go fuck himself.

-Noooh you're Kidding, he lost his temper. The guy behind me laughed.

-So what do you think, Major?

-What do I think about what?

-Well, because of that, the kid was dismissed.

-I don't think anything about it Murphy. I answered simply. That kid disobeyed a direct order. If I were Smith I would have thrown him out of the cage.

-Oooh you're hard Major. The driver told me. I'm sure you were the annoying guy back in school.

-Quite the opposite, O'Malley. I was the stupid, reckless, carefree guy. I almost cried when my father sent me to military school.

-He wanted to make a man out of you. Murphy said.

-A responsible and disciplined man.

-Well, that's a failure. He mocked. You are in Beowulf turf now.

My new assignment could be summed up in 3 things: Sand, sand and more sand. Yes, since my last encounter with Beowulf, the bulk of the unit had been relocated to the Sahadat desert. I had been there for 3 days and I had already found my marks. I think it was because I had already been with 2 other similar units. But here at Cage 3 it was different again. Different in the sense that...

-Terminus, everyone get off. O'Malley said.

I felt at home.

-Good thing. You drive like shit. Murphy said as he got out.

-Shut up Murph. I told him.

We got out of the vehicles and unloaded our gear.

-Guys, welcome back to Camp Jamina. The sentry at the entrance told us.

Camp Jamina, named after the first girl who got deflowered here. A real small town in the middle of the desert. The place was teeming with activity, most of the guys assigned to a combat post including myself were in T-shirts. The mechanics and engineers were in tank tops, the artillerymen and sappers were shirtless. They were the ones who dug our trenches, laid our mines and made sure the camp defenses held. My guys and I were walking through the camp heading towards our tents. Once there we found the rest of our guys lying in their beds or playing cards.

-Hello Major. They said to me nonchalantly.

I had allowed a certain level of flexibility in my Group so we bypassed certain formalities.

-Harry. Where is Harry? I asked.

-The well, sir, bringing us the little drinking water from the camp.

-Ok. Jean Edouard, tell Nadja to go and inspect our Jeeps as soon as possible.

-Wilco boss.

-Dominique, you give me an inventory of the weapons and ammunition. And the food we have in stock.

-Yes boss. She replied.

-I'll go see Wallfcroft if he has any news.

But first I had to see Harry. Harry Paulson was an Inglesian like me, hence my interest in him. How he joined Beowulf is self-explanatory, but he was a motivated youngster and he wanted more. I found him crouched by the well, his tank top covered in stains and his badge around his neck. He looked thoughtful so I decided to shake him a little.


He stood up with a salute. A small guy with a seemingly puny body, a child's face and a pair of glasses.

-M... Major. I was drawing...

-Well water, I know. Harry tell, can you explain to me why my jeep stalled in the middle of the desert?

-Your Jeep... It might be the sand, sir.

-Sand? I yelled. It was strange I found a chicken bone that slipped into my hood. Harry did you eat chicken last night?

-Ma... Major...

-Answer me Goddamit. I shouted again.

-I might have... Eat a little... During my shift...

-Tell me Harry, are you still planning to become an operator?

-Yes Major. That's why I joined Beowulf.

-Then you're going to have to stop making stupid mistakes and focus on your job. Tell yourself that every mistake you make is one more guy you're putting in danger.

-Yes Major you are right.

Actually there was nothing in the Jeep but from time to time I go and annoy him a little. It takes me out of my boredom and it keeps him awake.

-Good. Now get the hell out of here.

-But... Major water...

I gave him a cold look and he ran away. In Beowulf, you are an operator, the age limit to be an operator is 24, beyond that you need a special recommendation like with me. Between 18 and 24 you have the right to take the tests at least once. Harry is 20 and he hasn't taken the tests yet. He is afraid of failing and having to wait another 4 years. I think he should take his time, the life of a fighter is not as sweet as he thinks.

-Seriously chicken. I said laughing. He really bought that.

After my little detour I went to the command tent to find the other officers. There I found the genius in charge of the battalion. Lancell Wallcroft. Lieutenant Colonel Wallcroft inherited the battalion after Alfar Cailum suddenly resigned for obscure reasons. I think it is mainly relate to his fiancée physical health.

-Major Creed. How are you today? He asked me.

-Good, Colonel. I haven't lost my touch.

Lancell had a rather peculiar appearance, I myself msitake him for a woman the first time we met. There he wore kaki pants and just a tank top revealing his thin silhouette, his long hair was tied up and he wore mechanic's gloves. But apart from his deceptive appearance he turns out to be a more than capable officer. He was also relaxed by nature and placed great trust in his non-commissioned officers.

-What's the news? I asked as I sat down.

-Well if everything goes as planned we will have wrapped up our business before next month end.

-Before next month end? That's a pretty optimistic forecast.

Our detachment was in the Turam desert. Exactly 4 years ago, rookies stormed an unfinished fortress and captured the Sheikh of Turam. After forcing him to sign agreements and returning him to his nation, tensions began to rise in the region. The people accused the Sheikh of being a sellout, rebelled against him and a civil war broke out. On one side, the insurgent rebels led by the Sheikh's brother, former army chief "Kalim Hamza". And on the other, the Sheikh "Aziz Hamza" and his loyalists. In order to protect our interests with the Sheikh, the ingelsian military HQ dispatched a division of Ducales Marines as well as almost all of Task Force beowulf asset to the sector. Our mission was to help the government in place to maintain itself and if possible to capture the rebel leader or execute him.

-You should learn to trust him. A man sitting in the corner told me.

He is dark-skinned like me, with a slender build, rather thin for a soldier, but make no mistake Sergeant Drüker is Wallcroft's number one killer.

-I'm just saying that you've been here for a month and the insurrection doesn't seem to want to end, that's all.

"That's because our top brass is doing it wrong," Wallcroft said. "The orders are to protect our interests in the region. The rules of engagement don't call for any direct confrontation, and that's the problem."

-At this rate we're going to be embroiled in a long-term war. Drüker said.

-And that is unacceptable. Lancell continued. It is time for us to fight back.

-With only one division of Dukam? You don't think so. I said to him.

-HQ left me in command of a Dukam battalion.

It is still 5 times less man I shouted in my heart.

-It's time to put them to good use.

Lancell had a special talent, one that every good general must possess if he wants to successfully lead his battles, and this talent was the overview. The great picture Or Bird Eye as we say in our country. Like a bird flying over the battlefield Lancell was able to predict, no he was downright able to see what was happening there thanks to his large network of spies, scouts and informants spread across the entire deployment zone.

-Our enemies have the support of the people which complicates things. The BTO scouts have still managed to determine the position of several enemy camps scattered in various Villages.

-We strike and destroy them. Jarod said.

-Yessss but no. I have a better idea.

Lancell sent his units into the target villages, but instead of searching he proceeded to... An evacuation? Having established a relationship of trust with the locals Beowulf managed to evacuate these villages without major escalation of violence but in some places the marines were forced to use force. After the evacuation the sapper teams burned the villages leaving only ashes.

-What is the point of such a maneuver? I asked Lancell, leaning back on his chair.

-Oh you'll see.

After the destruction of the villages, rebel contingents went there to see the extent of the damage. They were bombarded by artiller, the barrage was intense to the point of making anyone deaf, the debacle that followed forced them to retreat. Having nowhere to hide their weapons, they returned to the mountains.

-Ok but what do we do with these villagers?

-They are under surveillance in refugee camps. Drüker explained, cleaning his knife.

In the days that followed several checks took place in the neighboring towns. The Dukam with the help of local forces apprehended a good number of rebel sympathizers and demented many weapons caches, Beowulf meanwhile under the direction of cage 1 stormed a camp in the mountains. Supported by a detachment of Dukam and the artillery they easily cleaned these places and once again pushed the rebels to flee. This raid had proven that the mountains were no longer safe since the Black Fang had led two other successful ones. Faced with this series of victories the rebels launched an assault against the Ruins of the temple of the Sun God Raoh. About 2000 men including hundreds of horsemen.

-We should withdraw our men, this outpost has no strategic value. I said.

-Maybe, but we also have a lot of civilians on the site. Elysian and Inglesian archaeologists. Wallcroft replied. Leaving them to their fate is not an option.

Outnumbered 1 to 5, the Wolfs and Dukams stopped the rebel advance. With their machine guns and mortars at their disposal, they caused serious damage. Among the armed forces in the outpost there were Wolfs from cage 3, some elements of the BTO as well as an Akilonian* militia named RavenWing. I don't know who these guys were but they were professional soldiers, as professional as Beowulf and as ferocious as a ducal marine. The outpost had the support of artillery as well as a few planes that attacked the enemies from the sky. The enemy lost about 500 men against negligible losses on the Elysian side. It should be noted that Corporal Benz distinguished himself during the battle.

NDT: Akilonia is Ascheritz continent Central region famous for its many number of private militia.

-What a relief. He sigh

-You seem to care a lot about these ruins.

-Well I'm passionate about history. And Raoh is an important deity isn't he? He replied with a smirk.

-Ok but maybe it would be time to cut off the snake's head. By the way, where is Drüker?

-I sent him for observation near a well on the road to Ishmal.

-A well? But there's nothing on this road.

-Indeed there is nothing on this road.... For now. He said with a smile.

In the evening that followed a detachment of 800 Dukam and 50 Black Fang men entered the town of Ishmal and imposed a blockade and a curfew. This town was known as a major tourist destination and had been largely spared from the conflicts. No one, not even a Loyalist, had fired a single shell there.

- Hello Major. You are not asking me what the invasion of this city means?

-No... No no. I think I understand where you're going with this.

Wallcroft was a sly fox. The city of Ishmal was the hometown of the Sheikh's half-brother, otherwise known as General Kalim. Moreover, if we are to believe the rumor, he would have hidden his family there.

-But being hidden doesn't mean anything if the city is surrounded by a blockade. I said


-There is still the possibility of evacuating them by going underground. You will look smart if they ever escape underground.

-Oh but I hope they go underground.

Invade the city and impose a blockade. The general would not risk a siege of his hometown fearing that his family would be caught in the crossfire. Therefore he will evacuate them in the greatest secrecy through an emergency tunnel.

-We are in the desert, it is easy to hide the entrance of a tunnel.

-No need to hide the entrance if it is visible to everyone.

-In plain sight? Something underground and in plain sight? A well? Drüker...

Kalim is a family man so Wallcroft was convinced that he would come in person to get his family. To be discreet he will have no choice but to come in a small contingent, a big mistake. Drüker's team of 10 men as well as 5 BTO* snipers waited patiently for the general to receive his family. The snipers eliminated the guards and Drüker obstructed their vision with a cloud of smoke. They then shot down all the remaining guards and took the general and his family as hostage. It was as easy as cooking egg although it's all in the execution. The general was going to be brought back to Ishmal.

NDT: Consider the BTO Elsyion tier one operator. The total number is below hundred.

-You manipulated him. From the beginning after burning the villages, you knew they were going to come and inspect the ruins, you took advantage of the artillery barrage to introduce your spies into the pile. That's how you're one step ahead of the rebels.

-BTO language courses are not for show.

-You spread the rumor that the city of Ishmal was on fire and blood to push him to rush to their aid.

-I admit I had something to do with it.

-But now the city will be besieged by a rebel force 3 to 4 times superior in numbers. We must evacuate our men.

He came closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulder with a confident look.

-Major, since we've been fighting for you for so long, you should learn to trust the Elysian Ducales Marine.

Indeed, the rebels having no artillery piece to make a serious siege, it was impossible for them to force the blockade, especially with Beowulf commando making their life a living hell. Wallcroft and I went to the city with mechanized reinforcements. The high-ranking officers having heard of the capture of the general ordered that he be handed over to the local authorities for trial, but Wallcroft seemed to have other plans. The meeting took place with me, Drüker and Another Guard. Apart from that, there was Wallcroft and Kalim in the room.

-Good morning General. I salute

-(Go to hell Inglesia dog)

-Oh Excuse me ? I asked confuse

-He said he was please Lancell told me. (Good morning Kalim Hamza. The light of Raoh illuminates you).

Lancell speaks the local language very well, even I am not as fluent. Besides, the general looked at him with wide eyes.

-Do you speak my language?

-And you mine but out of respect for you I agreed to make a compromise.

Kalim had an athletic body and a handsome face compared to his obese brother. He had a tanned complexion and the body of a warrior judging by his silhouette. He was a good general but Lancell in front of him was an expert in counter-insurgency.

-I see. And you are?

-Lancell Wallcroft. I am the leader of the Beowulf Task Force.

-Ah I see, you are the general of those valiant soldiers who attacked me treacherously when I had just returned to my family.

-And you are the leader of these valiant soldiers who charged an archaeological site filled with civilians.

-They looked well armed for civilians. But what am I saying, thieves who plunder our land and steal our sacred relics.

-General I'm not here for a dick size contest. Lancell said, crossing his fingers. But to offer you a deal.

-I would never accept a deal from inglesia scoundrel.

-Oh believe me you will. Wallcroft said with a broad smile. And you will beg me for it.

In the days that followed, General Kalim escaped. He joined his followers in the neighboring city and from there they launched a raid against his brother's Villa in the port city of Esmer. Normally this city is protected by the Elyan Marines, but strangely there was no one around. The raid did not go smoothly either, General Kalim was injured during the operation but the rebels with the secret help of a BTO squad managed to capture the Sheikh. Once back on his feet, Kalim became the new leader of Turam and declared himself Emyr. The loyalist soldiers secretly loyal to the general facilitated his transition and being popular with the people he was able to benefit from massive support from them. As for the previous leader...

-He beheaded his brother ?

-Half-brother. Wallcroft said again.

-This is the kind of man you're dealing with. You think you can trust a man who decapitates his own brother?

-He threatened the security of the country, it was a necessary evil. Eliminating Kalim would not have stemmed the insurrection, another would have taken his place by proclaiming himself the spiritual heir of the fight against evil, but eliminating his brother on the other hand....

-I understand the maneuver in general terms, but I still don't trust him. Would you kill your brother if he threatened the country?

He looked away towards the desert and put his hands on his hips.

-I hope it never comes to that.

Two weeks later, Wallcroft renewed the Elysian occupation agreements in the region. The Elysian military presence was reduced by half and they would mostly help rebuild the destroyed villages. Secured interest minimal military losses maximum political bargain in the region. All's well that ends well, and all of this had been organized by a single person from the depths of his tent. In my report I would note that "Beowulf's head of operations is a truly terrifying person."

End of chapter