Chapter 64: Family Holiday

The "Salon des Merveilles" is the largest secret auction in the world. There are usually only noble people present, not to mention some individuals with a big wallet. And this auction could not be organized without the approval of the 4 major collectors. They had to approve the event unanimously, otherwise Zell holding Hypnos hostage greatly delayed its organization. If he had refused to speak, the situation would have remained a status quo indefinitely.

-You're telling me that there are 4 major collectors and that the Salon des Merveilles means these 4 exhibiting their collection by putting some of their items up for sale? Zell asked.

-That's right.

-You bastard, you were planning on selling the Lullaby.

Zell, mad with rage, grabbed him by the collar.

-I swear on NYX my mother that I didn't. I was planning on finding the flute before the auction but since he had already sold it I couldn't assume that it was one of them who owned it.

-In that case I'll question him myself. It should go quickly.

-You think I didn't do it myself? He never met his employer, but he was definitely one of the other 3 collectors.

-In other words, powerful people. What would be their motivation?

-Well every year we constantly present all kinds of articles and the one who presents the most singular article sees his notoriety increase significantly. Presenting the Lullaby a flute that can bring the dead back to life could prove more than beneficial. It would attract customers and influential people.

Zell eyed him suspiciously.

-And you, what would be your motivation?

Hypnos didn't say anything at first and just looked away.

-I told you. You're my favorite human.

Zell had a hard time understanding. His eyes suddenly widened.

-Don't tell me you're... You.

-NO. He yelled. Don't be arrogant mortal and you are not Adonis.

-Neither Lanceell. He thought.

-Tch that's what I hate about Ares and you. As soon as we show you a little affection, you think you're the center of the world.

Zell burst out laughing when he saw him speak like that. It was the first time he had been faced with a tsundere or at least a reaction that came close to it. His reaction angered Hypnos even more but Zell held out his hand to him.

-Thanks. If you hadn't cooperated I don't know what I would have done.

-Tch. As if your toothy heart would scratch me. He replied, shaking his hand.

Suddenly Seth the new security chief burst into the room.

-Lord C... Lord C...

He noticed the handshake and Hypnos withdrew his immediately. Zell turned in his direction.


-You received a letter in your hotel room. Your father has just arrived.

-I don't care. I don't have time to be around him right now.

-Your sister Asgeir is also in Lunden and it seems he invited her too. Seth added.

-What does this mean?

April 9, 1020, city of Lunden, 8 days after Hypnos agreed to cooperate. Alysser Cailum had gone to Inglesia for diplomatic reasons. In the process, he had arranged to meet his two children to spend the day.

-You gotta kidding me. Zell thought.

The city of Lunden was divided into 3 sectors forming a concentric circle. Sector 1, the central sector, was where the Nobility's quarters were located as well as all the aesthetic apparatus that goes with it. Only people of high standards could afford to live there. This sector was built on a lake that was only accessible by drawbridges. The second sector was that of the average population. Also constituting the majority of the population. This is where the legal, residential and political buildings are located. The army headquarters is also located there. Sector 3 is the smallest in terms of area and constitutes the lower town and the poor quarters. Naturally the Cailums met in sector 2, Zell and his father were the first to come.



The family reunion was somewhat tense. Zell wore his brown 3-piece suit with a hat on his head, he held his coat in his elbow and a cane in his hand. His father had the same style but in black with a gray vest under the jacket and a bow tie. The only difference between the two was the beard. Then Mell arrived, contrary to what they thought the young girl wore.... A military uniform? Even worse, the Inglesian uniform. Seeing her, Zell's heart skipped a beat and Alysser was on the verge of a heart attack. They both cried out at the same time.


She was wearing a long red jacket that reached her thighs. Plus, she wore pants underneath, which were tucked into boots. In addition, she had tied her hair in a ponytail, which gave her a rather masculine appearance.

-You... what are you doing in this uniform?

-It's a nightmare. If your mother saw you she would have a heart attack. Her father told her. 

She snapped her legs and stood to attention.

-Technical Sergeant Asgeir Melanie Cailum of the Ingelsia Special Warfare Research Center. But WRC* for short.

Ndt: "War see".

The two men were speechless. Mel... In the army that was unthinkable. Indeed because she suddenly burst out laughing to the point that Zell blinked several times and his father stared at him confused.

-Hahahaha. I got you. It was for a play. I think they call it... Science fiction.

-Aaaah Is it for a spectacle? It's true that you love the theater. Retorted his father.

-You should have seen your faces. Especially you Zell. I couldn't tell if you were proud or scared.

-Well, I clearly didn't know what to do, that's for sure. He admitted.

-Well, the joke has gone on long enough. No matter where we're going, there's no way I'm showing up dressed like that, it would be embarrassing. Will you take me back to my hotel so I can change?

Taken aback, they could only accept the request. Mel came out of her hotel room wearing a silver blue dress and a large hat on her head. Her hair was loose and she was holding an umbrella in her hand.

-You look like your mother. Alysser said. 

-I finally found my sister. Zell said.

-Easy gentlemen. Flattery will get you nowhere.

The family trio then took the opportunity to tour the city. It had been several months since they had seen each other. Not since their parents separated and since Mell had left their house in Klinsen. The young girl, now 18 years old, had decided to take her life in hand and leave the family cavo. Coming to Inglesia to study was her decision. These three had definitely not parted on good terms but Mell's presence had changed everything. Her good humor and manners had quickly dissipated any tension. Zell and her father exchanged a look. A tacit agreement was made between the two men not to ruin the young girl's day.

-Come on, I'll show you around the capital. She said.

-I've been here before, you know. Zell said.

-And I'm from Inglesia, remember? His father reminded her.

-Yes, just for business. She said to Zell. And you, Dad, you grew up in Glouchester, not Lunden.

-Eh. You have to be dreaming. Alysser said. My own daughter who wants to show me around my own country.

-He's not yours yet. Zell whispered to him.

They went to various places in the city between the cafes, the horse races, the rally. The vintage cars were not super fast, but the rally was already a growing sport. They then went to Royal Park, a place known for its exoticism. It was like a nature reserve in the heart of Lunden, there were birds from the four corners of the world such as flamingos, peacocks or hummingbirds. The square was filled with fountains that offered a show of perfect synchronization. The place was vast, a huge green space with several trees and small lakes. Royal Park was located in the 2nd half of Lunden near the Noble district. That said, despite this magnificent place, the Cailums all had different thoughts in mind.

-This is the perfect place for a campaign rally. Perfect for gathering crowds. Thought the father.

-How can we bomb the city without destroying this cultural treasure? I should mark it as a green zone. The son thought.

-This is the perfect place for a marriage proposal. The girl thought to herself.

Even though they were a family, we can't change each other nature. After wandering around they went to a pastry shop and the family gathered around a cake.

-Kids, I have something to tell you. Alysser said, taking the floor.

Zell furrowed his brow as Mell looked at him in surprise.

-Well I don't know how to tell you this but...

-Oh no. Don't tell me you're getting married again. Zell said.

-What, is that true? Mell asked surprised.

-Huh? NO. The father denied.

-Really? Zell asked again.

Zell had used his clan assets to keep his family members under surveillance. To some extent he knew what was going on in their lives especially his father who had found himself a mistress by the name of Madeline Joyer.

-Well, here it is. The father continued. I plan to give your mother a gift. For our wedding anniversary.

The spoon that was in Mell's mouth fell to the floor and rolled on the ground.

-Pardon ?

-There's an auction tomorrow. The Salon des merveilles. One of the items on display is called "Aphrodite's Sapphire" and it'll be around a necklace. I want to buy it. But I want us all to give it to her together.

Zell stared at him coldly.

-Ohey ohey. What are you doing to us now?

The last time they saw each other, his father was holding his mother at gunpoint. Zell himself was unaware of the reasons for this altercation even after investigated the matter at length. In the end, he decided to take his mother's side while his father was stripped of his noble titles and left the family. Surprisingly, Alysser U. Cailum beingthe political Shark he is, he managed to turn the tide to his advantage and even managed to strengthen his position within the state.

-I know what you think. Said the father. after what I did to your mother I have the nerve to suggest such a thing. I know what I did is irreparable, but... I promise I will change.

The fact is that his parents, although separated, had not divorce yet. And that was not likely to happen because they had united before God. Zell wondered what it was that itched to put him in his place. He could have talked about his mistress, or about his way of criticizing the nobility for his political advancement. Alas, Mell's presence prevented him from spitting his venom.

-Ohyes... That's why he brought Mell. He realized. You old swindler, he knows perfectly well that if it's for her I'll do everything to keep my cool. Come to think of it, his financial situation doesn't allow him to participate in an auction like the Salon des merveilles.

Zell clenched his fist in anger but kept a calm expression on the surface.

-The bastard expects me to buy him his damn jewelry...

Seeing his father staring at him with such an innocent look made him furious but as usual his anger remained silent. It was then that his sister's hands rested on his.

-Please big brother. Let's do it for mom.

Seeing his sister's pleading look he could only give in. Zell let out a growl of rage and his anger finally showed on his face.

-Raaaah. It's okay. Anyway, a friend invited me to this damn auction anyway.

-Oh really? That's perfect, said Alysser.

-Thank youuuuu. Mell yelled, giving him a huge hug.

Alfar blushed with embarrassment under his sister's smiling gaze.

April 10, 1020 around 7:30 PM, Lunden City somewhere in the residential areas of Sector 2. An unusual gathering of nobles was taking place in front of one of the most popular hotels in the city. Various personalities came to gather there, both Inglesian nobles and wealthy people from other countries. The dress code involved coming either in black or white while keeping a mask on the face. The Cailums however did nothing like the others. Their Sedan parked in front of the hotel, but when they got out all eyes were on them.

-What.... What is it?

The first to descend was Alysser. His costume was a bright red, a pair of shoes that clicked with each of his steps, a signet ring on his finger bearing the Cailum coat of arms. A bear fur coat over his shoulders and a scepter in his right hand. The mask he wore barely covered his eyes.

-Look... Look.

-This is Sir Alysser Urd Cailum.

-The next candidate for the chancellery of Elysion.

-Sir? Wasn't he supposed to have lost his noble titles?

-What presence...

While they were busy raving about the father, the son got out of the sedan. Just like his father, he wore a red tuxedo with a blue flower at the heart. Rather than a mask, he had put on his best pair of Raybans, a pair of black gloves and a white coat over his shoulders as a cape. He, like his father, had curly hair, which made them look even more similar.

-But... It's...

People were amazed.

-Count Cailum.

-Father and son in the same place? I thought they were separated.

-Don't listen to rumors, this family has always been close. Besides, do you know? Cailum's son is the hero who saved these children during the incident of the crazy flames.

-Yes, I read it in the press. Plus he was a soldier, that must have shaped his character. Inaddition to be very altruistic.

-And he is a handsome man. A young man like him I would give him my daughter's hand without hesitation.

Zell remained impervious to the gossip and turned to the Sedan. He reached out and pulled his younger sister out. Mell was radiant. In fact, she was the jewel of the night. She wore a bright red sequined dress that matched perfectly with the rest of the family. A plunging neckline that slightly showed off her chest, a pearl necklace around her neck, a small pink handbag, a pair of stiletto heels and a white fur coat. Her hair was loose and fell to her shoulders.

-Asgeir Cailum. She is the younger sister.

-She is among the brightest students in the science department of the Royal University of Lunden.

-And she finished 2nd in the Miss Ark Royal pageant behind Laurel Joyce.

-Well if you want my opinion the judge was one-eyed because this girl is simply superb.

-What do we owe such a gathering? Aren't the Cailums supposed to be broke?

-They are probably just making an appearance, who knows.

The girl clung to her brother's arm and they joined their father.

-You are beautiful my daughter like your mother.

-You're not too bad either, Mr. Minister of Internal Affairs. And you, Zell, avoid accidentally charming all the noble ladies. I already have a sister-in-law.

-I'll make an effort but I promise nothing. They are all magnificent, I must say.

-Good. Alysser said. It's time to acquire this Sapphire.

The family trio walked through the entrance hall as the crowd couldn't take their eyes off them.

End of chapter