I had been living at the Cailum home for 2 years now. A few years ago I was a street boy picking the pockets of passers-by in order to extort money from them. Violence and the life of a bandit were my daily lot. Today I am in a world that is the exact opposite of my previous life. I go to school, I take classes, I have made friends. They are different from the previous ones, they are less likely to stab you in the back because of the lack of food. As a member of the Cailum family, even adopted, I benefit from the privileges granted to the nobility. And although I am not of Noble blood, people show me the respect that is due to me, despite my mixed skin tone. Today I answer to the name of:
Merak Bell Cailum.
A lot of things have happened since I joined the family, including Lady Arianne's hospitalization and the clash between Lord Cailum and his father. I don't know what really happened, but I know for sure that it's linked to the army's incursion into the North of the Country and the problem with the Jeritza. One day, without warning, Lady Gilda brought new faces to the manor. The first was an elderly lady, she must have been in her late forties. Lady Gilda welcomed her as if she were her own sister. She and I have the same skin color, I quickly understood that she was a Jeritza. The governor informed me that her name was Nabila Rashford and that at the time she served the countess at the ducal palace. That's all. That said, there must have been a reason for Lord Quincy to bring her here, Manu Militari. The second person to set foot in the manor was a young boy about my age. At first glance I quickly understood that he was not an ordinary person. It was there that I met Adrian for the first time.
Back to the present, it is early February 1020. I was now attending the Comodus Military Academy located in Dollstar, the southernmost city in Galathea County. It was a military academy in name only, the majority of the curriculum was similar to standard schools, more than half of the graduates will occupy civilian positions. That being said, the wearing of the uniform and military discipline recalled the framework in which we evolved. Part of the curriculum was also dedicated to war strategy, tactics, military history and much more. I got up early every morning, after some stretching and a good shower I had my breakfast then put on my uniform. The uniform was quite simple, a forest green jacket with white ornaments, black pants for boys, a skirt for girls and a pair of shoes for both. Boots are only allowed in winter. There was also a long sleeved sweater with the school crest on it and each noble had their family crest on it. Mine had the Cailum crest on it so personally it was my default uniform. I wore it over a white shirt and rolled up my sleeves to my elbows.
-Well it's time to go.
No one lived at Cailum Estate since, Lady Gilda has moved into a villa in town. Big brother Zell is never there and big sister Mell left to study in Abroad after having a fight with him. In my case The dormitories were in town in the form of motels that strangely resembled barracks. In the nobles' quarters we each had our rooms where the commoners were sharing. However, we had to cross the city to get to the school which was not so bad because Dollstar is known to be the most beautiful city in the world.
-Oheeeey Bell.
The first person to approach me was my best friend. Robert Decken. A young redhead with a shy appearance. In reality, he was anything but that. Rob was the first person I really became friends with here. We met 6 months ago when his brother (Troy) and mine (Zell) went camping in the mountains. Honestly, it was more of a survival course than a hike, especially when you're being chased by hungry wolves. Life and death experiences bring people together. Just like me, Rob also wore a sweater and kept his sleeves extended, his pants were blue with checks but he gave off a certain elegance.
-Have you read the newspapers lately? He asked me.
-Yes, I read the newspapers. But unlike you, I read everything not only the things related has to war. What's the matter? Your beloved brother didn't write you a letter?
Rob's brother, Troy, is an ace in the Elysian air force. Apparently he's on his 57th enemy aircraft shot down. He's known by the sweet nickname "the devil Decken". Rob, for his part, worships his brother, whom he admires and his profession. Personally, it will take a Ragnarok before anyone puts my ass in a plane.
-I'm worried about Cassidy, I'd like to know if he's eating properly. Rob said worried. I know Troy is doing well, I'm not worried.
Cassidy is (hold on tight) Troy's pet lion. Yes, I would also like to know how that is possible. Regular people prefer cats but the Deckens see everything on a grander scale.
-You worry about your pet than your own brother, you have no heart Lord Decken.
-Hey, don't twist my words, he pouted.
While we were chatting on the way, we came face to face with another student at a crossroads. He was a head taller than us, wearing the standard uniform but he was all disheveled, his shirt badly buttoned and his haircut, let's not even mention it. With magnificent brown hair like his, it's a crime not to maintain it.
-Look at this. He said smiling. Mister petlover and his half-breed friend.
Seeing him Rob positioned himself directly behind me.
-I greet you, Aurélien. I say sarcastically.
His face turned red with embarrassment and he yelled at me.
-Fuck, shut up. I already told you not to call me that, it sounds like Valorien.
-Well, the Valorians are known for their courage and honesty.
-Maybe but right now they are our enemies so avoid calling me that.
Clive A. Schneider, middle name Aurelien. We call him Aurel and Aurel is what you call a patriot which is not uncommon at our age, he plans to become a war hero when he grows up, the kind who wins the war all by himself. At first he had become friends with me just to be able to approach my brother and hope to have his entries in Beowulf, the elite unit that he helped to create. In the end we ended up staying together because he is a simpleton who takes life as it is. Rob does not like him very much because he tends to invade his personal space.
-What's wrong with him? He asked, staring at Robert.
-Oh nothing, he's just a little worried because his brother hasn't given any more news from the front.
-It seems that there was a big offensive recently, that's probably why we haven't heard from him. He explained. What do you want to happen to him hidden up there anyway? He said, shrugging his shoulders.
-Pardon ?
Rob walked away from me and faced Clive.
-War happens on the ground, we fight the enemy head on like real men, not by doing acrobatics in the sky.
-Are you implying that what my brother is doing is useless? Take that back immediately. Rob shouted.
The way he raised his voice surprise Clive. He had his fists clenched like someone ready to start a fight, but given Gabari's difference no one would have bet on him.
-It's okay, I apologize, I didn't mean to offend your fragile ego. He said.
-You sonof...
I stepped between the two before it got serious.
-Come on, calm down. Rob, you know him, politeness is not his forte. And you, Aurel, you would be wrong to criticize his brother. He was an infantryman before joining the air force.
-Yeah. Sorry I missed that. He said, looking away.
-Also. You would be wrong to underestimate aerial combat, it is the future of the art of war that is taking shape before our eyes. This is what modern-day knights do.
-Really? He said credulously. If you say so.
In truth I didn't believe a single word of it, I was just repeating Zell's words on the matter, he had introduced me to military affair so I knew a bit about it. But I still had trouble understanding how fighting in the air far from the battlefield was the future. Well I said that to comfort Rob, better not to shake him since he has no news of his brother at the moment.
-By the way, have you already written your dissertations? Clive asked.
-You mean the one we have to hand in at noon on the discovery of the Aschrian Continent*? I asked ironically.
-The same essay involving the great explorer "Hector G Maltes" and his encounter with the natives? Robert supported.
Ndt: he refers to Ascheritz, a continent discovered only 70 years ago.
-Ohey ohey. don't tell me...
-Oh, it's okay. just pray so Noelie adds your name to her group.
-It was a group assignment?
He was surprised. I saw him suddenly move and I held back a laugh.
-I feel sorry for you. I don't know if you know this, but to become an officer and lead men you need a degree. I explained. If you continue like this you'll end up as a lower enlist, alone and abandoned in a trench.
Seeing the panicked look on his face as he began understand his situation was priceless. I walked over and patted him on the shoulder.
-If you hurry you can arrive early and ask Noélie to put your name on the list.
-Oh shit. He shouted excitedly. Sorry guys I gotta go.
He ran off at full speed towards the school as I watched him with a wide smile. Robert approached me.
-Why didn't you tell him his name is already on the list?
-I love to drive simpletons like him crazy. It.... relaxes me.
Arriving at the entrance of the high school my gaze fell on a familiar person. A young boy Bronze skin a layered hairstyle like, an impeccable suit, a well-tied tie, he would have said the perfect student. Seeing him I had a brief smile.
-Adrian. I shouted, raising my hand.
He turned in our direction and noticed us.
-Oh, Isn't it Bell and Robert.
Adrian S Rashford is the nephew of Nabila Rashford. Apparently Lord Quincy was unable to find the rest of his family which forced them to live together. Adrian's arrival at the manor had brightened the old lady's daily life, plus he didn't hesitate to lend a hand and help the servants.
-Would you like to go around the city with us? I suggested. Rob and I decided to do a little exploring, Dollstar is a big city, there's no shortage of places to explore.
-Haha thanks but I don't have time. He refused modestly. I still have to prepare for my end-of-term exams.
Adrian is 2 years older than us, but given his modest background Rob thought he was an idiotic and uneducated barbarian. Coming from a modest background myself I had no apprehension about the guy. It turned out that he was not only educated but that he knew how to do lots of things like read a map, shoot a rifle or make a campfire. He knew a lot about different topic, on the other hand when he says that the earth revolves around the sun I have a hard time swallowing that. He says he got the information from a cousin named Nahel but whatever.
-Okay, it will be for next time.
Comodus Academy was quite special. It welcomed the children of the Jeritza, the inhabitants of Jericho who were at the origin of the rebellion in the North. All the details are not available to the public but it created a feeling of rejection which made the Jeritza kids stigmatized on campus. I was okay because I was a noble, but all the young people with my skin tone were bullied by the other students which is stupid because there were also Jeritza who had pale and white skin like them. Adrian was also the target of this bullying when he arrived, yet he managed to tip the scales by showing exemplary behavior. In addition to having excellent grades he is also a beast during physical assessments. With such a track record he ended up joining the student council a few months ago, before we knew it he had become the most popular student in the school which tipped the scales in favor of the Jeritza on campus.
-Well I have to go. He said smiling. The student council is on edge right now.
After that we went to class to be ready for the presentation. Once there we started to briefly leaf through our notes.
-Look at this. Said a girl who took us by surprise. I hope you did your parts. She said threateningly.
-Seen and reviewed last night.
-Hm for lazy people you are incredibely efficient. She said.
-I take this as an admission of your confused feelings towards me. I told her.
Noélie Ziegler. She is the model student of the class, she is good at everything and gifted at nothing which makes her the top of the class. She may not be first in everything, but finishing second in everything assures her first place. She is the same age as us, light brown hair, fair skin, purple eyes. Like all the girls she wore a skirt reaching to her knees, but she also had a pair of tights because her legs were cold. Her shirt was always perfectly curled, she had tied her hair that she had braided down to her lower back, but the highlight of the show was her glasses that made her so cute.
-Well, I'll read all of this quickly and we'll see each other again around noon.
At the time Rob, Clive and I all had a crush on her. The result was a terrible fratricidal war. Faced with the increasing number of collateral victims and neither side wanting to give in, we therefore concluded a truce. Whoever broke the pact would attract the wrath of the other two. We quickly realized that this war was pointless because Noélie, like most of the girls, was in love with Adrian. Yes, that one. After our presentation, which I want to point out was a huge success, we decided to go for a walk during the lunch break.
-OOooh come on, can't you be careful? A guy growled in the hallway.
-I... I'm sorry.
As I said earlier, thanks to Adrian the trend towards the Jeritza had reversed, that said there were still a plethora of angry nobles who thought they had the right to belittle them. Here we saw one of the young nobles of the 2nd years who found himself facing a young Jeritza girl. The guy in front was called Hanks Schmeitzen, a red-haired brayer who wants to become a general in the future. Alas he still lacks consideration for others. Knowing the guy I'm sure he's the one who started it. The classic move, he pushes her and asks her to apologize.
-Are you sorry? But from your face, you wouldn't think so. I feel more like I'm looking at a rabid dog. Well, when you grow up on a mountain, it's no wonder you develop savage ways.
I saw the girl clench her fist and stare at him with a very cold gaze. Next to me Robert seemed to want to intervene but he held back as best he could.
-I apologized. The girl said in a deep voice. So stop provoking me.
-Could that be a threat, miss? Well, that wouldn't be surprising, you Jeritza only speak the language of violence.
-Are you messing with me?
The girl threw her fist. This little scene should have degenerated into a fight but the fist was stopped by none other than Adrian. Honestly I didn't expect his intervention but I was happy to see it.
-That's enough Amira. He said. He's not worth it.
-Tch, aren't you ashamed to defend these idiots?
-I'm not defending them, I'm protecting you.
-Yes, say what you want. You behave like their dog, it's disgusting.
She gathered her stuff and left. Adrian then turned to the nobleman and stared at him.
-Well if it's not the Goldenboy of the savages. There's at least one educated in the lot.
-Haha he laughed. Too bad I can't return the compliment.
-Pardon ? Say Hanks irritate.
-I mean, picking on someone you don't know because of their origins is a clear sign of ignorance. Adrian told him, smiling.
-Are you insulting my intelligence Rashford?
-No. Only your lack of judgment, for someone who aspires to become an officer later it's terrible.
-You mountain monkey. What do you know about being an officer again?
-Oh I know more than you think. After all the mountain where I come from is littered with corpses of officers. He said fixing him with a piercing gaze.
Wow what did he say? That said the fight had attracted the attention of the other students. Hanks would have liked to retaliate but as a noble he had to preserve his image, in the end he backed down and left. I admired how Adrian defused the situation, he winked discreetly at us then went back to his business. Shortly after this altercation the four of us found ourselves on the horse racing field. We were sitting on a bench enjoying our meals.
Adrian is so cooool, isn't he? Noelie said.
-Agree, said Aurel. In his shoes I would have exploded Hanks' jaw but it seems that true strength is not having to fight at all.
-Wow, that was a deep thing you just said. Did you hit your head recently? Rob mocked.
-Shut up. Aurel growled. I just had a revelation. To succeed, you have to master violence in all its forms, both physical and mental.
-Oookay I don't know how you came to that conclusion just by watching this simple altercation but you're freaking me out now. I tell him clearly.
-Oh shit I forgot my water bottle. Said Rob. I'll be right back.
He stood up, put his lunch basket on the bench and ran towards the main building. At that moment Noélie turned in my direction.
-Says Bell, you know Adrian well, don't you?
-Oh ah, well knowing is quickly said. We spent some time at the Cailum manor together that's all.
-Really? She said enthusiastically. How was he?
What was he like? What question he was the exact opposite of the one we have before our eyes. You could see in his eyes that he was totally exhausted, he looked like he came from a war zone, although that was the case.
-Let's just say he was intriguing for sure.
As Noelie bombarded me with questions and became more and more insistent, we saw Robert running back towards us. The guy looked completely out of breath.
-Wow you finally decided to start exercising. Aurel mocked.
-Haa...Hank....Schmeitzen. I. I saw him... He's going to go after Adrian.
-Take it on? You mean physically? I asked. He doesn't stand a chance.
-E.... exactly. Rob agreed out of breath... He.... He... Hired some thugs. 3 guys and I saw they were armed, they had knives and everything.
-Damn. Robert where did you see them last? I asked, grabbing his shoulders.
-They were leaving the school towards the center.
-Oh my God. We have to warn Adrian quickly. Said Noelie.
-Okay but We must first know where he is heading. Aurel remarked.
-The 2nd years don't have class this afternoon, he had to go home. She explained.
-No. I told them. I know where he's going.
At that time of day Adrian has to go visit his aunt Nabila at her workplace. Which means he's heading to "the voice of dollstar". The city radio office. As we were driving to the location by taxi I saw Adrian through the window who was on the other side of the road. He was followed by Schmeitzen and 3 other guys. I saw them accost him, then chat before forcing him to follow them into an alley.
I ordered the driver to stop and I got out of the vehicle in a hurry. With Aurel we started running at full speed to the alley hoping that it would not be too late. These guys were armed, so I couldn't help but imagine the worst.
We got into the alley but what we saw there made us freeze for a moment. The 3 guys who were supposed to attack him had been knocked down. Two of them were lying on the ground and Adrian was holding the 3rd one he was strangling in his arms. Hanks was leaning against the wall looking at him with a terrified look. And so were we.
-I told you Hanks it's stupid to attack someone based on assumption.
Then he noticed us.
-Oh, you were there?
At that moment my heart skipped a beat. He had clearly just killed those 3 men single-handedly and he was composed, it was murder, he had clearly just committed murder, and there he was calmly looking in our direction. We are witnesses, he is going to make us disappear. Oh no, Noelie must not...
-Why are you standing there? Go help him.
Speaking of the wolf. Rob arrived just after Noelie and they had the same vision as us. Noelie jumped, covering her mouth at the horror of the scene.
-A... Adrian? You... Killed them?
Adrian narrowed his eyes, then let go of the man in his hands before staring at us in bewilderment.
-Huh? What are you talking about I just knocked them out.
The tension eased and he was stared at dubiously.
-Besides, if you can call a police officer that would be good.
After this incident Adrian invited us (Hanks included) to have tea where his aunt worked, namely the radio station known as "the voice of dollstar". It turned out that the voice in question was Nabila Rashford. For me who listens to her show every evening I had never made the connection, what's more, incredibly, Hanks was a fan. The surprise on his face when he learned that she was a Jeritza I still enjoy it. Aunt Nabila was a very courteous and polite woman it was obvious that she had served at the ducal palace.
-Are you all friends of Adrian? She asked. I'm glad he's bringing friends, please make yourself at home.
-Ahem... Yes. Hanks said embarrassedly.
-Oh am I dreaming or are you blushing? Noelie mocked.
-Are you Adrian's girlfriend?
Rob, Aurel and I all three cried out together.
-Well, we're his juniors. Hanks here is from the same class. I explained.
-Oooh I see. A classmate. I hope he doesn't cause too much trouble, he's always been a boisterous and curious young boy.
-Ahem, no ma'am. He even has exemplary behavior. Hanks retorted.
Is it me or he has a crush on the lady. Well it's true that she is well preserved for her age but still. After which Adrian came back and served us tea before sitting down with us.
-Wow this tea is delicious. Said Robert.
-Yes, it's really great. Noelie added.
-Thanks. Even if I'm not as good as my aunt said Adrian smiling.
-Oh for sure. Said Hanks.
-You shut up. We haven't forgiven you for what you did. Noelie told him.
Hanks motioned for her to lower his voice as if he didn't want Aunt Nabila to hear him.
-It's okay, it's okay. Adrian said.
-By the way, how did you manage to knock out those 3 guys? Asked Aurel.
-They also had bladed weapons. Robert added.
-Oh that... Well. Let's say I do some exercise haha.
-Adrian I said in a serious voice. You've already killed people, haven't you?
My question was chilling, but it was legitimate. The look he gave us at that moment, if we hadn't arrived in time he would have killed them. I too have killed in the past, 3 people to be exact including an army officer. But him, what I saw in his eyes was different.
-Ha... Why did you have to talk about it now? He said in a stricter tone.
His change in tone caught us off guard and froze us. He clicked his tongue and ran a hand through his hair before staring at us blankly. It was the same look he had when he arrived at the manor.
-Yes. He answered curtly. several even.
His revelation shocked many at the table, but for me it confirmed my suspicions. He had participated in that war in the North, and in an active way.
-How..... how much? Aurel asked.
-I don't know. He said coldly. 30 maybe less. I didn't count, over the years we forget these things.
-Over the years... But... How is this possible? Robert asked shocked. You killed people. Don't you feel sorry?
-Should I? He said, staring at him strangely. I remind you that they also tried to kill me and they were mainly soldiers.
-These soldiers had families, people they cared about at home. Robert said, clenching his fist.
-Just like the people they killed in our country. He retorted. Besides, your two brothers killed plenty of people perrsonally know.
The others couldn't say anything and Rob unclenched his fist. For someone so naive it was clear he had never considered the world in this light.
-No, it's because... It's...
-You're the one who rebelled, that's why we had to bring in the army. Hanks retorted.
I saw Adrian smile for a moment.
-I have a question? What would you do if armed people entered this building and started shooting at everything that moved?
-Huh? I'll call the police, of course? Hanks replied.
-In this context, the police do not exist. Worse, they help the aggressors. What will you do?
-Huh, I... I...
-I would ripost. Aurel replied.
-Exactly. Don't get me wrong, I was born in Dollstar, then when I was 4 my whole family moved to the North. I have 2 brothers that I never knew. They both died in the war.
-It's horrible. Noelie said, shocked.
-Growing up, I knew nothing but the sound of guns and the crackle of machines. I had to learn to survive and hunt. To defend myself. Kids my age didn't play ball, but tried to become the best hunter they could be. It wasn't until I came to Cailum Manor and studied a little that I understood the political stakes of this conflict.
We were speechless. I, who attacked people in the street to steal their handbags, am ridiculous in comparison. That said, as he told us his story, he forced a smile.
-Ha. Now that I've told you all that, you must be afraid of me, huh? He said. The golden boy of Comodus who is actually a child soldier.
He got up from his chair and wanted to walk away but Noelie grabbed his wrist firmly.
-It doesn't matter. She said. I mean, you couldn't control what happened, you had to do it, didn't you? The most important thing is who you are now and what you plan to accomplish.
-I agree with her. I added. I wouldn't go so far as to say that the past doesn't matter, but the present remains the most important. And the important thing is that you made the choice to become a better man and not to remain chained to your past.
I saw him smile and even shed a small tear which he wiped away with his elbow.
-Thank you. What you just said means a lot to me. Especially you, Noelie. He said, stroking her head.
I saw her turn all red up to her ears. Raah that pisses me off.
-Ah me... I just said what came to mind.
-And you must have paraphrased your brother. Aurel told me.
-aaah shut up.
-I have a question. Robert said seriously. Do all the Jeritza in the school have the same past as you?
-Indeed, he said. Even if they didn't all fight, they're still solid guys. I had to do everything I could to keep them from gutting everyone.
I see. All this time he spent at the academy he watched over not only his own but also the other students. That's why he chose to lead by example, becoming a model student was a way for him to put on a show.
-Besides, don't upset the Jeritza at school. He said, staring at Hanks. I once saw Amira slit a soldier's throat with a piece of scrap metal, it wasn't a pretty sight.
-Oh my God. Hanks said in shock.
-You nearly died, my friend, I whispered to him.
In the end, we learned as much about him that day as we did about ourselves. Robert probably understood that it takes two to make war and that it would die on the other side too. Aurel probably understood that violence as a first resort is not the best way to resolve conflicts. As for Hanks, he went to apologize to Amira the next day, he even bowed. As for me, I understood that I had no chance against this guy. I'm going to have to give up on Noelie.
End of chapter