Slowly sneaking out of bed she heads for the now self-titled Mysterious staircase; the thrill of something new awaiting her draws her up the stairs and peering through to the room almost instantaneously.
To her surprise the figure is not tucked in bed sleeping as she assumed, Instead he is slowly taking of his left boot and proceeding to do the same with his right boot. Before him is the the fake grass from earlier and the early morning sun beaming down.
The man stops and directs his gaze at her location and once again she was caught. This time she enters the room and chooses to reside on the opposite side of the green patch. Proceeding to take of his sock and move his left foot above the artificial grass he barely touches the tips of the shaped blades. Bethany confused by his actions proceeds to do the same so she may understand what he is doing.
Imitating his motion of retreating a naked foot in various motions through the air she goes to speak but is stopped by her own mouth. The mysterious man repeats the same motion with his right foot this time staring up out of the skylight at the early morning light: staying true to the imitation Bethany does the same.
almost as a whisper the man begins to speak:
"slowly place your left foot down and do the same with your right"
For a moment, she opens her eyes in a reluctant manner, but closes them abruptly after opening them. He lifts her chin up so it is facing the skylight once again and slowly places her feet down.
"what do you feel?"
His gaze now staring intently at her; she knows, she feels it burning through her closed eyelids.
"Fake grass"
Letting out a bleak and monotone answer, before he could reply or even think to reply she asks
"What am I supposed to be feeling?"
Without a second thought he whispers