I can still hear my mother's screams till this day. She begged him to let her go and he threw her .like she was nothing my dad always hit us that day was different he was extremely mad for some reason, throwing anything in sight at us. I had a huge scar on my leg. from it. Finally he pick up my mother throwing her across the room her head collided with the wall blood every was where she ......was dead.I remember burring her the tears im my eyes my dad told me if i got caught he would kill me too . When ever i see my scar it all comes flooding back
I haven't spoken since that day i have just stop trying.I stop trying to please people. I stop trying to fight off my dad. I gave up. No one look at me no one even cared. I had no friends i never had friends. But friends kinda seemed counterproductive they are gonna die some day right? No matter what it does not matter how close you are to them they are going to die and you are going to die too so what is the point?
What is the point of life if your just going to die why not end it all now?
People die all the time if i were to end it all . No on would probably care. They would probably pretend to care making sad faces.
No one cares about me the only person who ever care was......my mother
No one will hear my cry for help they pass by it every day bit fail to see...my internal screams