for her


Today i stood at school for longer to talk to the principal. I would not let anyone hurt her and get away with it. I forced the janitor to go with me because he saw her too and i didn't know if this principal was going to try to bullshit.

"Mr jackson". "Hello ms lyla and why do i have the pleasure of seeing you in my office". "We need to talk". "What is it lyla" he said sounding concerned. "Today i found a girl in the janitors closet with blood all over her face." "That is horrible how did it happen"."not sure of the full story but Veronica did it to her." "That is unacceptable i will make sure that i talk to her and she will she faces the consequences. "Thank you so much mr jackson". I felt so proud of myself i was basically skipping to my car.


Dad came home mad really really mad he came into my room with a beer bottle in his hand he smashed it so it was sharp

He didn't say anything he quietly walk to me i hop off my bed and tried to run. "YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE BITCH". Tears flowed through my face if i was going to die i wanted to do it myself i still tries to escape " he grab me by the arm pinned me to the wall. I all i could do was cry and whimper " NOW LISTEN TO ME BITCH I SAW THE MONEY I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL YOU GOT IT BUT IF YOU Don't FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU". It couldn't be all my savings every thing i worked for was going to be gone.... I refused i. Tried my best to push him off i i ran grabbed phone and purse with all the saving and tried to run out the room. He threw the bottle at my head. I ran to the door with my head bleeding probably with glass in my hair.

Ran to the person i could trust my mom.i made it to the empty park . All i could do was cry. I wanted her there i missed her. It began to pour i just wanted to be in my bed but i couldn't go back home aleast not yet. I fall asleep right there.when i woke up my clothes were wet and i felt sick. The rain must have did it. Should i go to school.yes no one can stop me. It was so hard to stand up but i did i guess i was walking to school with out my bookbag and a purse with more than two thousand dollars in it but i still wanted my education. When i got to school. I look all beat up which made people want to stare. Lyla ran to me from across the hall. " oh my god are you ok." I felt all the engrey leave my body i fell the last thing i could see was lyla grabbing me and it all went black. I woke up with lyla next to me. "You have a really high fever you need to go home or to the doctor." It took the the engrey i had to not cry. I feel the tears forming."do you want me to drive you home". I nodded my head no. I could not go back home yet. "I need to get to class i hope you feel better" she walk out. I few minutes i walk out and sign out. Dad probably wasn't home so i risked it all and went home. He wasn't there. I just hope he forgot about all of this. I still was still was sick i found medicine and just had to trust it would cure me. I slept all day and night dad came home but didn't bother me.

I decided going to school today was not the best idea so i stayed in bed and tried to ignore the fact i could only breath out of one nostril.


Karabelle wasn't at school which is kinda sad but its not like i hang with her that much i pretty much trap hanging with my "friends".

The day was going by so slow i just wanted to go home. I could not stand it,but of course i had to be every ones "friend" i could not be mean that's not me.

I am expected to be nice im expected to be perfect so that's what i do. I just want every one to be happy even if that makes me unhappy. As i child i was taught to please people to be perfect not a flaw that's why i have to keep myself a secret. I cant say my sexuality because i have to be perfect. God forbid i "act out of character". I love my parents i just wish they had lower expectations of me.

After what felt like years school finally was over.

Without greeting my parents i go upstairs to my room. I felt lost. I felt lost in thought? In a world where your only a spec in comparison of every thing else. My problems are invalid i don't deserve to be sad people outside my life are dealing with so much and im here wealthy with every thing at my finger tips yet i don't want. It i cant be myself and and its so selfish but i just wish i could make mistakes. I wish i could be weird i wish i could have an exciting life be an teenager. Fall in love. Date a girl. But i have to be perfect so i hide myself. I know people have bigger problems and i shouldn't be sad but i am.

"Honey dinner is ready" mom yelled from the dinning room.

I slowly walk to the table were my dad and mom were waiting for me. Dinner was slient until i told them " mom i like some one"

"Really who is he". "Mom i like girls i told you already". " sorry i just thought you grew out that little phase." I felt like crying but held back the tears "mom its not i phase" i said calmly. "Honey you never know" my dad said "i guess" i said trying not to cry "may i be excused " "sure" my dad said .

I ran upstairs all i could to was cry regretted telling them any thing i just want to be taken seriously when i tell them im gay

I decided im going to ask her out. But what would we do. I always loved carnivals i hope she likes them to i brought two tickets online i just want to ask her already