Chapter 15

Everything happened in a flash. All Nathan could remember was him being bombarded by both Annie and Roxie with some water balloons and water guns to being pulled down by Calvin who was hidden with Paul and Landon behind the couch in the living room.

"Oh; now you finally show up. Where have you three been and why are Roxie and Annie all of a sudden attacking us with water balloons and water guns?" Nathan asked.

"Nathan; we've been hiding here the whole time. You, my friend; have just been too blind to even notice," Landon said. "As for the whole Roxie and Annie attacking us part; well, you're going to have to ask Roxie about the whole thing." he added.

"Great; my cousin and our soon to be new personal assistant decide to have a little water war against the four of us without even mentioning a thing about it to me. Today just got interesting." Nathan remarked.

"Yeah; you might want to change that part to your cousins and Roxie because there is a chance Tom is here hiding in our backyard as we speak." Paul mentioned.

"Now that's just great; both of my cousins are on the same bloody side as the one person who would be the perfect match for being our personal assistant! The game just keeps getting even better." Nathan remarked.

"It won't get any better with you complaining about every little detail. You are the only member out of the band who is a professional when it comes to situations like this one. So I suggest that you bloody shut your trap and start helping the three of us in winning this game." Calvin ordered as he gave Nathan one of his water guns.

"Well; if that's what you want, then follow my lead." Nathan said. Nathan then stood up and started to fire back an immense amount of water at both Annie and Roxie. The other three boys then got up from their hiding spot and also started to fire back at the girls.

"I think it's time that we head out to Tom." Annie told Roxie.

"I was thinking the same thing. You go first; I'll cover you." Roxie stated. Annie then started to head towards the back door and go to the backyard. Roxie then followed right after her going the same route until both girls had made it safely outside to their own hiding spots.

"They went outside; what do we do now?" Landon asked.

"We follow them of course; come on." Nathan replied. The four band mates then carefully walked outside to the backyard, checking constantly to see if the coast was clear for them to keep moving on.

"It looks like it's clear for now; we just need to keep a sharp eye out for any attack from-." Nathan started.

"Nathan; behind you, look out!" Calvin shouted. Nathan instantly turned around and saw a water balloon coming straight at him.

"Go back to the kitchen; now!" Nathan yelled. The other three boys then retreated back inside the house and hid behind the kitchen sink.

"Great; now we got water balloons coming at us. There's no way we're getting out of this alive now." Paul groaned.

"And here I thought it was only going to be water balloons and water guns, now we're outnumbered in weapons with no water balloons." Landon grimaced.

"Actually, we do have water balloons." Nathan admitted as he showed them his belt.

"Dude, do you know how handy those could be for us right now?" Calvin shrieked.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't bring out earlier I was a little busy trying not to get hit by any water balloons or being sprayed by a water gun back there." Nathan retorted.

"Enough already; with the two of you bickering like a bunch of idiotic kids there's no way the four of us are going to win this game! What we got to do is think up a strategy to get pass the water balloons to the other hiding spots in the backyard." Paul stated.

"Wait, did you say that there were hiding spots in the backyard?" Nathan asked him.

"Yeah, I just said that; why are you asking me this right now? We're supposed to be thinking up a plan." Paul restated.

"I know that it's just-oh, my gosh; that's it," Nathan said. "This isn't just some crazy water war. I mean it is a water war, it's just the water war is just like the video game League of Angels." he added.

"That doesn't even make any sense. What makes you even think that this whole thing is just League of Angels?" Landon asked.

"Guys; look at where we're hiding at right now. In every starting point of League of Angels; the gamer usually starts in either a house, castle or any other little sheltered building. Once the player makes it out of the building that they are in, the player has to go to these different lookouts to collect halo points, but at the same time the player has to keep an extra eye out for any demons that are being controlled by the Devil. Once the player defeats the demons and collects all of the halo points, they move on to the final battle which is between both the Devil and the player. I know this may sound a bit too far-fetch, but if you guys just look at how everything is all set up in the house and in the backyard; you could kind of see the similarities in both areas." Nathan explained.

"You know; he does have a very good point." Calvin said to Paul.

"Ok, fine; what do you want us to do?" Paul asked Nathan. Nathan then explained his little plan to the other three boys. The boys were completely amazed at how Nathan was handling everything at this point in the game.

"By the looks of things; it's probably obvious that Roxie is most likely the Devil in this game so leave the final battle to me. You guys try to deal with Annie and Tom for now. I'll help you guys out the best way I can, just promise me that you'll leave the last battle for me and Roxie." Nathan stated.

"Don't worry bro; we'll make sure that battle is only meant for you and Roxie." Calvin promised him.

"Ok; let's go kick some demon butt." Landon replied. Then all four band members walked out to the backyard into the battlefield.

So far the part of the game where the whole group was at was lasting for almost an hour or so. For the most part; Calvin and Paul had a good hiding spot in the backyard. Landon and Nathan, however; were having a difficult time to get to their hiding spot because of how close that particular area was nearby Annie's hiding spot.

"Ok; I'm running low on water and the only way for me to refill both of my water guns is if I head back to the house. So if you have any ideas up your sleeve; I suggest you bring them up now before it's too late for the both of us." Landon told Nathan.

"Well; I got one idea, but I don't think you're going to like it." Nathan replied.

"I'm willing to take my chances." Landon stated.

"I was thinking that you should take this hiding spot on your own while I go and try to find Roxie. I have a good feeling of where she might be at right now. Do you think you can manage getting the hiding spot without my help?"

"It may be a bit tricky, but I think I'll be fine. As for you, on the other hand; good luck. What you're about to do is pretty risky, even for me, Paul or Calvin." Landon admitted. Nathan then got up and started to head towards the side of the house where the garage was at. When Nathan entered the garage, he slowly walked through the room checking to see if Roxie was hiding behind any of the cars. Nathan eventually made it safely to the entrance of the garage and went inside the house. Once he entered the house, Nathan put down his water gun and started to walk towards the kitchen. When he entered the kitchen, Nathan went over to the sink to refill both of his water guns. However, what Nathan didn't realize was that Roxie was inside the house this whole time hiding in the guest bedroom. Roxie then quietly opened the bedroom door and started to quietly walk towards the kitchen. Just as she was about to turn the corner, Roxie paused and took a deep breath. Roxie quickly turned, and to her surprise; found herself all alone in the kitchen.

"Huh; that's weird, Nathan was just in the kitchen a few minutes ago and now he's not in here." Roxie said to herself. For what Roxie didn't know was that Nathan was also hiding from Roxie in the living room. Roxie gently put her water gun on the kitchen counter and walked towards the kitchen sink. What surprised Roxie more were the two empty water guns that were left behind in the sink.

"Why would Nathan leave these guns here in the kitchen sink?" Roxie asked herself. It wasn't until after a few minutes that Roxie figured out what was going on around her. Roxie then reached out to grab one of the water guns from the sink, but she was somehow stopped by the sound of a certain voice.

"Don't even think about grabbing that water gun." Nathan stated. Roxie gulped and turned around to see Nathan having her own water gun pointed at her ready to shoot with water.

"You actually caught me; I'm surprised." Roxie admitted.

"Didn't the guys tell you; I'm a total professional when it comes to games like this one. Though I got to give you credit on the whole theme part; that was pretty creative," Nathan told her. "Now if you could please raise your hands and walk towards me; I would like to tell everybody that the war is officially over." he added.

"Sure; unless you do one tiny favor for me." Roxie purposed to him.

"Really; and what favor would that be?"

"You have to give me the two songs that you have written for this upcoming album," Roxie stated. "Look; Paul, Calvin and Landon already have their songs written and finished all that's left is you. In about two or three weeks Scott will be back from his little business trip and if I don't have all four of your boys' songs completed and approved by both Lexie and Scott; there's no possible way I'm going to be your guys' new personal assistant." she added.

"What makes you think that I would be able to trust you with my songwriting? We barely even know each other in the first place." Nathan remarked.

"Your three band mates were willing to give me a shot; the question is how about you?" Roxie stated. Roxie did have a good point. Paul, Calvin and Landon had already gained Roxie's respect and trust in the past few days and Nathan had done nothing but ignore her. If Nathan was ever going to get Roxie to trust the boys in finding her a publisher; Nathan was going to have to let Roxie into his personal life even more from now on until Scott arrived back from his business trip.

"Fine; I'll give you my two songs today, but on one condition." Nathan replied.

"Name it."

"You have to loosen up the leash on this relationship between you and me." Nathan stated.

"Nathan, no; me letting you boys helping me find a publisher and trying to be your new personal assistant is plenty as it is. If I even try to give in making this relationship between you and me; the press is going to go crazy about this information." Roxie said.

"Roxie; I get that you want to keep this relationship on the down low, but being worried about the press finding out about our growing relationship is something me and the boys can deal with." Nathan explained.

"How do I know if you're telling me the truth?"

"You want me to trust you, right?"

"Well, yeah; but that still-." Roxie stated.

"This is me putting my trust in you. All you have to do is put your trust in me." Nathan reassured her. Roxie knew that Nathan was right. If Roxie was ever going to become an author; she needed to trust in her growing relationship with Nathan. Being the band's new personal assistant would have given Roxie some trust and respect between her and Nathan, but Roxie knew in her heart that it still wasn't enough. Roxie knew what she had to do, but the problem was Roxie ready to take that risk for her dreams of becoming an author to finally come true?

"Alright; fine, I'll loosen up my relationship with you but I'll only loosen it up a little bit." Roxie sighed.

"Good; now we're even." Nathan smiled. Roxie couldn't help herself but smile back. Even on days like this, Nathan somehow knew how to make Roxie smile. It almost reminded Roxie of the many times Fifth Avenue Boy made her smile with all of his quick witty jokes and remarks. To Roxie it was confusing, but also heartwarming at the same time. All of a sudden, a door slammed and Roxie grabbed one of the water guns from the kitchen sink while Nathan turned around with the water gun he had and stood next to Roxie.

"Nathan, Landon told me that you were-oh, my gosh!" Paul said.

"Geeze; Paul, you almost gave me and Roxie a heart attack." Nathan remarked.

"Oh, well I'm sorry; but at least I'm not the one who ditched his band mates in a whole water war out in our backyard. Anyway, did the two of you clear things up with each other?" Paul asked them.

"Yeah, we just did a few minutes ago. Why; what's wrong Paul?" Roxie asked.

"Well, the two of you aren't going to like the sound of this, but I received a text message from Lexie. Nathan, Lexie is on her way to the house right now to check up on us." Paul stated. When Roxie heard this, she gasped with total shock.