Chapter 24

As the week went on; the group spent most of their days in the recording studio that was located in the heart of the city. Roxie, of course; would try to take as many pictures as she could as keepsakes of her trip to the UK. While she took her pictures, Nathan would sometimes stare at Roxie and every time Roxie caught Nathan staring at her, she would always attempt to take a picture of him, but Nathan would quickly turn around or look away before Roxie had a chance to take the photo.

The band was also making a ton of progress on their duet with Cassie. So far the band had recorded half of the song in the studio and the song was a huge hit with Lexie and the recording studio producers.

"Who's idea was it for the duet?" Lexie asked Roxie while the two girls were in the listening booth.

"This might turn out to be kind of a shocker, but Nathan suggested the whole idea. He thought it'd be a good way for Cassie to get a record deal from your guys' label." Roxie stated.

"That's if your friend could get by Scott. He might be coming back this week which means you got to make a good impression too if you want to be the band's new personal assistant." Lexie pointed out. Lexie's cell phone then started to ring and she went out of the room to answer the phone call.

Back at the band's house, Roxie was out in the balcony uploading some pictures onto her laptop. All of a sudden, Nathan appeared at the doorway that led to the balcony.

"Hey; what are you doing up here?" he asked Roxie.

"I'm just uploading some pictures onto my laptop so I can have some keepsakes of my trip here to the UK." Roxie replied.

"Oh; that must sound like fun."

"I wish; uploading pictures is a long process. I have to choose the best pictures that I've taken on my camera to go with the aesthetic on all of my social media accounts and current situation in my life," Roxie stated. "Not to mention, working on these pictures helps me calm all of my nerves." she added.

"You're nervous about making a good impression on Scott; huh?"

"I don't know if I'm cut out for this job, Nathan. I feel like I don't know what to do when it comes to anything with all four of you and I keep wondering if it'll be enough to impress Scott so I could get the job. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it right now." Roxie whined.

"Roxie; there's no need to worry about anything."

"Really; and how do you know that?"

"I know it because I see the way you act when you're around everyone. You have this undeniable glow that is so contagious and whenever the lads and I or Cassie do something incredible or hit an insanely high note; your eyes just light up with excitement. You're meant to get this position." Nathan reassured her. Roxie then just rested her head against Nathan's shoulder and the two of them just stayed like that for a few minutes.

"I thought you wanted to keep this relationship professional." Nathan said while he comforted Roxie.

"I did and I guess I still want to; I just really could use a good friend right now."

"Oh, so now I'm a good friend." Nathan chuckled.

"Don't get your hopes up just yet mister. You've still got a ways to go on the relationship ladder." Roxie pointed out.

"That's fine by me. If I have to wait forever, then I'll do it; if that's what makes you happy." Nathan told her. Roxie then looked into Nathan's eyes and smiled knowing that at least someone cared about her well being.

A few days passed by and the next thing the band knew; Scott had arrived back to the UK from his business trip. So far the band and Cassie along with Roxie were in the lounge area of the recording studio waiting for Lexie to bring the group into the recording booth to perform the duet for Scott.

"God; I feel so nervous my legs and hands can't stop shaking." Cassie complained.

"Well, you did have about 3 cups of coffee this morning and coffee does make people a little anxious and nervous." Paul pointed out.

"Hey; you feeling ok?" Nathan asked Roxie.

"Yeah; I'm just trying to keep my mind busy and not worry too much on what's going to happen next." Roxie replied.

"If it helps; I can have somebody from downstairs bring you a cup of tea to calm you down." Nathan suggested.

"Thanks; but I had a cup already this morning. By the way; thanks again for comforting me the other day. I really needed that little boost of confidence."

"Don't mention it. I was wondering, since the lads, Cassie and I were going to perform the duet today; did you want the lads and I to perform one of our songs from our next album?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah; that'd be a great idea. Maybe you could do one of Calvin's songs that I helped him out with on the first day I stayed over at the house." Roxie suggested.

"Cool; I better let the lads know about it." Nathan smiled. Nathan then walked over to join the others in their conversation. Meanwhile, Annie and Tom entered the lounge area with Auntie Lizzie.

"Annie, Tom, Auntie Lizzie; what are you guys doing here?" Roxie asked.

"Nathan and the boys usually invite us to hear some of their songs on their new albums before they go out into the public. Besides Nathan texted me last night about you being nervous about making a good impression on Scott." Annie told her.

"Don't remind me; I had at least 2 full cups of chamomile tea just so I could keep the nerves away this morning." Roxie grimaced.

"Well, all I can say is Scott isn't that easy to impress right away. You got to have a ton of guts to work for a bloke like him, but from what I've seen from you this past month; there's no possible way he's not going to let you out of his sight. Which is why I'm here so I can put my two cents in just in case you need a little extra push." Auntie Lizzie stated.

"Aww; that's very sweet of you guys. I appreciate all the help I can get today." Roxie smiled. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and Lexie walked into the lounge area.

"We're ready for you now." she told the group. Then all four members of Fifth Avenue Square and Cassie went and followed Lexie into the studio booth. Roxie followed in after them and took a deep breath before entering the moment that would change her life forever.