Chapter 27

As time went on; Roxie, Cassie and Fifth Avenue Square's schedule became busier and busier as the group began to work at the recording studio. From dusk 'til dawn; the group of friends would be critiquing some songs every single day, making sure the sound and portrayal of the song sounded perfect to their ears. Also during that time; Roxie was busy helping Scott in finding a publisher. So far the two of them weren't getting that many offers. As the days went on and with not hearing any information from anyone; Roxie slowly started to get very agitated and impatient. Cassie, Paul, Landon and Calvin would try to do their best in trying to distract Roxie, but to no avail; nothing was working. It got so bad that on somedays Roxie wouldn't talk to any of them and would stay in her room throughout the whole day.

"All of this waiting is getting exhausting!" Cassie shrieked as she plopped herself on the sofa in the boys' living room.

"Publishers take their time in choosing which book to publish. We've got to be patient." Paul reassured her.

"I know that; it's just I'm worried about Roxie. It's been already three weeks since Scott promised her that he was going to try to find a publisher for her story. If Roxie keeps staying in her room; there's going to be a chance that she'll probably stay in there until Scott finally finds a publisher who is willing to publish Roxie's story. I don't want that to happen to my best friend." Cassie cried.

"It won't happen to her; we've just go to keep trying to find a way to distract her from getting to that point." Paul stated.

"But that's the point I'm making?! We've literally tried everything we could possibly think of and nothing seems to work!" Cassie retorted.

"Cassie's got a point here mate. We have tried almost anything and everything we could possibly think of to distract Roxie from worrying about finding her a publisher." Calvin told Paul.

"I know; I just wish we could find another way to distract Roxie from all of this waiting." Paul said. Then all of a sudden Nathan came down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Hey; you guys ok?" Nathan asked.

"Nope, not unless you've got a great idea or plan to distract Roxie from waiting to hear anything from Scott about finding a publisher for her story." Landon grumbled.

"You guys are still getting no luck? I'd think you would have already found at least one way of distracting Roxie by now."

"Yeah, well Roxie is one tough person to distract. Not to mention; all of these attempts that we're making are starting to take a toll on everyone; including Cassie." Paul stated.

"I wish there was anything I can do to help." Nathan shrugged his shoulders.

"Hold on; weren't you supposed to ask Roxie out to lunch a few weeks ago?" Calvin asked.

"Yeah, I was; but I'm thinking of slightly changing my plans a little bit. Why do you ask?"

"Well, since the four of us can't come up with anything-."

"Oh, no; no, there is no way I am going to be your guys' distraction for Roxie." Nathan said.

"Oh, come on Nathan! The poor girl is bloody miserable right now. Usually you would go for these type of situations." Calvin remarked.

"Yeah, but that was before any of this. Now it's just-I don't know; it's just different."

"Different, how? My best friend and your new personal assistant has been locked up in her room for the past two weeks now and pretty soon its going to get to the point where she's going to be locked away in that room for the rest of her trip unless she gets what she wants. You are Nathan Hendrickson; Great Britian's most well known rebel. I'm pretty sure you can conjure up some type of midnight adventure or something." Cassie pleaded.

"Wait; can you repeat what you just said?" Nathan asked.

"I said that my best friend and your new personal assistant has been locked up in her room for the past two weeks now." Cassie repeated.

"No; after that. It was the very last thing you said."

"That I'm pretty sure you can conjure up some type of midnight adventure or something?" Cassie guessed.

"Yeah, that one. I think I've got an idea," Nathan said. He then ran down to the media room and grabbed his tablet that was laying on top of the sofa from a previous night of songwriting with Roxie. Once Nathan returned to the kitchen; he placed the tablet on the island and quickly typed up what he was looking for on the tablet. "There we are! I knew I had something coming up in few days." he added.

"A Gavin Simmons concert? That's your brilliant plan to distract Roxie." Paul remarked.

"Yes, but I'm not going to stay for the whole concert." Nathan replied. Nathan then started to grab a water bottle, some fruit and a few small bags of his favorite chips and walked over to Roxie's room. Once Nathan had arrived at Roxie's room; he knocked on the bedroom door.

"Roxie; Roxie come on I know you're in there. You know you can't shut us out. Everyone is worried sick about you," Nathan pleaded. Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, Roxie was near the door; listening to Nathan. A small part of Roxie wanted to open the door and let Nathan into the room, but then another part of her just wanted to go back to her bed and continue moping. "Look; I get that you're worried about not finding a publisher for your story, but you can't just shut away from the world just because things don't go your way in the world. Please let me in; please?" Nathan begged. At that point Roxie gave in and unlocked the bedroom door. She then slowly opened the door and saw Nathan standing with a couple of water bottles and some food.

"Something tells me that you might be a little hungry." Nathan teased as he held up the food and beverages. Roxie just smiled and moved aside to let Nathan inside the bedroom.

After a while had passed and Roxie had finished eating all of the snacks Nathan had brought to the room; the two acquaintances sat silently on the bed and stared blankly at the walls.

"Thanks for bringing me all the snacks and water." Roxie said faintly.

"Don't mention it; though I do have to admit it was pretty reckless of you to lock yourself up in your room like this. It's getting everyone worried, especially Cassie." Nathan mentioned.

"I know; it's just I'm really worried that I'm not going to find a publisher that will publish my book. It's almost going to be two months since I have arrived here in the UK and I still can't find one freaking publishing deal." Roxie cried in agony.

"Hey, don't get so hard on yourself. You're going to find that good publishing deal. I just know it."

"How do you know? I bet you don't know anything about what I'm dealing with right now." Roxie retorted.

"That actually is not true. It took me, Paul, Calvin and Landon 5 years to finally get a record deal and we're lucky enough to get it with Scott. I understand that all of the waiting is making you very worried and anxious about everything; but you've got to trust me that Scott is doing all that he can in finding you a great publishing deal for your story." Nathan reassured her.

"I do trust you; believe me I do. I just wish there was at least one thing to keep me distracted from all of the waiting?!"

"Ok, well let's think of something. What is the one thing that you've been wanting to do since you've came to the UK?" Nathan asked.

"Well I've always wanted to get a tour of London from a local's point of view plus I also wanted to try Maverick's." Roxie said.

"How about this: a buddy of mine gave me tickets to a concert in the Northern part of the city sometime next week. We can spend the whole day there, touring the city and maybe fit some time in to eat at Maverick's before we head over to the concert." Nathan stated.

"Ok; I'd like that." Roxie replied.

"Really; you want to do this with me? I thought you said you wanted to keep this relationship professional."

"Yeah, and I still do. I've just realized that you and I have gotten really close lately with our friendship so I figured why not and ease off the breaks a bit." Roxie teased.

"Oh, ok; well just so you know when it comes to these little adventures; I am a pro at making it the best night anyone has ever experienced." Nathan said bluntly.

"Great; I've always dreamed of having a fun night out with Nathan Hendrickson from Fifth Avenue Square," Roxie laughed. Nathan just rolled his eyes and collected all of the trash from before and headed for the bedroom door. "Hey, Nathan; thanks for doing all of this for me today. It really meant a lot to me." she said.

"Don't mention it; and just so you know, we're all here for you if you need someone to talk to about anything that's bothering you." Nathan said.

"I know; well, I'm a bit sleepy so I'm going to take a little nap. I'll see you guys later, ok?"

"Sounds good to me. If you need anything, everyone will be in the kitchen and living room." Nathan said. Roxie just simply nodded her head and closed the bedroom door. Once Roxie closed the bedroom door; she let out a long sigh and walked tiredly over to her bed. Roxie then unraveled the soft bedsheets and; for the first time in weeks, fell asleep peacefully.