Chapter 35

Once the couple had made it to the pub's shed, Nathan went into the shed to find the little row boat while Roxie waited outside. After a few minutes have passed, Nathan had returned to the entrance of the shed pushing what looked like a decent sized paddle boat for only two people. Once Nathan made it to the entrance of the shed, Roxie then assisted Nathan with pushing the boat to the lake. When the couple got the boat to the lake; Nathan gave the boat one final nudge and the boat made it into the water. Nathan then quickly jumped into the boat and offered his hand to Roxie. Roxie then took Nathan's hand and quickly followed in after him into the boat. Once Roxie had made it safely into the bat with Nathan; Nathan took out the boat's oars and started to paddle the boat to the other side of the lake. While Nathan was paddling the boat, Roxie just sat and enjoyed the picturesque atmosphere that was around her.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Nathan teased.

"I guess-I don't know. It's just when it comes to quiet atmospheres like how it is right now; I always find them incredibly majestic. When I was living with my dad-it was right before I left for college- he and I would go on these yearly summer trips up to Northern California and we would stay over at one of the small towns that are along the coastline of California for the weekend. It sounds cheesy, I know-in fact I don't even know why I'm even telling you this right now, but with just being out here-seeing all of this; it brings back a lot of great childhood memories. Does that make any sense?" Roxie asked.

"It makes total sense. In fact it sounds fascinating. I wish I could have done that with my family as a kid. Then again; my cousins aren't huge fans of 'being out in nature'." Nathan pointed out. Pretty soon the boat had finally made it to the other side of the lake.

Nathan then quickly got out of the boat and took out some rope that he found and tied the rope around a nearby tree stump that was near the lake. As soon as he had finished tying the rope around the stump, Nathan helped Roxie get out of the boat. Once Roxie had made it safely out of the boat, the couple started to slowly walk away from the lake.

"Alright, we made it to the other side of the lake, where do we go to next?" Roxie asked Nathan.

"If I remember correctly; there should be a little path just a few feet away from here. Once we find the path; that should lead us to the cottage." Nathan stated.

"Good because I sure could use a nice comfy bed right now; not that I'm complaining or anything." Roxie admitted.

"No worries; besides I'm right there with you on the whole comfy bed idea." Nathan added. The couple continued on walking towards the path and in about a few minutes, the path to the cottage was located and the couple made their way to the cottage.

It took the couple a good 30 minutes to get to the cottage. Once both Nathan and Roxie had gotten to the cottage, Roxie was impressed of how quaint the cottage looked. Like every house Roxie had seen in the countryside, the cottage's exterior was made out of plaster like stone, had a nice little garden in the front and had a somewhat comfortable hometown feel to it. However, when the couple entered the cottage; Roxie's outlook on the cottage changed drastically.

To Roxie, she expected the interior of the cottage to be small, but to her surprise; the interior was massive. Just like Fifth Avenue Square's mansion; the cottage had a rustic modern interior design throughout the whole house. However, what made the cottage different from the mansion was how the cottage had somewhat of a "family home" theme similar to The Smouldering Hog.

"It looks like my family finally remodeled the place. Last time I was in this cottage; none of these nice updates were here." Nathan said.

"Tell me about it. I feel like I'm seeing just a smaller version of your boys' house. But if there is one single difference between both places; its that this cottage has a similar charm just like your aunt and uncle's pub and inn," Roxie pointed out. "Anyway, my whole entire body is exhausted so I am going to get ready for bed." she added.

"Same here. I know that the bedrooms and bathroom are down that hallway over to the right. I'll probably just sleep on the living room sofa for the night."

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to let you suffer even more and let you sleep on the couch. Your body is probably even more exhausted than mine. You sir are sleeping in that other bedroom; no excuses." Roxie stated.

"Yeah, I had a feeling you would say that. Well then I guess this is goodnight." Nathan chuckled.

"I guess so; well goodnight Nathan." Roxie said. Roxie then turned around and walked to her bedroom.

"Wait; no goodnight kiss?" Nathan asked.

"Sorry, but an independent girl like myself NEVER kisses on a first date. That's just how I roll," Roxie admitted. "See you bright and early in the the morning!" she smiled as she closed the bedroom door. Nathan chuckled and waved back and stood in the hallway, hoping for Roxie to come out of the main bedroom again and then the most unexpected thing happened right before Nathan's eyes.

All of a sudden, the main bedroom door quickly opened and Roxie came out, rushed over to Nathan and gave a quick little kiss on Nathan's cheek.

"I thought you said that an independent girl like yourself never kisses on a first date?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, don't get any ideas; ok? That was just a way of me saying thank you for possibly taking me on one of the best first dates that I've ever been on in a long time," Roxie said sarcastically. "Plus every time that I hang out with you; for some odd reason, this unexpected rebellious side of my personality comes out of me." she added.

"Really; well then I really must have made an impression on you today." Nathan chuckled.

"Yeah, well don't get your hopes up just yet. Most guys that I've dated blow it around the second date, so you sir got some work to do if you really want to impress me even more."

"Fine by me; if it means more midnight adventures with a beautiful woman like you then I'll take any chance that I've got just to spend even more time with you." Nathan said. Roxie couldn't help but blush at Nathan's remark.

"Anyway it's getting late. Goodnight, Nathan and thanks again for today. I really had a great time." Roxie said. Roxie then turned and walked back to her room. Before she entered the bedroom, Roxie turned around and waved one final time to Nathan before closing the bedroom door. After waving back to Roxie, Nathan entered his bedroom.

Early the next morning; Cassie was sitting in the kitchen of Fifth Avenue Square's house drinking some coffee that she had found in one of the kitchen cupboards while scrolling through her cell phone; hoping to see if Roxie had posted anything about her date with Nathan on social media.

"Damn; she didn't post one thing about yesterday." Cassie muttered under her breath. Around the same time; Paul was coming downstairs to make some breakfast for everyone.

"Hey; you're up early." Paul said when he saw Cassie in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I wanted to at least see if Roxie or Nathan posted anything on social media about yesterday, so far I saw nothing," Cassie stated. "I'm sorry; I'm just really worried about Roxie and I know I'm not supposed to be worried, but ever since both Nathan and Roxie had decided to not communicate with anyone about last night; I can't seem to get the feeling that something went terribly wrong on their 'midnight adventure'." she added.

"No worries; I completely understand how you feel. You know what; why don't we all go over to Nathan's aunt and uncle's pub for breakfast today? I think you, me and the other lads could use a change of scenery, eh?" Paul suggested.

"Are you sure-I mean; what if Roxie and Nathan are already on their way back here to the house? How are they supposed to get inside without anybody here to open the front gate for them?"

"Cassie; if I know anything about Nathan, it's that boy will find any way to get in this house. Trust me; Nathan and Roxie will be fine while we're gone." Paul reassured her.

"Well, if you say so; then let's go. I'll go let Landon and Calvin know about the change of plans." Cassie smiled.

"Great; I'll call Annie and let her know that we're coming over to the pub." Paul stated. The two of them then left the kitchen and went to go do their tasks.

Meanwhile, back at the cottage; Roxie was barely waking up from sleeping. When she had finally came to her surroundings; Roxie just couldn't help but smile while she was laying in the bed. Roxie couldn't believe that the previous night was actually real and not just some dream or fantasy. From the moment both her and Nathan woke up that day to the moment she said goodnight to Nathan, Roxie loved every single second of her midnight adventure with Nathan. It was as if Nathan read Roxie's mind and planned the whole day as a spontaneous adventure Roxie had always dreamed of being on. But what worried Roxie the most was did Nathan feel the same way about last night?

All of a sudden, Roxie's train of thought got interrupted by a sudden movement in the cottage's kitchen. Roxie then quietly walked over to the kitchen and was utterly surprised to see Annie. When Annie saw Roxie standing at the entrance of the kitchen, all she could do was just smile.

"Good morning; sleepy head! I didn't know somebody was in here. Usually no one is in this place besides newlyweds. You and Nathan didn't-." Annie asked.

"Oh, god; no! Nathan was tired of riding his dad's old motorbike so we decided to sleep here for the night." Roxie replied.

"Oh; ok good, at least my cousin is somewhat smart on that part. Did you say that Nathan's dad had a motorbike?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you later. It's a pretty long story," Roxie sighed. "How did you get to this side of the lake?" she asked.

"I walked across the old wooden bridge that's about a half a mile away from the pub. How did you and Nathan get to this side last night?"

"Nathan got out an old rowboat. You know; I had a feeling Nathan was trying to impress me last night, and; I've got to admit, he did a great job at pulling it off in making it a night that I will never forget." Roxie admitted.

"Well, it seems to me you and Nathan's little adventure yesterday was amazing by that smile on your face. Anyway, with all things considered; I'm pretty sure you are hungry. Come on; let's go see if my mum can whip you up a nice English breakfast." Annie said as the two girls were leaving the cottage.

Meanwhile; back at The Smouldering Hog; Cassie, Paul and the rest of Fifth Avenue Square, along with Tom and Auntie Lizzie were in the back kitchen of the pub eating breakfast.

"Wait; you literally called both Roxie and Nathan 10-20 times yesterday while they were on their date?" Tom asked Cassie.

"Yes, I did; I know it may sound a little overbearing, but Roxie hasn't gone out on an actual first date with a guy in a long time. Not to mention the one guy Roxie decides to go out with happens to be very well known in getting into trouble at night clubs and with cops. God only knows what those two did last night." Cassie remarked.

"Look, let's just hope Nathan did his part in making sure that his adventure with Roxie yesterday was a nice distraction from waiting to hear some news about Roxie's publishing deal." Paul stated. All of a sudden the group heard a noise coming from the front entrance of the pub. The next thing the group knew; both Annie and Roxie were coming through the back kitchen and sitting and joining the others.

"Oi; what are you lot doing here this morning?" Annie asked them.

"Cassie here was worried about Roxie and how Roxie was handling her little adventure with Nathan so Paul thought it'd be a great idea to have a change of scenery and have breakfast here at the pub." Calvin explained while he was stuffing his mouth with toast and baked beans.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I had my cell phone off the whole day yesterday and Nathan only used his to take pictures and I guess to contact Gavin Simmons tour team. I should have told him to at least text one of you guys to let you know that we were ok, but Nathan and I were so tired from all the riding on the motorbike that belonged to Nathan's dad and not to mention we slept in I think this small honeymoon cottage that was across the lake-." Roxie explained.

"Whoa, hold on; Nathan's dad had a motorbike and you two stayed in a honeymoon cottage?" Paul restated.

"I need to see this motorbike!" Landon shouted.

"Oi; I want to see it too! Wait for me!" Calvin said as he followed Landon to the front entrance of the pub.

"I better keep an eye on them before they break anything. Paul you want to come?" Tom asked him.

"Might as well, anyway; Roxie I'm glad you had a great time yesterday. Auntie Lizzie; your cooking is exquisite like always. I'll see you ladies later." Paul replied as he left the back kitchen. Roxie, Cassie and Annie just giggled and waved goodbye.

"Those lads and motorbikes; it's no wonder Annie your father kept that motorbike a secret from Nathan. Anyway; here you are Roxie, a nice piping hot full English breakfast just enough to fill you up for lunch," Auntie Lizzie said. "If you girls need anything; I'll be upstairs. Annie; keep an eye out for any customers." she added. The three girls smiled and waved goodbye.

"So I take your little 'date' adventure with Nathan yesterday was amazing." Cassie giggled.

"Cassie; yesterday was more than that. It was magical." Roxie sighed.