Chapter 40

Meanwhile back at The Smouldering Hog; Roxie was sitting in the booth where she, Nathan, Paul, Landon and Calvin ate in on the second night she had eaten at The Smouldering Hog. Roxie was just finishing up her second serving of hot tea from her breakfast that she ate that morning. As she was drinking her tea, Roxie was uploading the last bit of pictures from her camera onto her laptop. Once she had finally picked the pictures that she wanted to keep, Roxie then clicked on the Internet icon and pulled up her social media accounts. As she was scrolling through her accounts, Roxie couldn't help but stop and stare at all the pictures of her and Nathan. Roxie couldn't help but sigh and recall the fond memories she had created with both Nathan and the other boys. All of a sudden Roxie felt the touch of somebody's hand on her shoulder. Roxie turned around and saw Annie standing behind her smiling at her. Roxie couldn't help but start crying. All Annie could do was hug and hold Roxie and comfort her from all her sorrow. Meanwhile Nathan's aunt; Auntie Lizzie, was silently observing both girls from the kitchen's main entrance to the pub. Auntie Lizzie couldn't help but go over to the booth where the girls were sitting at.

"Everything ok dearie?" Auntie Lizzie asked Roxie once both girls had finally calmed down.

"Yeah; I'm just finding it hard to say goodbye to this place. Before I came here I never thought I would meet let alone live and become very close friends with Nathan and the boys. And now I'm not sure whether or not I'm making the right decision in going back to New York." Roxie explained.

"Roxie, if Cassie and the others were here they would think that you would be making the stupidest decision of your life by tossing away the only opportunity for your career on becoming an author." Annie said.

"How about Annie and I come with you when you get dropped off at the airport? That way the fact of you leaving us doesn't feel so lonesome; hmm?" Auntie Lizzie suggested. Roxie silently nodded her head. Annie then gently guided Roxie upstairs to her bedroom to fix her make up while Auntie Lizzie cleaned up Roxie's breakfast dishes. When Auntie Lizzie had entered the kitchen with Roxie's dirty breakfast dishes, she went straight away to the kitchen sink and wash every single dish diligently and silently. While Auntie Lizzie was washing Roxie's dishes, Uncle Hank's delivery van drove into the back parking lot of the pub. Pretty soon Tom came down the back stair case in the kitchen.

"I just saw Roxie with Annie in the bathroom upstairs, Mum. Is she feeling alright?" Tom asked.

"Honestly sweetheart; I have no idea. The poor girl's heart is broken and confused about all the choices that she is making at the moment, that I'm not even sure an old hag like myself can solve this problem," Auntie Lizzie sighed. Pretty soon Uncle Hank had entered into the kitchen, bringing the day's meal itinerary for the pub. "Tom, I think it's best you go help out your father with unloading all the food from the van." she instructed her son. Tom then got up from where he was sitting and walked outside to the van. Once Tom had finally left his parents alone to talk, Uncle Hank slowly started to unload the first crate of food onto the kitchen counter.

"How is she doing?" Uncle Hank asked Auntie Lizzie.

"Not too great Hank. Roxie may have been a strong girl while she's been staying with Nathan and the boys, but that poor girl's heart is breaking by the minute." Auntie Lizzie stated.

"Well Lizzie, what do you want me to do? Roxie spent 3 months living and getting to know our own nephew. Not to mention, Nathan is probably suffering with this kind of news as well," Uncle Hank remarked. "Besides; I think you and I both know he is the only person who can make Roxie better." he added.

"You really think Nathan is the only person who can make Roxie happy?" Auntie Lizzie said.

"If no one else can, then I don't know who else can put a smile on that girl's face. Let's face it Lizzie; the only way Nathan and Roxie are ever going to feel better about this situation is if the two of them talk to each other face to face." Uncle Hank remarked. All of a sudden there was a commotion from upstairs. The next think Uncle Hank and Auntie Lizzie knew, both Annie and Roxie were coming down the stairs to the back kitchen.

"Well that was fast." Uncle Hank chuckled.

"Roxie saw a black van pull up in the back parking lot. She then received a text from Lexie saying that her ride was here to pick her up and take her to the airport," Annie explained. "Are you ready to go Mum?" she asked.

"I'll be ready in just a little bit. Why don't you girls go and find Tom so he can help you girls load up Roxie's belongings into the car. I just need to finish clearing up in here." Auntie Lizzie instructed. The two girls then left the kitchen to go find Tom.

"You and Annie are going with Roxie to the airport?" Uncle Hank asked.

"I felt like the poor girl needed at least some type of company just so she doesn't feel like she's going through this drastic change all by herself. Anyway; I'll probably be gone for a while, do you think you can manage everything on your own?" Auntie Lizzie asked her husband.

"Lizzie; I've got everything under control. You've got nothing to worry about. You just worry about going to the airport with Annie and Roxie and if by chance 'you know who' happens to stop by here to find a certain young lady; I'll direct him on the right path." Uncle Hank reassured her. Auntie Lizzie then gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek and went up the stairs to grab a coat.

A few minutes have passed, Uncle Hank and Auntie Lizzie had joined Tom, Annie and Roxie outside. Once Tom had finished loading up all of Roxie's belongings into the van that was taking Roxie, Annie and Auntie Lizzie to the airport; Roxie took a long sigh and looked at The Smouldering Hog one last time.

"Well, that's about everything. Now are you sure you and Mum don't want to drive to the airport in your care Annie?" Tom asked his sister.

"Now that you've mentioned it; I think it is best for me and Mum to go to the airport in my car. What do you think Mum?" Annie asked.

"I don't mind either, but I believe it's Roxie's choice on how she wants us to get to the airport." Auntie Lizzie pointed out.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind if one of you come with me in the van and then someone else drove Annie's car. I think that would be much easier." Roxie said.

"How about this? Lizzie; you go in Annie's car to the airport while the girls ride in the black van." Uncle Hank suggested.

"I'm good with that idea." Annie stated. So Annie's mom went back into the pub to grab Annie's car keys from the kitchen.

"Well I guess this is it then. This may be the last time I get to see The Smouldering Hog like this." Roxie sighed.

"Don't say that! I'm sure you'll be able to come back here to the UK sometime in the coming months." Tom reassured her.

"I hope so; because there's no way I'm going to forget my time here with all of you." Roxie smiled.

"Well; if and when you do return, just know you are always welcomed here at The Smouldering Hog." Uncle Hank said as he hugged Roxie. Roxie hugged Uncle Hank and thanked him for he generous offer. Roxie then said goodbye to Tom and got into the van while Annie followed in right behind her. Once the girls got inside the car, Uncle Hank closed the door and gently pat on the back window. Pretty soon the van was driving along the road away from a life Roxie had only dreamed of living.

While driving over to the airport, Roxie stared out the car window; taking in the beautiful scenery of both the countryside and the hustle and bustle of the city life of London. Despite the fact that she was leaving, Roxie was extremely grateful for the amazing memories and time she had spent in the UK. It was an experience that Roxie would have never forgot, one that she wouldn't change for the world.

Pretty soon both cars had arrived at the departure drop off zone of the London airport. While both Annie and Roxie were getting out of the van that they drove into the airport, Auntie Lizzie parked Annie's car right behind the van, got off and went into the airport to go find a luggage cart carrier. As that was happening; both Annie and Roxie unloaded all of Roxie's luggage out of the van. In less that 5 minutes Auntie Lizzie had returned with a luggage cart and Annie, along with Roxie; started to load up the cart with Roxie's luggage. Once the girls were finished; Auntie Lizzie, Annie and Roxie went over to the ticket booth so Roxie could check in her luggage onto the plane and receive her airplane ticket. As Roxie was getting her luggage checked in; Annie and Auntie Lizzie went to stand by the security check in area. When Roxie was done with checking in her luggage and getting her plane ticket she went over to where Annie and Auntie Lizzie were waiting for her.

"Well everything's all done. I guess this is goodbye." Roxie said.

"God; I promised myself I wasn't going to cry, but now that you're actually leaving; I just can't help it." Annie cried as she quickly brushed away tears from her eyes. Roxie couldn't help but laugh as she tried to comfort Annie. After hugging for a few minutes; Auntie Lizzie and Annie said their final goodbyes to Roxie. Pretty soon Roxie was going through the security check in and into the US Border and Customs area to get her passport stamped.

Once Roxie had made it through customs and security, she grabbed her carry on bag and started to walk over tot he plane terminal for her flight back to New York. As she was walking to the terminal; Roxie observed the last few moments of her surroundings at the London Airport. As she was observing her surroundings, Roxie couldn't help but notice seeing someone that reminded her of Nathan. Roxie quickly shook her head and silently told herself that what she saw was just a figment of her imagination. But no matter how many she tried to forget about what she saw, Roxie couldn't get the clear image of Nathan out of her mind. To Roxie; Nathan had this distinct look about him that made him stand out in public. Nathan was average height, with ocean blue eyes, with light brown hair and pale olive toned skin. His personality was a bit rough around the edges; but once Roxie opened up to him, Nathan was unlike anyone she had ever met. And to Roxie's surprise; her feeling towards Nathan became even more confusing and complicated. More than anything Roxie wanted to tell Nathan how she felt, but she was afraid that Nathan wouldn't feel the same about her. So every time Roxie was around or near Nathan; she would subside all her feelings.

Pretty soon Roxie was at the plane terminal for her flight back to New York. Roxie looked around the terminal to find a place to sit and wait and luckily she found a spot near a window and was not too far from her terminal entrance. Once Roxie had sat down in the available spot; she took out her cell phone, plugged in her noise cancelling headphones and went straight to the music playlist app on her phone and listened to some music. As Roxie was sitting there listening to her music; she closed her eyes and tried to rest before her flight back to New York. However Roxie's nerves and anxiety slowly started to trickle in again; making Roxie feel even more reckless than before. Feeling hopeless; Roxie sat up and stared out the window and silently daydreamed about how far away from all the cloud and mist of the city and ocean there was another city where she once called home. And no more than ever, Roxie wished for someone to tell her that she was making the biggest mistake of her life. Roxie then paused the song that she was listening to on her phone and got up from her spot and walked to the nearest women's restroom. Once Roxie had gotten to the restroom, she silently walked over to the closest empty sink. After taking a few deep breaths, Roxie turned on the faucet and splashed the running cold water on her face.

"You can do this Roxie. Come on; you can pull through all of this. Everyone is counting on you." Roxie said to herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. To Roxie's surprise, Roxie couldn't recognize the person staring back at her. Whenever Roxie saw her reflection in a mirror, she would see a shy, timid girl with dark brown hair, hazel brown eyes with fairly toned skin. However; the person Roxie was looking at right now was someone unrecognizable. In front of Roxie was a strong, independent young woman ready to show the world what she was capable of doing with her career of becoming an author. And with taking one final deep breath; Roxie walked out of that restroom with some spurge of confidence back to where she left her stuff.

Once Roxie had returned to her spot, Roxie notice small Red double decker bus next to her carry on bag. Roxie then looked around the terminal to see who might have left the small figurine by her belongings, however; all Roxie could see were people rushing to their next destination or business men and women on their cell phones or laptops minding their own business.

"Well at least I got somewhat of a decent souvenir." Roxie sighed. Once Roxie sat down in her spot, she took one short glance out the window next to her and, to her surprise; noticed a black motorcycle right outside from where she was sitting. Roxie closed her eyes and shook her head as if she was in a dream, but once she opened her eyes again; the motorcycle was still outside.

"Ok; maybe I'm going crazy." Roxie said to herself as she got up from where she was sitting.

"You got that right." someone said out loud. Roxie then turned around to see who was talking to her and, to her surprise; Roxie saw Nathan standing, looking right at her with a small smirk on her face.

"Nathan; how did you-?"

"What? Did you really think I was going to let you leave without saying goodbye?" Nathan chuckled. Roxie couldn't help but smile as she ran up to Nathan and hugged him tightly. Nathan then slowly brushed a couple of strands of Roxie's hair away from her cheek, but before either one of them could say anything; Nathan kissed Roxie right on the lips.

"So I take it you saw my video." Roxie said as she and Nathan were waiting at the terminal.

"I did; now at least I know that you leaving me won't be so much of a burden." Nathan replied as he comforted Roxie.

"True; but there is still the fact that I may not come back here to the UK." Roxie remarked.

"Roxie; don't-."

"No; listen. Just because I'm going back to New York doesn't guarantee a high chance of me returning to the UK right away. Before I even considered of even publishing my story I did my research. It take on average 6 months to a year or more for a person to get a book published. And my dream of me being an author doesn't even come close to the fact of me trying to cram into my schedule a way for me to be you and the boys' new personal assistant." Roxie explained.

"Hey; you are not going at all of these changes all on your own, ok? Knowing Scott; I'm sure he's going to talk to the publishing company in New York and try to work out a schedule that will not only be easy for them to have time with you as you work on getting your book published while at the same time have time to be me and the lads new personal assistant." Nathan reassured her.

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I am going to remind Scott everyday while you're gone to get in contact with the publishing company. In the meantime, YOU are going to stay in New York and make your dream of becoming an author a reality." Nathan replied. "And as for us; we are going to Face Chat each other and call or message one another everyday, then either every week or month. There's no way I'm not going to go a day without seeing your beautiful smile or hearing your laugh or voice." he added as he wiped away fresh tears off of Roxie's cheek. Roxie then hugged Nathan and passionately kissed him on the lips.

"God; why'd you have to make saying goodbye to you even harder?" Roxie giggled.

"Sorry love; but it's one of the perks of liking a rock star." Nathan chuckled as he gently kissed Roxie on the forehead. Roxie then sighed and laid her head against Nathan's chest and the two of them then patiently waited for Roxie's plane to depart. After a half an hour passed; one of the flight attendants announced for the passengers that were flying back to New York to start getting in line to check in to get on the plane. Once Nathan had heard the announcement, he gently woke up Roxie from her sleep. Roxie then got up from her seat and both she and Nathan went to stand in line for Roxie to check herself in to get on her long flight back to New York. As soon as Roxie had her ticket scanned, Nathan and her walked to the cockpit of the plane.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then." Roxie said as she smiled while a tear silently trickled down her face. Nathan then quickly brushed the tear away and kissed Roxie on her head as he comforted her.

"No matter what anyone says; bumping into you on that storm was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me." Nathan said. Roxie just giggled and hugged Nathan one last time.

"It was an honor working with you Nathan Hendrickson. I hope we work together again soon." Roxie said as she held out her hand. Nathan then shook Roxie's hand knowing that this was the last time he was ever going to hold her hand again.

"The pleasure is all mine Roxie Rodriguez. I hope you have a nice flight back to New York." Nathan stated. After a few minutes have passed; Roxie kissed Nathan on the lips one last time, turned around and walked down the cockpit to the main entrance of the plane.

Once all of the passengers had gotten into all of their seats, the plane detached from the airport. And what once was an accidental run in at a pub and inn on a wet stormy night on the outskirts on London, England became a life long friendship between two strangers from different worlds.