I can't believe we left it at that. It just feels so unsatisfying to have to wait, especially for more than one reason. The first being the obvious fact that I have to keep my resolve until I see her again. I've made up my mind, I was going to confess to her.
Funny, since I'm not certain how I feel about her emotionally. Or maybe I am, and I'm just denying it. Sure, I could check off nice things like her cooking, or the way she make sure I'm taken care of. There's even the beauty she has about her. However, I can't help, but feel some connection between us. When we talk, I can open up to her in ways I never thought I could to a person. And her the same, as if there's some describable thing that we share.
The other problem I'm having with waiting, is a bit more embarrassing. I take another sharp breath through my teeth, with the way I'm feeling. I need to relief myself, from that feeling down there. Why does her figure have to turn me on so much?
If this was a different circumstance, I might think of sneaking off somewhere. It's such a degenerate thing to do, but it's really bad right now. I'm honestly scared that I'm going to do it in my pants.
But right now, I need to buy some things for her before I return to our room. It seems like some simple stuff, a lot of baked goods, and apparently some 'adult' beverages. Where I'm from, it's not legal for someone my age to purchase this stuff, but in this world, it doesn't matter. I'm surprised that she didn't want to shop with me, but maybe whatever it was she needed to do was just that important.
I went though the list as quickly as I could, now I'm just heading up to our room. I'm getting to the moment of truth, and my heart is starting to race. It feels a little silly that this is making me anxious, as if she doesn't already like me. I guess it's more that I don't know what to expect, when she does says yes.
I make it, right on the dot to the time she said to come. I could hardly wait for this moment, as I slowly open the door.
"Ahh!" I didn't expect to hear her yell in fear for my arrival. When I take a look in, she's standing right by the bed, with a blanket covering her lower half. That bra she's wearing, I know for a fact that it's not what she usually wears. It's made of what seems to be soft, silky material.
"Um, what were you planning?" I don't know if she's really the master schemer here, seeing as I've come a bit earlier than she'd like.
"I was hoping to surprise you..." She lets go of the blanket, revealing that she's wearing her usual panties. I see, so she was changing into something a bit more... Sexy. "I look so stupid right now." She jumps into bed, covering her face, which I'm certain is bright red at the moment.
It's clear that she's upset over her being unable to impress me, at least from how she sees it. It's definitely not to do with being almost naked in front of me. She's lying face down, and I get a nice look at her butt once again, though this time, it's covered.
Saffron..." I put down the food and drink on a table, then sit besides her on the bed. I put my hand over her luscious hair, prompting her to turn up to me. "I've been meaning to tell you something..." I want to say it. Now I've got the chance, but my body doesn't want to produce the words. I have to focus every muscle in my mouth, just to let out a whisper. "I... like you." There, I hope she heard that.
"What?" Darn it.
Come on, I just need to calm down. I already know how she feels, I just need to let her know how I feel now. All I have to do, is say it.
"I like you." I say it again, not really looking at her, so I'm not sure how she's taking it.
"You do!?" That sounds a lot more shocked than I thought she'd be. Honestly, I thought she was going to be excited over the idea. Maybe even jump up and give me a hug, or something. "I didn't think you'd ever like me."
"Really? After all that effort you've been putting in?"
"Well yeah, I thought that maybe you weren't into my... Well, I don't have things that would make you look at me like a woman." She certainly not wrong about that, except for the fact that I've seen her like a girl for a while now.
"The truth is..." I take her hand, as gently as I can. "Well, there's no other girl that I see as a woman, more than you." When I hear it coming out of my mouth, it feels a little clunky, but it's really how I feel. Somehow, I've fallen head-over-heels for this girl, and I'll say anything to make sure she knows that for a fact.
"..." She doesn't know what to say. I guess after the whole attempting to get me to like her. She hasn't really thought beyond the point when I would return her feelings. Or maybe she just thought I was a more classical protagonist that would be dense to her advances. You know, the type of story where it basically ends after the confession... I hope things don't end for me here soon.
"Here." If she doesn't believe, then I'll make sure she can't deny this. I lift her chin up a bit with my finger. That's when I take the chance, and land a kiss on her lips.
Saffron tastes so... Sweet.
"Believe me now?" I say when I release her. The girl can hardly hide her smile, as she grabs me in a tight embrace. She really does have a way with actions, doesn't she?
"I know you might think it's too soon..." She has this nervous look on her, I wonder what she's so concerned about? I mean, I've already given her my feelings, what could she possibly be worried about how I'd feel? "But, we are in a love inn."
"I know, that's the name..."
…I really am that dense protagonist, aren't I?