
Chloe's POV

"What"? Flabbergasted Jeremy asked her. Her sudden change in attitude was confusing, but since we know her well and we know what happened, I can guess why she was being like this. 

"This is not my place so I can't throw you out per se, but we are done talking". She said and left. Usually we don't pay much attention to her idiosyncrasies, but we were very aware of her reasons this time, which is why we agreed with her and left with her as well.

"Sorry about that". I heard Ken tell him after a little while.

As we were about to enter our room I saw Antoinette standing at the exit. "What brings you here"? Margaret asked her.

"Well, I have something very important to discuss". She seemed very serious. "You remember the rules I mentioned when you people came here"? She asked us with a stern expression. I nodded at her before she proceeded. "Why is there a human in here"?