The Circle Of Idiots

The leaves rustled as the strong guts of wind blew across the field. The sun shined brightly on the two children as they sat in the field, collecting the most beautiful flowers they could.

The young girl peered over the boy's shoulder, desperate to see what he had been doing since the past hour. He noticed and quickly closed the book with a frown.

"I'll show you when it's done!" he insisted and went back to drawing shapes in the grass.

Madison blinked twice, trying to get rid of the foggy memory which had awakened by seeing his face. She looked back up to see if he had recognized her.

His black hair gelled and brushed back, his clothes were ironed and looked newly bought. His jaw had sharpened and his face had grown longer. But a faint glimmer of youth was present in his eye. Present from the time they had known each other.

Madison struggled to not stare at him, but it was impossible. She didn't want him to notice the emotions she had for him which were subtly showing. Not wanting to seem strange, she pulled herself together and took a deep breath.

"Hello, are you Carter Blaine, here for the interview?" I ask anxiously and look down at his résumé. He nodded lightly as she skimmed through his papers. She was disappointed.

He looked as if he had lost all his charm and adulthood made him look surly and nervous. He played with his hands in his lap, not making eye contact.

"So, why do you think you are a suitable candidate?" I say the most generic job question that comes to mind and gaze at him, fully taking in his appearance as he glances up.

"I'm a hard worker and my determination and willingness to work makes me exceptional from others." He replies with another common response.

"Did you see my schedule that Daniel sent you? Found anything difficult?" I read Daniel's question from a spare paper, placed minutes before this interview. He underlined several points in red, making sure I find the perfect person.

"No, I can help with all of your planning and go to meetings with you." He replies hoarsely. That seemed like a doubtful response. I nod my head and question about his past jobs and his experience in business.

He answers to them all, however, during answering about his strongest quality his eyes flicker at me unusually. He studies me for a moment and closes his mouth abruptly, not wanting to ask anything unnecessary.

Does he recognize me? I ask myself restlessly, not wanting him to recognize me. I reassure myself that in no way has anybody who has seen me from the past can identify me.

My once strawberry blonde hair is now jet black and my face has changed massively. Stress and puberty both paid an impressive deal to make me look unrecognizable. Almost more mature.

Once the interview has come to an end, I rapidly make my mind. I will hire him.

"You're hired. Come from next week." I proclaim and hand him back his documents. He looks elated, as if I broke the world's best news to him.

The name of his spouse and marriage is not mentioned, so he must be single. Or dating?


"Why didn't you tell me!" I scream at Daniel as he narrowly misses my attack. He darts across the room, struggling to get to the exit.

"I didn't think you'd care! Plus, you told me you would forget him!" He yells back, shoving my cutlery boxes out of the way. As soon as I reached home, I went after his throat.

"You can not decide like that without asking me!" I holler throwing a pillow at him. He dodges it and he stops grasping for air. Our entire house is a mess, with clothes and lamps tossed on the ground.

"Okay fine, I admit that it was my fault! Now please let me live! And even if I did shortlist him, why did you hire him?" He fires back and and I stare at him with my mouth open.

"That's a confidential reason." I state finally and make my way back to bed. I'm so exhausted from attending meetings all day long, I can't wait to go to bed.

I pull my coat up as I strut inside the massive hallway. Father had left no corner unseen and filled expensive pieces everywhere. It hardly looks expensive anymore, more like junk lying in various places of the room.

Everyone would arrive at the family dinner an hour ago, but my father overlooked informing me beforehand. I walk inside the dining room and take a seat across from my stepmom, and next to Collin.

"Madison, why are you so late?" Lydia asks me reproachfully and I roll my eyes. She never lost her habit to mock me. The atmosphere in the room seems tense, as if before I entered a heated argument was taking place.

"Sorry dear, my secretary missed my memo to send you the invitation early. Anyway, now you are here the dinner can officially begin." Father announces and cut into his rib steak. Others do the same and I reach out for some steamed lobster.

"So Madison, I heard you bought Hasglow Studios, a reckless move, the place was about to go downhill." Lydia drawls and I sip some champagne. She must have been keeping a close eye on me and I close my eyes, before I take a jab at my beloved step brothers.

"So Collin and Samuel, I heard you had to sell half of the rights to your company to pay off the loans you took when you lost in gambling." I taunt them slowly while chewing some meat.

I must have taken them off guard because Samuel drops his fork and Lydia gasps. So strange that they live off other's failures thinking they make it greater than them.

"It wasn't my fault they cheated!" Collin defended himself lamely, and I nodded. This dinner was going in the wrong way, Father must have not expected this because he quickly changed lanes and asked what had we prepared for the annual company competition.

It's a boring way to get employees to take part in games and whichever team wins, gets a bonus. Needless to say, everyone is excited about it.