Meeting & Proposal

I wake up, all I could see was black.

My eyes were covered by a blindfold with my hands tied behind me. I couldn't move my legs since they were bound as well.

Only the sound of a carriage taking me somewhere and a deep voice speaking with someone outside. My first thought is of my father and mother. They'll be looking for me when I didn't return home on time.

Then it hits me...

What will happen to me? Panic starts to flood my body and I shiver will fear.

I was kidnapped by someone and I'm being taken somewhere...

Father, mother; please find me.

I try to wiggle my feet but I feel a sharp pain shoot up my leg and yelp.

"I wouldn't try if I were you. The young master wouldn't like that." I freeze. Someone is in here with me?

"W-Who's there?" My voice trembles as I can try finding where the female voice is in the carriage as I listen to the sounds around me.

"My name is Tomoko. I am going to taking care of you from now on." I hear a rustle of cloth and a fan crack open.

"I don't need care... I have my mother and father. Take me back!" I struggle against the binding and more pain shoots up my legs as well as my arms. I feel my eyes start to water against the blind-fold and I collapse against the surface behind me.

I can't get away. I'm never going to see them again, am I?

Mother's beautiful face and dad's prideful smile. An ache comes to my chest when I see their smiling faces in my head.

"There is no need to be afraid or sad, child. You are being taken care of and will be treated better than you were." Tomoko spoke again.

"I was treated greatly by my parents! I want to go home!" I drop my head and wish that I will be freed soon. But that won't happen soon enough.

The ride was long and Tomoko didn't speak a word after that to me. When the carriage stops and the door opens to where we are sitting.

I feel hands grab me and lift me. This is my chance to escape to go back to my parents.

I start kicking and flailing my arms as best I can but the person holds me still regardless. I'm carried to another place where the air is warmer. I feel hands start to unfold the blindfold on my face. I open my eyes and jump back.

"Who are you?!" I see a small fox girl who appears to be wearing maid clothes.

She chuckles and smiles at me, "I'm Tomoko! I'll be taking care of you miss!"

"You're the one I spoke to in the carriage?" I look at her small little frame.

She has brown short hair and a small little frame. Her eyes are green and yellow with pale skin. This person at the appearance of a little girl. Brown ears stand on top of her head and a fluffy little tail sits behind her.

"Yes! I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." She starts to untie my hands and then feet. I feel much freer now.

I look to the door seeing if I could make a run for it. Tomoko wouldn't be so much to take on since she is so small.

"I wouldn't do that, Miss. You will only make things worse for yourself." Her face has gone serious and her gaze doesn't falter.

"I-...You're right." I huff and sit with my legs under me. She doesn't seem like she'll harm me but then again; I don't know much of where I am at all. I need to keep my guard up.

She smiles brightly again. "Let's get you cleaned up! The ride has been exhausting and you must be sore." Her tiny self gets up and heads out the door. I slowly get up and catch up behind Tomoko.

She only comes up to my torso in height which makes me think she's cuter and will be easier to be around. If she is a fox, then where in the world am I?!

As we walk, she asks "Miss, what is your name?"

"Ren." I say coldly.

A light frown appears on her childish face, "I see...".

I feel a slight tinge of regret after that for speaking so harshly to only a mere child but I keep my mouth shut.

She prepares the bath for me and takes everything out of my hair. As I'm doing so she leaves to let me bathe in peace.

I relax after her presence leaves, "Thank god..."

I step into the bath and sink into the warm water. As it engulfs me in the warmth, letting my muscles relax; I think about my mom and how she is probably looking for me with my father. I try to push the thought away from my head when I start to recall the argument we had the night it was raining.

Am I that much of a slacker? Do I put shame onto the Lotus name?

I stare at the reflection of myself in the water and see the bits of my mother in my face. An ache comes to my chest, will I ever see her again?

I rise my face and stay in the water for a few more minutes, hoping the water washes away the sweat and worry. I see that my wrists have red burn marks on them. Rubbing them gently, I sigh in soft pleasure as my muscles slowly unknot and then get out when I feel fully relaxed.

Tomoko comes back in when she hears me and guides me back to the room to get dressed. She gives me a new kimono to try. It's white with pale pink lotus flowers on it. Tomoko puts my hair in a bun with a pin. In the small mirror in front of me, it wraps around my body perfectly making my face stand out along with my dark hair.

"Miss, your very beautiful. I think the lotus flower suits you very well." She smiles from the corner of my eye.

"Don't call me Miss." I say.

It stays quiet for a few seconds as she considers her words, "Yes... Miss."

I roll my eyes annoyed, "The Lotus... It's my family's flower," I say "My father is of the White Lotus."

Tomoko freezes. "White Lotus?"

"Yes, I am the daughter of Sanyu and the famous Geisha Kumi." I smile softly mentioning their names. Such good-hearted people but such strict parents behind the scenes of it all. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, Miss." Tomoko starts to walk away from me heading towards the door.

I stare at the small fox in the mirror as she finishes up. A question pops into my head... Why is she calling me, Miss? My gut tells me something is going on but I push the feeling down.

As she begins to leave I catch her small hand, "Wait, where are you going? I have no idea where or what this place is." I look at her and she smiles back at my sudden outburst of curiousness.

"Miss, do you wish to see the grounds?" She wags her fluffy tail behind her, visually signally that she wants to go.

My eyes squint at her unsure of her cuteness, "...Sure."

Tomoko runs out of the halls and outside to the garden set up with pathways heading off into separate directions.

Bamboo circles the entire surroundings of the estate with big swirling trees for the garden. I look around to see that we are surrounded by mountains. A large pond reflects the sun like glitter with koi fish swimming in circles eagerly.

Huge grey stones stacked on top of each other were in the corners with water raining down from some hidden source and into the pond. There are wooden tables and chairs to sit underneath the shadow of a tree as well. I gasp at the beauty of everything and turn to Tomoko who is giggling at me.

I blush in embarrassment, "What's so funny?"

"You just looked like a child from your reaction at the garden, Miss" She turns and starts walking in another direction. We stay like that for a while but I do notice that no one else is around and I have only see maids walking to places.

"Why are there not any other people?" I look down at her and she laughs.

"You cannot see them I'm guessing."

"See who?"

"The others here. But that will be dealt with soon. Come you must be hungry."

We start heading towards another room as Tomoko opens a door and helps me sit down.

"The master will be here shortly." She leaves me alone in the room.

"Master?" I mumble to myself confused.

Who is this person? Do I know them? Why was I brought here? Is he the reason why I'm here?

A soft knock evades my thoughts and the door opens.

I gasp.

A man appears in front of me. He has long, wavy midnight raven purple hair with horns protruding out of his head. He seems to be taller than most of the men I have seen at home, more than likely six feet. My eyes travel to his broad shoulders, down to his slim waistline and the amazing built legs.

I realize my face has risen in temperature as I blush. Was I just gawking at him? My chest thumps more when the mysterious man sits across from me and stares at me. His face is dull grey with sharp eyebrows to match his deep golden eyes that stare back at with heavy intensity.

I try to regain myself and speak, "H-Hello. I'm-"

"Ren" He speaks in a rich deep voice.

I gulp and my heart picks up faster in beat. "Who are you?"

"I am Orochi." I see his thin lips curve upward, noticing that I'm staring at him. His facial features complement his dominating aura with a long slim nose and a nicely shaped jawline.

"Why am I here? Where am I?" I look down knowing I have spent too long staring at his dark beauty about him.

"You are in another world, my lady in fact; it is the demon world." He tilts his head back and eyes me for a reaction.

"I'm not your Lad-" But his gaze cuts me off.

I shiver, "Why was I brought here? I do not know anything about this world. I am innocent! I want to go home to my family!" With every sentence, I get louder until his gaze turns cold and angry.