Visiting home

Over the next few days, I saw Orochi less and less due to his busy scheduale in the demon world. I would see Tomoko a few times everyday but I was still lonely between the times she visited me.

I spent most of the time just seeing what I could do around the estate but everyone had everything under control. The only thing that kept me some what busy was playing with the little koi fish in the garden's pond or playing my shamisen.

Today, I'm at the pond again today. The koi fish have got used to me showing up everyday. The biggest one in the pond, I assume is the eldest; has taken a liking to me. I been feeding him worms the maids would give me to feed them. They were grossed out by my sudden question for worms but I really couldn't care any less.

They're so helplessly fascinating just swimming in the water. The sun is shinning on their scales making all the color so vibrant and beautiful. I plopped more worms into the water watching the eat to their full and fight against either other in the water.

I admire the scenery around me as I sit on the ground. The beautiful green grass surrounded me my figure, the trees were a dark green with rain clouds in the distance, the breeze blew through my hair gently causing my to slightly shiver and the sun caressing my skin with its rays. I close my eyes and take in the outdoor smells, sighing that it feels so peaceful.

It reminded me of home, how the forest surrounded it and how it smelled so similar. My thoughts immediately went to my parents, how were they? It has been also a month since I last had seen their faces.

No one has mentioned the human world, my parents or even the fact that I might be missing them. It's like as if they want me to forget everything about the human world and just be part of the demon world. That being said, I really want to see at least my father again to ask him about Aiya.

I looked back at the koi fish meeting their little circle eyes that were looking at me, "I wonder when I will see them again." I sigh putting the last bit of worms in the pond and stand up to leave.

It was going to be another long day again with no one to talk to, I sigh. Walking back to my room, I grab the Lotus book and sit on my bed with it. It seemed so ancient with stories it almost didn't seem real. Aiya, now that I look at it didn't seem real. The flower she gave to me was sitting on my table and sit hadn't died. It stayed as beautiful and healthy as the day she gave it to me.

But what I didn't understand was how my father didn't bother to tell me. If he knew that I was the only girl than wouldn't he want to tell me because I would in danger? I look across my room to the katana that is sitting on the table next to the book. What was his reasons for not telling me?

A knock on the door breaks my thoughts, "Come in."

Orochi enters my room, "Hello."

"Hi." I remember the fast few words we spoke about me being to reckless about my identity and how the sinister demons could hurt me if I am not careful. I feel like he is being too protective of me.

"I feel kind of cooped up in here, so how about we visit somewhere?" He walks over to a shelf and looks at the things on it.

He seems to be trying to distract himself, I wonder why?

"Sure but where?" I ask.

"The human world."

A puzzled look comes across my face, "My world?"

He looks at me confused, "Well, I mean if you don't want to go, that's fine we can do something else here."

I just up and run over to him, "Nonono! It's fine, I'll go."

He chuckles, "Well, we'll go once to stop death gripping my arm."

I look down to see that I am practically hugging his arm to my chest like a little child. I blush and let go of his arm in embarrassment. I didn't know I was doing that at all. Did he feel awkward? God, I'm such a weirdo.

I feel his hand pat my head gently, when I look up he is walking out into the hall and of course my little legs had to catch up with him. We walked to the very front of the house and said goodbye to the maids.

I turn and watch Orochi grab something from a bag. "What are you looking for?"

"Here it is," he opens his hand towards me with a small berry resting in his palm. "This is take you there."

I look at him, "That?"

His face is blank and says nothing. I shrug and throw the berry into my mouth. The world begins to suddenly shift like water, the details become so burry my eyes can't focus but then it materialized before me. "Woah!"

He laughs, "Cool huh? Thought it would be faster then riding all the way to the portal for hours."

I look at around and realize that we are close near the market by my home by the bamboo forest and the chatter of people in the distance. My chest swells with happiness that I might see them.

"You need to wear this." Orochi pulls out a hair pin. It has a small purple rose on it with silver metal. He quietly puts into my hair as I stand there still.

"What's it supposed to do?" I reach up to feel it between my fingers, amazed by the beauty of it a few seconds ago.

"Keep your real identity safe and allow you walk without being recognized." He steps away heading towards the market. Am I not allowed to see my parents?