The first

"Now, tell me what you saw."

I look at him with wide eyes and shutter, "I don't know if I can."

"You're safe. Tomoko is taking care of it right now. I need to know what you saw, so I can take care of it properly." He pulls me to the table and pours tea for me.

"Thank you." I take it and drink it, hoping it brings some life back into my body.

He gently rubs my back and it soothes my body knowing that now I am safe. I can't believe I was attacked but only by a mere illusion. It seemed so real and yet fake at the same time. To think that there is something like that in this world makes my blood turn cold. "Describe to me what happened during the illusion, everything counts."

I swallow more tea and glance to Orochi still unsure if I had angered him, "Well, I was in my room before it all happened. I sorted the things we bought and was going to give Tomoko the items I bought for her. It suddenly happened when I turned the corner of a hall. There was no noise at all like the world had grown silent; so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"The way I came suddenly turned into a cold wall. Everything was cold. There weren't any doors just walls and a bright exist at the end of it." I shiver thinking about it and Orochi pour more tea into my cup. It slowly warms my hands giving me enough courage to continue.

"I started to walk forward being as there was no other way out and I heard strange hallow noise from behind me. I turned around to see some horrifying bone dog. It was made of bones from other animals or something. I turned to run but I tripped over my kimono and it pounced on me. I was screaming for help and Tomoko found me." Slowly, bringing the cup up to my lips and realize that I'm shaking. Orochi takes the cup from my hands and places it down.

"Was there anything out of the ordinary about it or the hall?" He wraps his hands around my hands making them look tiny and frail.

I reply with a shake of my head, "There was only the smell of rotting flesh and purple orbs for eyes."

Orochi's face suddenly darkened and his hands tightened around mine. A knock on the door took us out of the moment and Tomoko walked in with four men behind her.

"Master, here are the guards you requested." She bowed and moved to the side allowing the men to step forward. Orochi nodded and stood up, walking over to them.

"I found out from my hand Tomoko, that my future wife was attacked by an Illusion demon in these walls. I want to know how in the world with all the security and guards did any of you miss it?"

The guard on the far left spoke up first, "When I was on patrol there was nothing that seemed out of the ordinary and I didn't pick up anything that was like an illusion demon." Orochi raised an eyebrow and the man's eyes shot to the ground.

"We had the same thing happen though sir. None of our men has picked up anything. Not even a barrier was breached. This has to be a very powerful illusion demon for us not to pick it up." They nod in agreement to themselves but Orochi's face read that he did not like that thought.

"Strengthen the wards and be on high alert. Nothing and no one leaves, do you understand?" The three men nod their heads and take their leave.

Tomoko runs over to me and pounces on me, "Miss! I was so worried about you! Are you better now?"

I smile at her motherly affection, such a precious little fox. I wish she was with me all the time. "Yes, I am okay now. I am just very exhausted from what happened."

She smiles, "Finish your tea and you can go lay down in your room. You must be so tired from traveling and getting attacked. I will go get a bath ready and you can sleep for the rest of the day away."

I nod while drinking the last of my tea letting it fill my stomach. Tomoko guides me down to the baths and prepares the warm water for me. The thought of the demon wandering around in the estate makes me shiver. I get into the bath and sink into the pleasant water. Exhaling I let myself drift off and disconnect from where I am mentally.

My thoughts are a storm of questions, swirling in a constant rage. How in the world am I a demon slayer? What does it mean? Does that mean I have to train to become one? What does Orochi think of it? All these questions have plagued my mind and are a constant reminder that I am still lost here.

I get out of the bath and dress to head back to my room quietly. Suddenly, my nose is burning with a familiar smell, rotting flesh. I notice that my door to my room is slightly ajar, could it be possible the demon is inside my room? I gently place my footsteps on the wooden floor and walk towards it. With every step, I must tell myself to keep my stomach calm and not throw up.

I peek into my room to see the demon hound on my bed. A gasp escapes my mouth when I see it covered in blood and someone underneath it. I clasp my hand over my mouth, it killed someone! I stay standing behind the door terrified of what I am witnessing. Something comes around and startles me, making hit the door of my room. I see another demon like the one on my bed growling at me from the corner.

My heart begins to race as it suddenly starts to approach me. The demon leaps at me and I jump out of the way but ending up on the floor in my room. I freeze when both dogs are prowling slowly towards me, snapping their teeth at me. Blood drips from the one demon's teeth and I attempt to back away but hit the wall behind me making most of my belongings fall to the floor. "Orochi! Tomoko!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

I have nowhere to go besides cower against the wall. My chest begins to heave, and they get closer towards me. What am I going to do? Is this where I die? My frantically start looking around me for something to protect myself when my eyes fall on the katana that Orochi gave to me.

I need to get to it for me to survive this but how? Think, Ren Think! They are getting closer to me, this is the only way. I need to put myself at risk to survive. I look down at my legs, I need to create some time for me to grab the items. My mind immediately starts to wire my strength in my legs and slowly bring them towards me.

The demons are now barking even more at my movements. The demons start to dash at me my legs launch towards them kicking them back onto the floor. My arms swing over to the book and katana; my hands fumble for the handle when the demons get back up.

I yank out the sword causing it to shine in the light. I hold it in front of me defensively, "Stay back!"

The dogs howl in anger and their bodies begin to shift before me. Skin begins to grow along with the empty bones, the eyes still burn purple but leaving the skull without skin. The demon covered in blood rushes at me and I hurrying swing the sword through the air making blood fly across the air, hitting my face. I hear a harsh drop to the floor and blood seeps out of the slit I created on the hound's throat towards my feet.

"Ren!" Someone calls out my name, but I am only focused on the demon dog crouching in front of me. It leaps up into the air and I thrust the katana towards it, aloud yelp comes from the beast as it slides through its chest.

I look at it terrified that it stopped moving and drop onto the floor. My entire body begins to shake and my knees give out with the katana hitting the floor with a clang. "Ren! Ren! Hold on!"

All that I see if a flash of midnight purple hair before my vision blurs as I feel my body hit the floor and then everything slowly turns black. My body feels like it is being dragged through the water and away from the scene in my room.