
"Find your purpose." Is the last thing my ears catch before I fee my body fall backward onto the grass and into the darkness of my mind.


All I could see was flames. Dancing hot ribbons against all the objects around me, my eyes were watering and becoming dry. The billowing smoke in the room was entering my lungs making it harder to breathe. The heat from the fire burns my nose making my skin feel like sandpaper.

I stubbed forward and grabbed onto the wooden post in front of me. It hit me only then that my surroundings were so familiar. I was in the estate again, in the room Orochi had made for me when I first arrived at the estate but now everything within it is set ablaze.

"Hey! Someone help me! I'm trapped!" I started coughing but nothing happened. I need to get out of here was the first thing that ran across my mind.

The doorway was wide open from the flames as smoke piled out of it. My legs wobbled out of the room and into the hallway. The hall was murky by the smoke traveling throughout the rooms and was lit up with orange from the fire in every room.

"What in the world?" I walked forward and kept a slow pace trying not to make too sudden of a movement if something was to break around me. In the distance, people were yelling orders and a woman yelped in a plea.

My lungs started to burn even more now with the need for clean air but the next hall was filled with the broken ceiling. "Help, someone!"

I could feel my legs beginning to give out under me but I attempted to keep moving. The heat began to rise to even higher temperatures and sweat-drenched my clothes now. The end of the hall was near and I could finally turn to escape the fiery mouth of the estate.

As soon as I turned the corner, I could feel the temperature dropping from the midnight air. I stubbled out almost tripping over my feet and finally, I could free my lungs of the ash-filled air.

My lungs heaved in as fast as they could while I took in my surroundings. The estate was up ablaze. It had become a massive sea of red against the black star freckled sky. I heard people crying in the distance away from me as I watched the roof cave onto itself.

I needed to find Orochi and Tomoko fast. I didn't know what was going on and they were my only chance of getting out of this burning place.

My head whipped the left to see Beliath standing in all her terror over the bodies of people who served in the estate. The wicked smile of insanity spread wide across her porcelain face with eyes filled with delight in front of the disheveled bodies.

She lifted her head to see me and began to cackle, "Stupid girl! Have you come to save your friends or stand by and watch them die?"

My eyes go wide as Beliath steps off one of the bodies and heads towards me with her eyes staring me down like I'm her new toy to destroy.

Fear gulfs me as I trip backward onto the ground and try to scurry myself away. But, Beliath sees it as an advantage and stomps my chest to the ground holding me below her.

"Think you could outrun me, girl?" The pressure is added onto my chest making me cough.

"What's going on? Let me go!" I manage to get out.

Her smile widens more giving her a psychotic look to her, "Oh dearie. The little flower is lost. Let me help you!"

Beliath's hand ignites with a green flame when suddenly all the pressure she had put onto me was lifted by a flash of almond hair.

"Leave her alone!"

I look to see Tomoko aggressively fighting with Beliath on the ground. My body was frozen and my mind was functioning to the scene in front of me. Somehow, Beliath was able to pull Tomoko under her weight and hold her by her hands at her throat.

"Beliath stop! Don't hurt her!" I yell out.

A laugh erupts from her throat and her hands start to glow green. Purple flames shoot towards Beliath and I immediately know who it is. "Orochi, stop her! She's trying to kill her!"

But Orochi is flung backward but an unseen force. My eyes dart to Beliath who is floating in the air. Her green flames shine shadows across her face as she stares down at us in furry.

"You stupid fools you think you can harm me! The queen of the Darklands." She scoffs at us, "I will have the pleasure of knowing I will kill the stupid son of Vor' on and the wild fox."

The image before was playing in slow motion for me. Beliath was about to kill Orochi and Tomoko before me. Her hands raised to cast her spell but I looked down to see the sword that Aiya had given me. All that I knew was that I had to protect them at all costs, even if it was to pay with my life.

My arm snaked out and grabbed it by the handle. Beliath had her back turned to me facing Orochi. Anger started to bubble in my chest as I slowly got up. I started to run forward towards Beliath, Orochi shouted something but it was in the distant background.

My sword was angled to stab her in the back but she turned to me with eyes full of fire and aimed her hand at me.


I woke up with a gasp, lurching forward for air and coughing.

"Shhh, it's okay Miss. Your alright." A small soft hand gently rubbed my back.

"Tomoko." My heartbeat with happiness and relief by hearing her voice. It was just a dream, none of it was real I told myself.

"So the little one chose to protect the one's closet to her. How interesting." I looked up to see the woman from the cave crouching in front of me with curious eyes.

"What does that mean?" Tomoko's voice interrupts the woman.

She sits on her feet with her ankles to her chest, "She is destined to become a protector for you. Her purpose now in the demon world is to protect. I suggest you get to talking with whoever will help you because the way you are now, Little one; is not in any state to protect a Demon lord nor a wild fox."

My eyes lock with hers' and deep down I know that it's true. I'm just as fragile as ever. A low sigh comes from the corner where Orochi sits, "No. She is not a warrior. She is not going to protect me when I can protect myself neither will Tomoko."

The glowing woman shakes her head and chuckles, "Your not to decided that. She has proven her worth and her choices reflected in the vision. She is a warrior by blood and she will be a warrior by choice."

His face becomes distorted with anger, "Orochi, I don't know-"


My mouth closes by his command while he gets up and walks out of the room slamming shut the door.

"Little one, " I turn my head to the woman who is now looking at me with searching eyes. "You must learn your art and craft of your family to protect the ones you hold most dear. I have seen your courage in that vision. Beliath may be your biggest enemy but right now your biggest disadvantage is your lack of power."

With that, she gets up walking towards the wall and her body fades into the air.

"Erie, huh?" Tomoko nervously chuckles.

I shake my head and rub my face, "What in the world happened? All I remember was that I was bathing, there was a bear and then I fell asleep or something. Then, woke up from some type of vision, and you are all here?"

She laughs, "Yes that is what happened from your point of view. Orochi was here first but couldn't find you so he went to search for you but he found me instead of coming up the mountain. When he told me what happened we started searching for you immediately."

"Thereafter the spirit found us and told us you were in the house in a vision. Which Orochi didn't take well." Tomoko explained.

I nodded and wiped the sweat off my forehead, "So what does this all mean?"

"You now have a purpose and you need to lean towards it. Despite the fact, that Orochi hates the idea. I think it would quite amazing if you took up the sword you have." She admits.

I smile softly and relish her words, this does mean I get to get closer to my family's heritage. Deep down, I know that my father would be proud.