Chapter ll MISFORTUNE Part 2


In this global pandemic, people are getting depressive. Experiencing difficulties and dread. And in this helpless kind of situation, insatiable wolves exploit this to do their evil doings, just so they could satisfy their greed. As everyone stays inside their homes, they roam in hiding to accomplish their crimes secretly.

Handling legal Drugs is one of the country's Philippines' most rampant crimes. Users of these hazardous and harmful drugs increase every year. As some may already be aware since this kind of sensitive topic was tackled in ninth grade, drugs have dangerous side effects. Like making the consumer lose its minds and blurring their judgments resulting in committing various offenses. And now that our country is in the middle of the pandemic, it has risen drastically compared to previous years.

Ronaldo E. Tongre, a.k.a 'RON'. A well-known criminal in our city. He is one of the biggest drug traders in the country. He was also the old leader of an illegal organization that sells organs in other countries around Asia. He had been pursued by the authorities for over 3 years already. But because of his frequent plastic surgeries, it has made it difficult for the police to find him. Indeed he has the power to do anything that could harm many innocent citizens.

He could be plotting something huge and terrifying. That is what we are bothered by.

-ꜱʜᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀ-

"Will you let me call my manager first? I'm sorry but I do need his assistance right now." The lad requested. The police officer at the front desk lends him the office's telephone.

"Manager? Do you mean boss?" I chuckled. "Why? Are you a member of an illegal organization?"

Chris nudges me at the back, hinting me to calm down and just shut my mouth. I silently sat in front of the lad who's currently having a talk on the phone with the person whom he calls as his manager.

We arrived at the station a couple of minutes ago. While our senior was still on his way, he assigned an officer to do the 'Police Interview' to the man I caught wandering back at the abandoned apartment building.

Speaking of that man. Now that I could see his face clearly, I could tell that he is still quite young. Probably a high-schooler. A black hoodie and black jeans don his lean frame. He has fair skin for a youngster whose obviously in his rebellious stage. His squinty hazel-brown eyes were being slightly concealed by his long messy bangs. His hair was blond but you can easily tell that it isn't his natural hair color and was dyed. He's almost the same height as me, probably 5'6 or 5'7, just inches higher. Though I admit, he's quite good-looking, I'd say.

After a while, he finished talking with the person on the other line of the phone. "Thank you." He handed back the phone politely to the officer.

"So what did your 'manager' say? Is he going to send back-ups?" I teased again.

"Cathryn, can't you shut up for a sec?" grumbled Chris.

"My manager isn't there. I was talking with the staff, they said that they will tell him to come to explain further."

"Well then, while your manager is on his way, may we ask you a few questions first?"

The lad nod at the police officer as he jams his hands in his front pockets.

The fellow police officer at the desk stretches both of his arms. "Okay, let's start with your name."

"M-my name is Peter Joshua Nam." He replied.

"Hmm, your name sounds familiar. Your age?"

"I'm turning 26 next month."

What the hell? He's already in the twenties?! But he looks so younger!

"Mmm...I see." The officer typed everything that Peter said on his desktop. He looked at me after, "PO3 Navarro, what time did you see him at the establishment?"

"Around, 6:20 PM, I think?" I replied.

"What were you doing that time Sir Nam?"

"I-I was about to have dinner at a famous Fast Food Restaurant in the neighborhood. I was told that there's a shortcut, and I followed it. But then, when I was passing by the building, I saw someone entering there," he suddenly lowered down his head and heaved a sigh, "I was curious so I followed him. I didn't know the building was restricted at first because I don't live around there. I-I just wanted to find out because it was kind of suspicious." He lifted his chin and then glared in my direction. This guy has the guts to give me an eye. "But, once I was inside, she suddenly came and jumped at me. I even got hurt!" He exclaimed as if he was a little child that got scolded by his mother.

Poor young man, it was his fault anyway, if only he didn't go there he wouldn't be here in the first place. "Well, I apologize for hitting you, sir. I was just being, cautious." I said confidently.

"Really, but I heard you scream." Chris butts in.

"Well, well, but you were like a scaredy-cat when we arrived there. And also, you didn't even do a big help!"

"W-what?! But you were the one who ran all alone inside and left me without even explaining anything specifically!"

The officer coughed to get our attention. "PO3 Navarro and PO2 Lopez, the two of you shouldn't do that in front of a civilian, show some respect." He sighed.

"Excuse me, I am looking for-- Peter! What is wrong with you?! Did you know how you made the whole company panicked?!" A man in a brown coat suddenly appeared in our sight rushing in Peter's direction. I believe he's the so-called 'manager' that Peter talked about earlier.

Looking at Peter, he somewhat looks startled and scared when the man showed up.

The officer stood up from his seat. "Excuse me, sir, may we know who you are?"

"I am his manager, Nolly Jung. I just got a call from our staff that he's here." He suddenly stopped when he saw Peter was handcuffed. "What in the world happened to him, officer?! Why is he handcuffed?! Did he do something wrong?!"

"Calm down first Mr. Jung. We are still investigating what happened." Chris stepped forward to settle down the man named Nolly.

The manager let out an annoyed sigh. "Please do it faster, we are currently busy." He sat at the plastic chair next to Peter." As soon as he's seated he suddenly came close to Peter's ears and whispers.

I don't have any idea what that manager mumbled to the young man, but looking at him, it seems like he said something threatening to Peter for him to make a frightened expression.

After some time, this Manager Nolly Jung revealed that the lad I caught is an artist from their company.

For me, this Manager is someone that even a stranger would be scared of. He doesn't look like a manager that handles artists. He looks more like a noble villain out of a children's comic book.

"Well, shall we continue?"

Peter nodded in response.

"Mr. Jung, you're the manager. Will you tell us anything you know first?"

Mr. Jung heaved again a heavy sigh, he's not interested in cooperating with us. "Our company is here to do a concert. We're from SZ Entertainment. But surprisingly, this kid ran away after the concert. How frustrated we are Mr. Officer. How more shocking is that when the staff got a call that he's now at the Police Station." He gave Peter a deadly stare. "Do you know what mess you just did?! What if a paparazzi saw you getting arrested?! What if there was still a media following you and saw you dragging in the police station? What do you think will the company say to protect you?! You're an adult already yet you act like a child!"

What kind of manager is he? It's my first time seeing a manager scolding its artist. Is their entertainment company that strict?

After a while of interviewing both of them, it turns out that I accidentally arrested an innocent man. Much worst, is that he's an idol. No wonder, his appearance is artist-like.

The manager abruptly slammed the desk of the officer, "I demand to know which officer arrested him! Who's this careless officer that arrested Peter?! Not even using his brain? Apprehending an innocent person?! Outrageous!"

So bothersome is this man's voice. So loud. "It's me, Mr. Jung." I unhesitantly raised my left hand.

Chris ran at me, "Cathryn. I'm sorry Mr. Jung but it wasn't her, it was me." He said. He's trying to convince the manager that it was his fault. Now I feel more sorry.

"What are you saying, Chris? I was the one who dragged you in this mess."

"No, just sit down there PO3 Navarro," Chris responded as he caressed my hair.

"Who is it for real? Is it you or the lady?" Mr. Jung said.

"No Sir Jung." Peter suddenly spoke, all of our attention now directed at him. "Don't sue anyone. I was the one who entered that restricted place, it was my fault that I was here. I could've met more danger if I tried to pursue the guy. It was a good thing that they came. Scold me as much as you want later. Can we just leave already? My injuries need to be treated now. Please, let's go."

His words pulled a tingling feeling on my stomach. Making me feel guilty. I wanted to sincerely apologize to him but I can't because of embarrassment. How unfortunate I am today. I know for sure that he's trying to cover everything up. The only thing that I could do was to let them go.

"How annoying you are Peter. But, very well, you police officers!" Mr. Jung points at us. "Once this happened again to one of our artists I will never let it slide like this again! I hope this wouldn't spread throughout media outlets, thank you."

Geez, I swear, he was the only one who made this mess chaos.

The officer stood up and lowered down his head. "Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Jung and Sir Nam. PO2 Lopez, will you escort them outside the station?"

"Yes sir!"

As Chris was escorting them, for some reason, I couldn't take off my eyes from Peter. I do want to say sorry, but my body cannot move even if I wanted to. I just hope I would never see him again. It'll be awkward if it ever happens.

-ꜱʜᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀ-

After that chaos, I got scolded so much by my senior. If this incident was to happen once again, I'm sure that I'll lose my job at once. I suck so much. This bad luck couldn't just stop following me everywhere I go whatever I do.

Because of weariness, as soon as I entered my room, I immediately drop down to my bed. Closing both of my eyes, I hope that I would be able to sleep well and early tonight. I want to take a very long rest from this very long exhausting and annoying day.

Just as I was about to close both of my eyes, an image of a man holding a gun suddenly popped out of my mind. Because of this, I immediately open my tired eyes and sprang as I breathe heavily. Unconsciously, my hand started to shiver without any reason.

What I just saw was something that surely won't let me easily take a rest.

Sixteen years ago, my family got slaughtered by a still unidentified murderer. Until now, my father's, my step-mother's, and my youngest brother's death have not been given justice. I was the only one who survived the terrifying massacre that happened.

They said that I was lucky. It was given mercy, a gift from the one above that I am still alive.

But the fact that I was still breathing was an insufferable torment that I can never escape from.

"F*cking murderer," I grumbled gritting my teeth.

I stood up from my bed and went to the kitchen to make some tea. I just wanted to sip something that can calm my mind. After I finished, I headed out to the living room to watch some news to kill time.

I just found out that tea helps my mind to calm down, I mean not only me but to some people too. Maybe later, I would be able to sleep again. And yes, this is what I do every night.

That man who murdered my family, and the death of my family, are the main reasons why I couldn't sleep every night. I may have overcome my trauma, but painful memories wouldn't leave anyone that easily.

I pushed the 'on' button on the remote and the Late-night news started to light the screen.

"Breaking News: Ronaldo E. Tongre, known as 'RON' was reportedly spotted three times at Milagrosa Neighborhood, Puerto Princessa City, Palawan. Authorities found out that he's currently holding illegal online human trafficking..."

Looks like tomorrow, the station will be busy. Hope I wouldn't be that unfortunate tomorrow.

Today is the most remarkable day too for me again. Peter Joshua Nam, so he's a celebrity huh? A very innocent adult who acts like a child they said. Just as I met him, my mind started to get curious and curious. It's like a part of my mind was getting interested in him.

I just hope that I wouldn't see him again.

To be continued~