Ansestral Body Enhancing Medicinal bath of Asher Family

"I have to prepare for school today" Kaen said with a relaxed face

"What is the time Oh 5:10" Kaen said after looking to his alarm clock

"I still have time, lets do running and push ups, its best to make spiritual energy in my body to cycle in 5 meridians so that they can enhance and grow more veins connections and reduce further resistance". Kaen started to walk out of the room after changing his clothes, wearing shorts and sandals.

"Young Master you want something" while smiling a middle aged man speak(Guard shift changed by morning)

"I want some fresh air and want to run some round around garden one of you follow me and inform Uncle Panther that I am leaving my room and tell them that I want to talk about something"

"OK, young master anything else" after hearing the command the one of them called the uncle Panther by his Wrist watch and Kaen started walking to the hall.-

..... After some time in house Garden ....

Two people are running or you can say sprinting very fast one of them was the muscular Guard of Kaen's room and other thin skinny small kid.

Than 2 more people come in the ground one of which is Panther and other one Kaen's father

"Master" said the Kaen's guard respectfully and tilting his head while both(Kaen and guard) of them stooped.

"Kaen what do you want to talk to Panther" Kaen's father said while smiling

"actually...a" Kaen hesitated as he not know what will his father think if he tell now.

"Hunter go check the gate post and tell them to report me about the day entry records" said Panther

"Yes Sir" said Hunter and run from the Kaen's side towards Gate post.

After that Kaen and the two walked to the center of the ground which have many trees wile sitting in one of the trees shadow Kaen started to speak

"Father I want to see the cctv footage of the outside camera of my room"

"What happened son is there something you are felling uncertain about" Said Kaen's father with serious look on his face

"I think that the water I drink at night has a grassy smell" Kaen said with a low voice like whispering close to people in front of him.

"What do you mean say it are you thinking that someone has added some harmful thing in your rooms water" said confusingly

"Father I have read in a book at the family library about some poisons and read that some of the plant type poison are grass which have small difference in smell but they all smell like grass mainly".

Than Kaen takes out a poly-bag having water in it.

"Father this is the water which is in my jug"

Kaen's father immediately take the pouch of water from Kaen's hand and smelled it than he given the pouch to Panther for confirmation after which there face become angry and looking very serious

"Kaen this is cold poison, so it will definitely not for killing, its for making your body unfit for training Martial arts so there is a chance that the poison is still in your body in joints or ligaments we will give you a medicine bath today you don't have to go school it will damage your body if it accumulated in your body even for small amount of time"

"This medicine bath will be painful as it forcefully enhance your whole body's veins to there extreme so prepare yourself and come with us"

"We will see the things from here, son you don't have to get involved" said Kaen's gather in a worrying manner as he is observing changes in his son as he become fearful and daring, so he not want his son which is still a kid to get in trouble by any reckless decision

Kaen even not get any chance to say anything his father lifted him in his both hands

"Panther tell Gehu to check the recordings of Kaen's room on last 6 days and see who get at night in his room"

They both walked to library's from back and after entering opened a secret room at one corner of pathway inside the room there is a bathtub and many herbs are on the shelf an old man is siting at the chair looking at the guests.

"What happened family leader why you brought young master today" said the old man while standing and tilting his head down respectfully to Kaen's father

"Uncle Laen prepare a body enhancing bath someone has added cold poison in the water that Kaen drink from his room jud" Said Kaen's father with a serious tone

"What.. its not that dangerous poison but still someone has done this in our house, these daysmany traitors are emerging we have to check all the workers in house" Lean is talking while running to herb corner

In this place only small outlets on ceiling have the space for some outside air in two corners

Kaen has only seen this person when his parents funeral is going after which he given me some keys and said to promise him to not give these to anyone and then he gone in seclusion in the Sanmantra Mountain.

"But I never seen this place before, I think this grandpa Lean is thinking to come back when I will get the business but I just give up and ran from there I heard that a commotion is there when the loyal people of our family came on my day of getting adult if I supported them I should have taken control over.

"But I fool in that moment pitted on that mom's father of mine as he said that I am part of his family, and next day after party they made me sign the papers to sell factory and all the assets".

"This time I will not let that old son and father pair only by killing them, as they are involved in my father and mother's death somehow I will make them cry for the many years I lived without mom and dad and than kill them before world go into the new era so that they lost the chance to even be happy for once".

That old man's useless grandchild which even to able to get lv 2 for years came to me for bone strengthening pill like I am his servant. If he had that much than hire me with money, they know pill making is costly even for them so they want free meal form extorting me. I taken a good decision 1st time in my life than as I already have organisation as my backing I complaint it to them and they blacklisted there whole family for purchasing pills from any shops

"Sometimes I got a felling that they are involved for that robbery as that incident occurred only after 2 moths of the action by the organisation. But that shitty organisation made me lab rat for life time what Know that anyone will become Lv 10 even after getting knowledge it can only be done by using body conditioning and making over-self fire resistance and getting rank of fire increased by fire essence that they never given me as I am part time there which have again a hidden clause than they will not give any Apprentice material costing more than 2 federation notes which is 120 Dollar."

"What they fucker think will I do with my 1 federation note a month is I am lowly worker of that organisation they make me there puppet and even made me only to eat nothing else"

After a second Kaen's smile can be seen on his face and he is not looking angry anymore.

"Those Federation bastards of East they become boastful as they get there hands on the spiritual plant while clearing the forest for there branch, I don't know what it is but you are hiding it and making its effects your organization secret when you came in power, I will plug that thing and chew it like a horse until nothing remain if it will not suitable for consuming I will grind it and throw it in the ocean so that no cocky organisation formed in the future yes I am doing it for the world not for revenge hehe yes yes" Kaen after thinking about his life in the federation as one of the low life there he got angry to the position where his face turned evil like while he grinned his teeth

What happened son are you having any problem is somewhere you got hurt when I carried you

When Panther looked at Kaen after he heard Kaen's Father in his mind he thinks"Even if Leon(Leonard) you are powerful but think before you use your power". he said mockingly thinking that applied more force that needed while carrying Kaen.

"No father I am just thing about Ceil is the thing settled and what he told after interrogation"

After hearing this Leo and panther both became stunned while old Lasen is busy

Leon thought "What happened to my cute innocent son.. that Ceil I will kill him toady"

While Panther is thinking"How the young master have such expression in his childhood, even his father is not that weird in this age but become weird when he was 10 and challenged a full-fledged grand-master of our family which now gone in seclusion after which he stick to hospital bed for whole month but still looking like he have no fear as kid".

"Every thing is ready but remember that only single time you can do bone and body enhancing until Kaen again reach the stage of fighter strength (100 kg power while casual punching)in Martial arts" said old Lasen

"Grandpa do you think we don't know it you are not the only one to know". Panther said this with looking toward the old Lasen with a angry look and his muscular face blown up

"OK son go inside the bath tub" said Leon with a smiling face.

Kaen know about this meditation and also that it is very precious for every starting stage it can make body condition for the changes in the future during practicing martial art and also movement of body become less tingled after long time practicing in a day light.

He obediently moved towards the bath tub and jumped in

A smile can be seen on his face and starting thinking

"Back than this type of body conditioning with normal herbs are still popular as the 1st generation after era change can't able to tolerate the powerful effect of new herbs with any one type or many types of energies and capabilities so they use these body enhancing and refining methods to start learning cultivation technique or magic training(Both are more popular than due to its coolness or usefulness which is more than the money used) and make a base for practicing both".

when he totally submerged in water other than his face, he started to clean the meridians in the body while eyes closed

After a minute he is felling a concentrated spiritual energy in small quantity which is not totally clean so he cleaned it with his spiritual and gained a pure concentrated spiritual energy which helped to enhance the meridians

"Ah, this pain this is not normal enhancing but spiritual enhancing it is minute but concentrated so it can enhance the newly formed 5th meridians and veins its actually fruitful but I can scene the impurities that accumulated on outer skin is stripped from my every corner of body this is good it will help me to increase spiritual energy gain as my body is already have the inner organs and pores cleaned so it will multiply the output I will check it after the body will be enhanced totally" Kaen thought in his mind

------ After an hour in the medication room------

Kaen's body started sweating uncontrollably due to his emerged in fluid only his wet face can be seen.

"Uncle Lasen why he is taking this much time this enhancing should have taken only 10 minutes at max, but he is now felling hot only to sweat if I remember this is not that easy to even immense for me in the water for 5 mins but my father has put his hand on my head to make me sit in it for 10 mins and my skin has become as hot that water steams are coming out of my red skin for a minute".

"Only two possibilities can be there for this kind of situation.. either he not have your family blood or his body has more potential than normal. And as we know he is your child as we already checked his blood lineage during testing of his blood potential so only other way around should have been the case".

" What are you saying even I am not called normal with my potential and my father is called monster.. euhu euhu I mean he has high potential but still he forced by my grandpa to sit in it for 47 minutes when he become the Grand-master of Martial arts pleaded my grandpa many times when he was in it for only 25 min. If my grandpa not come out of seclusion after my fater requsted for his assistance than he will be never ever be able to reach Rank 2 grand-master of martial arts level after 5 years of seclusion in mountain". said Leon with shock in his face while looking at his son's face

"This is no normal enhancing there is also ancestral essence of our family that is why the elite warriors are more powerful of our family than any normal master of martial arts. I have an idea we will add more ancestral essence as for last 4 years no elite is recruited in our family and no next generation child need it for next 1 years so why not use all the 4 years ancestral essence on next family head it is a good deal as the Kaen's foundation will be many times that of normal person" said old Lean with thoughtful eyes

"Grandpa you are looking for a beating" said Panther in anger.