I've met you when we were kids

And everytime you cross our street

I crazily stalk and watch your every  step

Created another memory worthy to keep

You make me feel nervous and pathetic

A girl whos darn want you and so love sick

A love she found, unrequited

Cause the guy I LOVE, doest know i existed

Time passed, Ive seen how you grow

The little boy I know

Tranforms into a very handsome man

Ive ever seen and known.

Then out of the blue Ive met you

Staring at me like im a ghost to you

With those peircing Gray eyes looking at me

My heart leaps and beats with glee.

Im in tee and jeans

While you, You dress like a prince

My face was hilarious i might say

While you, yut of perfection, you take my breath away.

But we cant, the you and I

It always me and why?

Why? Cant you be mine?

Why this love that I found, its hard to define.