

'One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven...'

The seventh man... hm?

"I love you, but then, you took me for granted. If I can't have you, then nobody should." the woman sneered at the unconscious body of a man lying on the ground.

As the man started to wake up, he started to struggle when he realized that he's going to be buried alive with a rope in his hands and feet and a cloth in his mouth.

"Don't worry... your death will be just a piece of cake. After all, I already poisoned you or something..." then the woman laughed as she saw tears from the man's eyes.

When the woman was satisfied by the man's struggling. She grabbed a shovel and started digging. The man seemed to panic and as he struggle, he successfully removed the cloth from his mouth.

"P-Please! Tasha! Forgive me! I will never starve and mistreat you again!" the man shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Too cliche! You're the seventh man who pleaded like that. And it's already too late for you. I already like someone else." the woman seemed to hit a nerve and the man started to violently move, trying to save his already buried body.

"You think he's going to like someone heartless like you, you little bitch! You're going to pay for th⁠—" Tasha giggled as the man is finally buried. She dusted off her hands and threw the shovel in the trunk of her car.

As she is about to enter her car, she heard a rustling behind the thick trees. She turned to that sound and gaze at it. When she didn't find anything unusual she just shrugged her shoulder and entered her car and drove away from that area.

When she left, a figure appeared behind the trees, watching her until she's out of sight. The figure creepily let out a smirk and deeply chuckled.

"You'll pay for everything... not now... but soon."