Aizawa would never get to finish as I said, "—I will be taking the position of Class President!"
"Will you?" I nodded to which he sighed and said, "Well then… pick a Vice President or something by the end of the day."
As he zipped up his cocoon-like sleeping bag, I said, "We will thus settle this with a tournament."
"Tournament," just about everyone repeated.
"Our very own Rock, Paper, Scissor Tournament of Power! Sans putting universes at stake or whatever," I may or may not have mumbled that last part.
"This is a most foolish method of deciding on a class official," Iida complained.
"Is that dissent I sense?" I teleported right next to him, eying him with the most tyrannical pressure I was capable of.
"What of it? Freedom of speech gives me the right to voice my opinion!"
"That holds true if and only if we were within the domain of the public; not within the constraints of U.A's privately owned territory! Here, as Class President, it is my authoritarian right to direct all of you in whatever way I please!"
"Holy shit, it literally only took a second for the power to corrupt him," Kaminari muttered to Tsuyu, who sat to his left.
"Aizawa-sensei! Can he do that?!" Iida asked.
"Just do the stupid tournament," Aizawa grumbled. "It'd be the quickest way to settle this, which is the only thing I'm concerned with…"
"See?" I grinned right at Iida, "He gets it. It's totally fine to abuse power so long as it suits our desires. I find the idea of deciding my VP through rock, paper, scissors amusing, while he finds it efficient. Are either of us right? Probably not. But we can afford it because we have power… and or status."
With that quick lesson on politics over and done with, the Tournament of Power began and… ended just as quickly. To make a short story even shorter, Itsuka Kendo ended up unsurprisingly standing next to the podium with me by the end of our homeroom period as Class Vice President and Class President respectively.
Later that day, as I sat with my VP, Momo, Camie, and Iida for lunch, I switched to my Synergist Paradigm and started casting buffing spells in preparation for the impending chaos.
"Fam, why're you beefing us up?" Camie asked.
"CAUTION, CAUTION, LEVEL 3 SECURITY BREACH HAS BEEN DETECTED!" The school's P.A. system answered for me.
"Oh," Camie simply said as she stood up.
I switched to my Saboteur Paradigm and casted, "Painga!" Which was apparently much more effective than I imagined seeing as a whole third of the panicking cafeteria lost their ability to move.
Alas, my actions inadvertently made things spiral even faster out of control as immobilized students assumed the worst and started screaming bloody murder. I guess I shouldn't have expected better from the bunch that panicked while being in the safety of the greatest hero school in all of Japan.
"Say, Momo…" A bit of bile tainted my tone as all the screaming was grating on my nerves, "Could you make me a megaphone, and, uh… some earplugs for you guys."
Naturally, she along with the others at our table knew better than to react like idiots when I, the all-knowing supreme, was there with them. So, she went along with my request.
After Camie, the last to receive her ear plugs, geared up, I set the megaphone to eleven out of ten and started, "If all you dumb dumbs would so kindly turn to the windows, you'll see there is nothing to worry about. It's just the media, some stupid reporters who took advantage of our precious U.A. Barrier being atomized to try and get the latest scoop on All Might."
"The U.A. Barrier was what?!" A random voice in the sea of students cried.
"It got turned to dust, you know, by the actual threat that's probably still among us. Anyway, I wouldn't panic. After all, literally everyone on the school's payroll is a pro hero. Beyond them, we have like dozens of second and third year hero course students with licenses to prove their just as reliable."
"Oi! Just shut the fuck up and calmly make your way back to class as expected of anyone in an emergency! Panicking will just make it harder to take back control of the situation."
"If I so much as hear another word, I swear to god, I'll disable the remaining two thirds of you…"
"My mans snapped during lunch," I could hear Camie brag to the people around her. We had made it back to our own classroom soon after everyone else cleared out of the cafeteria.
"Yeah, I heard," Jiro said before turning to address me. "Anyway, were you serious about the U.A. Barrier being atomized?"
"Yeah, it's called foreshadowing."
"Foreshadowing… what?" Kaminari asked.
"That'll depend on what, and who, will be teaching us for our Foundational Heroics class."
People drew blanks, understandably so considering I'd insinuated that someone other than All Might could possibly be teaching for his class. And then Aizawa showed up.
I raised my hand and Aizawa sighed as he said, "Midoriya… I heard of how you took control over the panic in the cafeteria."
"You did?" I smirked.
"Yeah, and now you're facing expulsion for using your Quirk on a mass scale."
For a second, I panicked.
That's not how this was supposed to go.
Then, I recalled the oldest trick in the book of self-defense. With clear and unremorseful sarcasm, I said, "B-but sensei! I felt total fear for my life and all those around me! You weren't there but it was total chaos. People could have been killed! And if anyone asks you, tell them I know wholeheartedly that not acting would have guaranteed immediate and grave bodily harm!"
"Did you… talk to a lawyer or something?" My speech must have been uncanny to get such a reaction out of Eraserhead, of all people.
"Do I need to?" I retorted.
"No… Anyways, what did you want?"
"Oh, just a reasonable estimate," I paused before looking him in the eyes. "Are we going to the USJ?"
For a solid second, Aizawa just stared at me; expression unreadable. But then, he sighed and mused, "I guess you could logically deduce from the purpose of your first two days, that after learning your limits and the dangers of using your Quirk against others, now would be the time to learn about rescue."
"I'll take that as a yes," I hummed.
"Wait, so are we or are we not going to Universal Studios Japan?" Kaminari asked.
"We," Aizawa glared at him, "are going to the Unforseen Simulation Joint. Coincidentally, you lot will also be taught by a special guest and—"
"Yours truly and Thirteen?!" I interjected.
"How…" Aizawa didn't even both trying to continue his query.
"Now we just have to decide on whether or not to get backup?" I hummed to myself before turning to Setsuna who sat next to me.
With a hundred yen coin in hand, I said, "Alright Setsuna. Our fate rests on your hands, so what will it be. Make your call…"
"Ok? I call heads," she said.
It landed on tails.
"Oof. No backup it is," I put the coin away.
"Backup… for what?" Aizawa glowered.
"I'd tell you, but that would mean losing my powers of prediction."
We were promptly told to change into our costumes if we wanted and then head outside to take a bus to the USJ.
Thereabouts, Tsuyu was sat next to me and said, "Should I be concerned? You've been empowering everyone since we got on the bus."
"Well, no one died the first time around, so you all should be fine without the buffs. But, I'd rather not take any chances."
"Died!? You make it sound like we're heading to some sort of battlefield and not the site for rescue training," Momo nervously said.
I merely looked at her with a knowing glint in my eye.
"Are you serious?!" Half the bus scream-asked.
"Hmm, I wonder," I mumbled before turning to Tsuyu. "Say, do you want to play with fate for another round?"
"Fam, this' low-key getting creepy," Camie quietly said.
"Relax. Even in the worst-case scenario, I have a summon already prepared just for today."
"Fine," Tsuyu said. Only the drop of sweat running down her face betrayed her lack of expression.
"Splendid! This time lets decide whether or not I take on an additional burden or not. I'll subdue Kurogiri if your call is right, so what'll it be?"
"I'm pretty sure none of us know what you're talking about and… it doesn't seem like you're willing to disclose any more information, so… Tails?" She framed her call with the tone of a question.
I flipped the coin and it landed on…
"Oh dear, that's two for two," I said. The coin had landed on heads.
As my words died out, the bus came to a stop. For better or worse, everyone aside from Aizawa looked like they were preparing for war.