Stephanie Goes Missing

"Stephanie, its is true that you suffered so much in the past but you don't have to live in the past. Everything that happened back then is all in the past now. Living in the past will harm you instead of helping you so why don't you just embrace your present. Unlike in the past where you had no one to rely on, you now have many people who love you dearly so don't tell me you want to throw everything you have right now and dwell in the past in which nobody loved and protected you. The past in which you were always alone crying your eyes out?" The voice asked.

"Do you want to return to the past where there was no Gabrielle to put her life on the line to protect you? The past where there was no Gabriel or Clifford to comfort you. What about Lily and Clark who adores you so much? Don't tell me all these people mean nothing to you?" The voice asked.