Vincent Apologised To Stephanie

"Stephanie, I am sorry. I am sorry for harming you when we met again years later. I know I made life unbearable for you within the short space of time two years ago so I apologise. Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings. I know I hurt you physically and emotionally so I am on my knees apologising. Do find a place in your heart to forgive me hmm," Vincent said with tears in his eyes as he held onto her hands refusing to let go.

Yes, she hated him a lot when she did not know the truth. There was a time she had thought of harming him but she got to realise that he was not that bad when she started mingling with him.

Even before she discovered the truth about the past she had long begun liking him as a friend.

If he didn't prove himself to be a good human being she wouldn't have easily forgiven him even though he was her first love.