Your Lord's Woman

"Although Emilia can be stupid and rash sometimes, I know that she is desperate to gain the Demon King's acknowledgement. Such being the case I am certain she must have chosen the safest hideout out of the two. The one with heavy security," Brittany analysed her options aloud.

"Having seen the two hideouts before, this leaves me with one option and that is the hideout on the road ahead of me," Brittany smiled and pointed at the narrow road in front of her.

Because the streets around the areas were surrounded by uncompleted or abandoned buildings, the vampires could reside there and perpetrate their evils without worries.

"Let's hope my guess is right," Brittany muttered and started running on the dark streets.

Meanwhile, as this was taking place Felicity and Vincent were seen moving on a broad street with three black vans following them.