Chapter 15

"Hey Atlas, hey friend of Atlas, welcome to the table of idiots."

"If anyone's an idiot here, it's you."

"Don't throw us under the bus in front of Ashe!"

She smirks, "I like these guys." she says,

They sit down and go over introductions, "Well guys this is Atlas and you know Ashe, I'm Turner, this is Tinker."

The one with a cap socks the guy with a Mohawk.


"I'm George ma'am. This handsome devil here is Harvey. He's single."

She smirks, "So are some other guys I know."

"Welp, I tried man, you're on your own."

"Shut up George." Harvey laughs,

"What's your guy's positions?"

"Harvey is our squad leader ma'am, I'm the focused on overwatch and Turner is our assault with Harvey."

"Wait, there's only three of you?"

"Yeah, we used to have Roderick and Tyson, but we got hit pretty bad a month ago, they decided to keep us together as our own."

Ashe gives a gentle smirk, "After we win this war, let's find each other if we haven't already and celebrate in their honor."

The five of them are all stuck with bright smiles now. "Hoorah." Turner says softly,

"Hoorah!" the rest shout,

They laugh and talk and eat until they decide they need to get to work an hour later.

"Hey Harvey?"

"Yeah Ashe?"

"I'm gonna see what I can do, we might be able to use guys like you."

His eyes widen, "Wait on your team?"

"Yup, we'll throw Atlas in with you guys and test you all out, if you make it, welcome to Strike team Alpha."

Harvey and Atlas both look at each other with giant grins and look back at her. "Ashe you are freaking amazing." Atlas says,

She grins, "I think Toni will enjoy you all as much as I do. Atlas why don't you stick with them today, that okay Harvey?"

"Yeah of course! Thank you again Ashe."

"Great, I'll see you boys later."

"Alright, where we headed Harvey?"

"Training, our abilities. Pushing as much as we can."

Atlas smirks, "So exhausting ourselves? Sounds fun."

He follows Harvey, Turner and Tinker to a open field, this is used specifically for abilities. Metal dummies and targets painted on the ground.

"So what are your abilities?" Atlas asks,

"Check it out." George says,

Turner walks up to the line, looking at the targets imprinted on the ground.

Turner smirks, he draws his arm back and throws it forward. A red ball of energy shoots out as if his arm had been spring loaded.

The ball sails toward the black ring of the humungous target. When it touches, the ground explodes.

"Whoooa. Dude that's sick!" Atlas shouts,

Turner looks back and smiles, "Heck yeah who's awesome?!"

"Yeah, Turner is assault for a reason." George says,

"Atlas? You next?" Turner says,

"Mine is for the targets, not the open field."

"Can you hit it from here?" Harvey asks,

The field holding the dummies is next to them, the only thing separating the fields is a very small wall.


Atlas steps up and pulls his pistol and aims.


A spark shoots from the head of the dummy, almost instantly the metal head of the dunny is engulfed in fire, then the small flames disappear almost as fast as they arrived.

"Whoa whoa, you can control fire?"

"To an extent, I can channel it, in this case, into the bullets, I can also do electricity and poison."

"Okay, that's freaking cool." Harvey says,

"So, is it a burst of flame, or is it just cause you hit metal?"

"Nah its only cause of the metal, no fuel, but that's why electricity would be better, it'll travel easier."

"Why not use that then?"

Atlas shrugs, "I thought I'd be more satisfying to you guys to watch the head burst into flames."

"Well Harvey should go next."

"Yeah, George here has great eyes though, that's his power, the eyes of a bird."

Atlas looks at George with surprise. "No wonder you're overwatch, that's cool George."

He smirks, "Definitely comes in handy."

"So, like normal distances for us, like reading a sign twenty five feet away, that isn't like overwhelming or anything?"

"It was the first few years of my life, but I got used to it. Now I can see fine up close too, and I can see even the tiniest details."

"Man George. You're legit."

He grins, "I aim to please."

"Alright, I'm up next. George shoot." Harvey say handing him his pistol.

George takes it and fires at the ground not too far away, the earth where George shoots, kicks up tiny bits of dirt into the air.

Harvey takes the pistol take and fires, the dirt about an inch into the earth, explodes into the air.

"Whoa what was that?" Atlas asks,

"I can control gravity, not very well yet though, I haven't used it long, right now I con only use it to charge punches or bullets with a little extra kick."

"That's pretty cool!"

"I know right?! Just imagine, all these guys lined up and Pop! Harvey blows them away with one shot." Turner says,

Harvey grins, "They give me too much credit."

They spend hours joking and stretching their abilities as much as they can in attempt to stretch their limits.

After eating dinner Tinker or George, slaps his hands on the table and stands. "Alright! To our positions!" he shouts and throws his arm backwards, pointing at the wall.

"What are you guys doing tonight?"

They all stand and stack their trays on top of the trashcan as they head out. "We got over watch on the perimeter tonight, you coming?"

Atlas frowns, "The perimeter?"

"The perimeter on the surface. We have this cool outpost, no one would ever guess, I swear."

Atlas smiles, "I haven't the surface outside the State since I was little."

Harvey smiles, "Come on then."


Shadow walks in and up to Neo and Toni. But only Toni looks up at Shadow.

"Hey, we are still going through it all. They definitely don't know where we are. You're sure this is the right one?"

Shadow nods, "Absolutely. Neo?"

She shakes her head, "I'm still looking, I got some names of agents, but I'm not as fast as you."

"Keep me updated."

Shadow turns and walks to the elevator. "Where are you headed?" Neo asks,

"I'm going to pay May a visit."

Neo waits for the elevator to close and breathes out hard.

"I know, I almost feel bad for May."

"Heh, I don't. She's caused me enough problems, come on, get on your computer, keep looking."


The elevator dings and Ashe bursts through. "Baaaaack!" She shouts as she triumphantly holds up to cups of coffee,

"I don't drink coffee Ashe sorry."

"I know, it's for me and Neo."


Neo slowly looks from the screen to Ashe and takes the coffee. "We got it covered I think, for now at least."

"Uggghhh fine, what am I supposed to do for the rest of tonight? I already got the coffee."

"Watch Shadow destroy May?"

Ashe's eyes widen, "She's interrogating May?"

"Uh huh." Toni chimes in,

"Whoa why Shadow?"

"It's May, she's freaking high ranking, she's not gonna be easy to crack. But I'm sure she wouldn't mind a spotter."

Ashe groans, "Ugh I hate when she interrogates...Fine. See ya guys."

"Good luck, Kitty." Neo says