"The introduction!"

~Sylvia Arizona High School, Seoul; 2008:

Noah's POV:

I am Han Noah! An extremely popular & friendly guy of my school. I am also the heir & future owner of Han Publications, the most renowned publication platform of Seoul. Well my high school is not just any ordinary school, it's a school for the children of all aristocratic & wealthy people of Seoul. We have a strict principal- no commoners are allowed. Besides commoners can't bear the school fees, which is 1.3 million dollars per month!!

I am highly popular among girls & also an expert in dating! Till my 17 years of life, I already dated 10 girls. My two friends, Baek & Lyn are too jealous of my flirting skills. I believe no girl can reject me because almost every girl likes guys who are expert in sweet-talking. I can impress anyone with my charm & I am proud of it!

But I really never fell in love with anyone. It's true I am an expert in dating & I tried hard to fall for them but no one actually made my heart flutter! I just hope someday- someone would actually make me fall head & heels over her...But I never knew falling for someone would be so painfully beautiful!

It was March, the beginning of our spring session, our school has many cherry trees & the cherry blossoms make the view of our school more dreamy! I was sitting in my class and watching the cherry blossoms from the window.

"Hey jerk!", Baek called me.

"What's up bro?"

"You know our school has a new transfer student. She just transferred here yesterday", he told me.

I was curious! A new student in spring session! Hmm interesting!!

"Who is she?", I was curious.

"Well I heard that she is the heiress of Kim Merchandise! I don't know her name yet, but Lyn told me she is extremely rude, proud & cold to everyone. She even didn't greet anyone after coming here."

"Really?", I was wondering how can a girl like that exist!

Baek laughed heartily, "jerk! If you are thinking of having a chance with her then you are terribly wrong! She doesn't seem to be that kind of girl! She is extremely arrogant too!"

"Hey you shouldn't talk about a girl before knowing her! Maybe she pretends like this, but from inside I know she must be a soft hearted girl!", I tried to defend her.

"Huh! If you don't trust me then go & greet her! You will receive the same treatment!", Baek was sulking.

I smiled, I should really go & see her if she is really an ice queen!

"Where can I find her?", I asked.

"Well bro she thinks herself as a flower princess! Lyn told me she always sits on that small bench near the cherry trees-", he replied.

"Good! I will leave then!", I stood up from my desk & slowly walked towards the door.

"Bro! I am telling you again! She's not the type of girl you have always dealt with! She is different one!", Baek warned me again.

I smiled. I was more curious to see if she was really different!

I slowly walked towards the cherry trees. I saw a girl was sitting on the bench near the trees as Baek described. The cherry blossoms were all around her. It was such a majestic view. She really looked like a flower princess sitting within her territory. I couldn't see her face, she was sitting with her back facing towards me. But she must be really beautiful!

I felt nervous! What the fuck! It's the first time I was actually nervous to approach a girl! Maybe Baek really washed my brain!

"Um excuse me!", I gathered courage & called her. But she didn't respond.

"Hello? Excuse me??", I called her again but quite loudly this time.

She looked back slowly at me! I was right! She was really beautiful! With short hair upto neck line, perfect jawline & a face compared to top models; she totally looked like a mighty princess.

I slowly walked towards her, I was quite nervous to start any conversation. She had a agitated look on her face.

"Um, hello! Are you new here?", I asked her.

She looked at me for sometime & then answered "yes!"

"That's great! We never had a transfer student in our spring session! Hello! I am Han Noah!", I replied with my usual charming smile trying to impress her.

But she didn't look impressed. She still had that agitated look & just answered- "Hmm".

She was silent. I expected that she would tell her name too, but my expectations went wrong. I stood there awkwardly for sometime.

"Well are you done with your introduction? Then can you please leave? I like to sit alone without nuisances!", suddenly she said me with a deep voice.

Woah! I didn't expect such an insult! I really never thought any girl can escape my charming smile trap!

All the girls I tried on actually fell for my smile! This is the first time my charm trick didn't work!

"Nuisance? Hey Miss, I think you are quite rude! You shouldn't talk with people like this who actually came to introduce with you! I heard you even didn't greet anyone after coming here! How can you keep this attitude when you are new here?", I got a bit angry as I felt that she had hurt my pride!

She slowly stood up from the bench, "Ahh damn! This school is really so annoying! It's only the second day & I am annoyed like hell! Can't people just leave me alone! And you Mister overfriendly! I didn't ask you for introduction, and it's my choice that whether I want myself to keep aloof or to get along with others! I don't need your suggestions. Thank you!", she replied with a very deep voice with an intense look on her face & slowly left towards the classroom.

I felt like a clown! Damn! That was terribly insulting! I never expected someone would actually hurt my pride like this!

I was sulking, what does she think of herself!!

"Baek was right! She is indeed a mannerless arrogant princess! I regret of talking to her.

She should be left alone only--" I mumbled angrily.


~Hello my lovelies!

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