First meet!

Alex's POV:

"Alex!?" A fierce voice outraged at me when I grabbed Deok's collar while losing my self-control, it was mom...


A cruel slap ravaged my face by her...

She didn't even listen to and slapped me violently in front of the hallway crowded with people. I fell down on the ground with the sudden bash. As Deok was already released from my grasp, she straightly went to him.

"Deok? Are you okay? How dare you bastard grab my child's collar? I will beat you to death!" She cussed me mercilessly while glaring at me with her blazing eyes.

"Mom! I didn't say anything to him! Still, he used violence against me!" Deok started to pretend as a victim in front of everyone! I was too shocked by his evil performance.

"Wh-Why are you lying? You are the one who messed with me first!" I groaned at him as I was still surprised as well as embarrassed with all the ruckus.

"Shut up you disgusting brat! I am gonna kill you if you ever appear near my son!" She sounded infuriated while embracing Deok firmly.

"What's going on here?"

We all were startled with a hoarse yet dense voice behind us. It was dad, watching us with an agitated expression in his face.

"Dad!" On the spur of the moment, Deok ran to him while pretending to sob.

Dad looked at me with his fiery eyes and asked sharply, "what's with all the chaos, Alex?"

Deok gently held his hand and all of a sudden started weeping bitterly. "Dad, I just went to congratulate big brother for his admission in France, but he grabbed my collar and pushed me cruelly!" He sounded extremely cunning while blabbering all nonsense.

"Why are you lying? I didn't push him, dad! I grabbed his collar because he was cussing me! I--" I sprang up from the ground while defending myself but couldn't the words as my heart was aching in pain...

"Why would I do so, dad? I am a weak-hearted child! Why would I cuss him?" Deok continued to portray his innocent image. All the people present there were looking at me with their malicious eyes.

"France? You applied to France?" Dad grumbled at me in a cold voice. The atmosphere was too scary for me.

"Yes, see dad! His admission letter!" Deok handed him my letter with an evil sneer on his face.

He took the letter and crumbled it while looking at me in wrath. "No one is going anywhere! Don't ruin my party anymore, all of you!" He conveyed his decision quite boldly while venting out his frustration.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "Why can't I go? I don't wanna live here! I want to escape from here! Why are you stopping me?" My voice strangled with the unbearable urge to cry helplessly amongst everyone while I was opposing his decision.

Dad turned his back towards me and walked away casually. I was extremely heart-broken with his foul treatment towards me... He didn't even look at my tears for once!

"Don't you understand his words? If he orders to do so then you have to do it, no matter what! And never ever come before my Deok! Or else I will beat you to death!" Mom roared at me with her pernicious tone and walked away holding Deok's hand. 

In that crowded big hall, I stood there all alone... People were whispering among themselves with their hateful perception. My heart was throbbing badly with pain from their ill-treatment as I clenched my wrist. Deok uses his heart disease every time as a masterstroke against me to prove himself innocent! I am so disgusted with everything, everyone here!

I started running towards my house yard while sobbing bitterly. At that moment, death would have been the only escape from this hell!

I stopped and sat on a bench in the yard while wiping my tears. That day I probably understood how lonely I am... In that despair state, my heart unknowingly sought for some warmth...

"Here, take this..."

I heard a warm voice beside me. With my teary eyes, I looked up and saw a beautiful unknown young girl, with dark black hair up to her shoulder-line and graceful brown-eyes, nearly of my age, sitting beside me on the bench while handing me a white lace hankie.

"Huh?" I was in awe to see her all of a sudden in the yard.

"I saw whatever happened in the hallway, here take this hankie and wipe your tears." She was speaking very gently with me.

I obediently took her hankie and wiped my tears. I tried to restrain myself from crying in front of a girl.

"You have, such a big scar on your arm! Is it done by them?" She asked me very in a cold voice while staring at the scar on my right arm. I deliberately tried to hide it without giving her any justification.

"We are not strong from our birth, but gradually we need to transform ourselves into a stronger person to survive in this brutal world." She sounded a bit gloomy while explaining to me.

I silently glanced at her as she was consoling my broken heart...

"My family is terrible too! They snatched a person from me who was the dearest one to my heart! But you can't be always vulnerable before cruel ones. After a time, you need to start people treating the way they treat you! If they are turning their backs against you, turn your back against them... Be strong and face it!" She gently stood up from the bench while sharing her views nonchalantly with me.

It was the first time someone actually showed their concern towards me in that house.

"Wait!" Unknowingly I grabbed her arm as she was about to leave... "Wh-What's your name?" I asked her mildly in a cold voice.

She smiled a bit with my question. While releasing her arm from my hand she softly answered, "Kim Luna! The heiress of Kim Merchandise..."


Alex glanced at his wristwatch first, it was around 3 pm. Then he turned his head towards Luna, she was dozing off while being seated next to him on the car. He smiled gently while watching, "maybe she didn't get enough sleep last night!" His concerned eyes fixated on her while thinking.

Slowly he put her head over his shoulder so that she can take a nap comfortably. Both Mr. Ri and Mr. Shin watched them from the mirror as they were sitting on the front seats, but couldn't utter anything in opposition.

Alex gently caressed her hair while she was sleeping on his shoulder. He looked outside the car window with a small satisfied grin on his face.

"That was the day when I realized, I found someone... I never wanna lose!" He mumbled in a broken voice.


~Hello my adorable readers!

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Be safe and take care!