What if?

It was around 8 pm. Mr. Shin was smoking on his balcony while gazing at the sky. He had a glum expression on his face as one of his arms was inside the pocket of his night suit.

(Beep Beep)

He flinched with the sudden noise on his phone and looked at it with curiosity. It was a text message from Mr. Tim. Excitedly, he opened the message and there was the telephone number of Kim Mansion.

All of a sudden he had a wide grin over his face while gazing at the number. After a moment of hesitance, he dialed the number.

(Phone ringing)

Two times the phone rang but no one picked it up. With a pair of sad eyes, he thought for a moment and dialed again.

(Phone ringing)

"Hello?" This time a soft voice answered him tenderly.

The voice was quite familiar to him as he was mesmerized to hear the soothing voice silently! He smiled wistfully while gazing at the dark sky.