Unwanted humiliation

Soo-Ha's POV:

I followed him inside with a tremoring pace. It's my first time to visit such a luxurious complex which I only dreamt of visiting someday in life.

Mr. Han was walking quite boldly ahead of me with a stern expression on his face. I was too agitated with his behavior. How could he decide everything on his own?

"Welcome, sir." A kind and beautiful lady attendant came and humbly greeted us. Woah! Even the attendants here were so elegant!

"Well, she needs a new pair of office shoes. So, get her the best pair." He firmly commanded her with a frigid voice while standing before me.

The lady looked at me with impertinent for a moment and grinned politely. "Ok ma'am, you can come with me." She answered.

I was extremely baffled by the situation. I glanced at him once but he still appeared too apathetic. I was completely sure that he was redundantly distracted over something.