Ha-Eun's story: Are we growing apart?

Ha-Eun's POV:

The night was solely cold and silent. I was heading back home with Dr. Yeong. For a while, we didn't communicate with each other as the ambiance in between us was quite dense. Besides, I was still clumsy around him, due to my mistreatment towards him in our first meet. 

"Are you uncomfortable with me?" 

Dr. Yeong first initiated the conversation as I was completely quiet. I flinched with his query and looked at him. "N-No, ab-absolutely not," I murmured with a small grin.

"That's fine if it's not the case." He smirked and glanced at me once.

I turned my face down. He is such a kind person, but still, I couldn't bring words out on my own to communicate with him. I tried to muster up my courage and peeked at him. "Umm, I...I am really sorry for that day... I shouldn't have reacted awfully." I chattered.