Love creates wonder

The morning was quite radiating and jovial with the tender sound of birds, chirping outside the balcony. Jubliant rays of sunshine were reflecting inside into the room, falling straight into her bed through the giant fenestration, causing Luna to wake up from her sleep. She was doing absolutely better now, thanks to all the effortless concerns and love of Alex and Mrs. Park, which finally helped her to heal from such a grave injury.

It was already 8 am. She slowly rose up from the bed and stretched out her arms which were jammed overnight. With a big yawn, she gently stepped down from her bed and walked towards the corner table wearing her purple, silk embroidered night gown. Soon, she reached there and took off the charger her phone was connected with.

A lovable text message was already waiting for her in the notification box. As she took a glimpse, it was from her beloved one, Alex.