Chapter 14- Out

I'm suffocating.

I'm a caterpillar in a cocoon, and as time treads on the silk about me is becoming tighter and tighter, smaller and smaller as I change form.

Except I'm not a fucking caterpillar, this bag isn't a silk cocoon, and I'm not transforming in to a magnificent butterfly, I'm transforming into a hyperventilating blob.

The fact that Lusso directly told me not to make any noises makes me even more worried about regulating my breathing.

I'm awkwardly suspended in air, a rough thatched cloth taught around me. I feel like I'm being carried in a body bag.

We pass a few shuffling feet, a collection of disharmonious voices, and I'm scraped against the wall at least twice.

Once I'm finally pulled from my cloth prison, I'm blinded by sun. I blink away the migraine it immediately causes, giving my senses time to adjust. I'm joyously overwhelmed by the warmth cascading over my delicate skin.

I cautiously open my eyes, flinching a little at the intense white light. I'm outside. I'm actually outside.

I never thought I'd see sunlight again.

I'm surrounded by a large parking lot, only one black truck in sight. Yellowed vegetation fried by the summer sun lines the edges of the black asphalt. Its not necessarily a beautiful view, but I'm certain this moment will go down as one of my favorite.

I turn to Lusso with a wide grin spread on my face. He's grinning too.

He's holding his jacket on two fingers over his shoulder, a loop-sided grin making him look utterly lovable. The sun glistens on his inky smooth hair, and I'm envious of the way its shamelessly caressing it.

I don't know how to thank him, so I throw my arms around his neck. He leans down a little so I'm not tugging his neck, as I can't completely reach even on my tippy toes. He rests his arms around my lower back, locking me against his body.

"Come Bella, our day awaits," he beams.

Lusso opens the passenger side door for me, then gets into the driver seat.

"Now will you tell me where were going?" I beg.

"Currently, we are headed to the shop to buy you a swimsuit. Preferably a bikini," he winks.

"Just for that I'm getting a one piece."

"You wouldn't do that to me." He tilts slightly to gawk at me.

"Oh, I would."

We park in front of a small building, grey with several window and blue trim. It's cutesy, set with cloths on petite feminine manakins. They're mostly short beachy dresses, but I spot a few bathing suits as well. The boutique has large cursive letters over head, "Vestito e Nuotare", and I assume it's an Italian name.

It's cold inside, and the chilly air freezes the sweat starting to cling to my skin. It's nice, but I'm left feeling damp.

Lusso moves around tensely, and I can tell he feels like a bull in a china shop. He glares down at a pack of silicone petals, knitting his brow.

I smile a little. "Do you know what those are?"

"Um... No? Should I?" he says awkwardly.

I giggle, and he watches me expectantly. "There like stick on bras." I lower my voice.

"Those things don't look like bras," he stares at them with a sour expression.

"You like... stick one on-" I gesture, not wanting to directly say it, feeling suddenly awkward. But then the realization dawns on me that I'm just waving my hands over my breasts like R-rated charades, and I drop my hands to my sides. My face scorches red.

Lusso gaze is unblinking as he watches me with amusement evident on his face, and I want to die. "I still don't think I understand. Would you be willing to give me a visual as to how they work? I mean as great as all that was," he circles his hand around me, "I still can't seem to get the idea."

You could scramble an egg on my face right now. Why is the temperature in here not cooling my face too?

I eventually get around to trying on a bathing suit, and love my first pick. It's a black bikini, with high waisted bottoms and a supportive top. Not that I need much support in that area but...

Then I head to the restroom to sort out my monthly issue, reminded myself it could be worse- I could be pregnant.

I offer my bathing suit to Lusso, who was patiently waiting on a bench outside the fitting rooms. He looks so out of place here. His dark leather jacket is on now, and his dangerous aura floats around him. The cheerful backdrop of the shop to his harsh form is almost laughable.

He perks up when he sees me, standing to greet me. "Find something?"

I nod. "It's a one piece, very nice."

He huffs in disappointment, not even trying to be subtle.

"I'm kidding," I nudge him in the side.

"You little..." he grumbles, and I can't stop my laugh.

At the register, a blonde in slacks and a tight white button down checks us out.

"Is this all I'll be getting for you today, Mr.?" She bats her eyelashes, then leans on the counter to push up her boobs.

"Yes." He doesn't look at her, just stares down as he sorts out his wallet.

"I'll leave a little something for you on the receipt," she smacks her gum, then picks up a pin and scribbles something down. I don't miss the way she lowers her voice to a sultry, husky tone.

"Don't need it, thanks."

The blonde looks like someone slapped her, and I notice the nametag pinned on her collar. Sara.

Sara glares a me for a moment, then gives me a full head-to-toe glance. She scoffs in disgusts, then whips around and walks into the back.


Lusso and I lock eyes for a silent moment, before I break into a laughing fit. He chuckles a little, and I know that's his equivalent to mine. He doesn't seem to laugh loudly often, and I wish he would more.

He kisses me on the cheek as he holds the door for me, and we head to the truck together.