Rise of the dead

"The dead shall rise again like a Phoenix from its ashes to fly higher above the horizon while the world watches on"


"Gemmi, are you sure about this? I'm still young and unmarried, for God's sake, Gemmi. Leave it. Gemmi! Let's get out of this damn place."

"Shenni, SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! Can't you see that I'm digging? If you want to leave, then leave, but if I find what I'm searching for, don't even think about coming in front of me asking for a share. Got it?"

"Gemmi, I don't want any share. I beg you. Please, leave with me. I don't want to die, and I don't want to see you dead."

Amidst all the bickering, Gemmi's shovel came to an abrupt halt. When he looked down, he saw a wooden trunk inside the pit he had dug. He stopped arguing with his brother and eagerly started digging with his hands. Soon, he unearthed a small wooden trunk.

His face brightened with excitement as he eagerly broke the trunk's seal, but his expression sank as he opened it. "Oh no, a dusty scroll. WHAT THE HELL!!!"

"I came all the way out here in this wilderness to dig up a scroll, bleh," Gemmi cursed loudly.

"It's okay, Gemmi," Shenni tried to pacify his angry brother.

"No, Shenni, I am sad, very sad. I will kill that old man."

"Okay, Okay. We will kill that old man. Now, let us go back."

"Okay, Shenni."

Gemmi stood up and climbed out of the pit.


The wind started howling, and the weather changed abruptly. The sky turned grey, and the clouds vanished, revealing the moon. It was a sight to behold, the kind of weather that mesmerizes.

Lightning flashed between the clouds with rumble and roars.

"Gemmi, I am afraid."

"Shut up, Shenni. Let's get out of here!"

"No, we can't leave now."Gemmi replied .

"Why???? Are you out of your mind, Gemmii? Run while we have the chance; otherwise, both of us will be minced into nothing here."

"No! If we leave, I'm certain we'll be dead."

"Goddamn it, what are you blabbering about? Run with me, Gemmi!" Shenni pleaded desperately, but to no avail.

"Are you seeking revenge, Gemmi? I'm sorry I didn't listen to your advice earlier, but now is not the time for petty vengeance."

"Gemmii,"Shenni said softly.

Shenni sensed that something was off. Their encounter with that old monk, his prophecy, and everything else – he had never believed in it. But he was curious. Why would someone try to deceive them? They were just ordinary brothers.

Now, he finally got his answer. The treasure the old monk had talked about was not gold or silver; it was this scroll.

Gemmi slowly approached the trunk and crouched beside it. He extended his hand and brought the scroll near his face. The moonlight was exceptionally bright that night, making it easier to read the scroll.

"All hail the Knight,

Heir of sorcery,

Son of Hades,

Thou who has been in slumber,

Waiting for your calling,

Hear me, as I say,

Arise O' Fallen Knight." He screamed as he read aloud what was written on the scroll.

With that, a deafening rumble echoed through the sky. The moon paled in the presence of the soaring lightning, which, within seconds, struck the scroll and engulfed it in flames. The scroll burned to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

"Holy Moly Sweet Macaroni! The heck, Gemmi? You're a lunatic. You were just an inch away from being struck by lightning."

Gemmi froze. He had known that the scroll was not simple, but he never imagined it could be this deadly. His hands and feet turned cold, and his entire body was drenched in cold sweat. Shivers ran through his veins.

Shenni grabbed Gemmi's hand and pulled him, saying, "You idiot. I told you not to mess with anything, but look what you've done. Do you want to meet an early death?"

He dragged him with all his might, but before they could make their escape, they witnessed a white light illuminating the air. Several fragments of light took on human shapes, and soon, a well-built man materialized.

The man was extraordinarily handsome, to the extent that his charm could captivate even other men.

"What the hell? What is going on? Am I not dead?" The man in front of them was muttering, still looking handsome even while in confusion. However, Gemmi and Shenni were in no mood to appreciate his beauty.

"Hey, could you please tell me what happened here? How did I end up here?" the man asked politely.

Both brothers were stunned. The man was not only handsome and strong but also quite humble.

Earlier, they had thought that the man might be furious with them for awakening him, but he displayed no signs of anger and even asked them a question politely.

Shenni was too afraid to speak, so Gemmi narrated the whole incident, including the involvement of the old monk and his prophecy.

"I sincerely apologize. I know I should not have disturbed you from your eternal slumber. Please forgive me," he apologized sincerely.

The man responded, "Ah, it's okay. I wasn't particularly fond of death, so I am grateful to you for awakening me. Since you've helped me, I should repay you."

"No, no, no!" Shenni protested.

"Yes, yes, and yes. You should repay us. My brother was so close to death because of you, so you should make amends," Gemmi said eagerly.

Shenni felt irritated with his brother, but before he could stop Gemmi from speaking further, the man handed Gemmi a gold ring.

"Oh, brother, this is so heavy. It's pure gold with diamonds engraved on it!" Gemmi exclaimed in delight.

Shenni was astonished as well. Regardless of the circumstances, they had committed a sin, and being rewarded for that sin didn't sit well with him. He wanted to refuse it, but he found himself at a loss for words.

"Don't feel burdened; it's the least I can give you for now. If you're not satisfied with the compensation, then give me a few more days to make amends," the man said humbly.

"No, not at all. It's sufficient for us. I believe we should take our leave now. Once again, I apologize," Shenni bowed his head and pulled his enthusiastic brother with him.

"Brother, brother, don't drag me. He's offering us moneeey...!!!" Gemmi screamed, but his voice faded as he was dragged away.