Danger lurking

"In this world, there is always danger for those who are afraid of it."


Severus had no words.

Sometimes he really wondered whether noworry was really a heavenly bird or was he just faking it.

Noworry disdained. ]Didn't he scam us? Didn't he scam those twin brothers? So he is a scoundrel]



Severus had already accepted his defeat. No matter what noworry was nothing else but a proud idiot.

Severus flicked noworry's forehead and commented, "Yeah, yeah that scoundrel left a book for me"

Noworry instantly flew up from Severus' shoulder and came in front of him while flying, stopping Severus abruptly in his tracks.

[What? When did it happen? No. Why am I not aware of it? Did you make a deal with that doppelganger behind my back? I am telling you I will punish you if you betray me.] Noworry threatened.

Severus was irritated. Sometimes noworry truly acted like a possessive girlfriend.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Why will I betray you? It will be better if you first listen to what I have to say and then scream. Geeez Noworry"

Noworry hummed in response and again perched on Severus' shoulder.

"That day when he scammed us and I paid for the food, the manager of that inn asked for a talk."

[Where was I?] noworry asked instantly.

It was as if rather than being interested in the book he was more interested to know why was he not aware of the book.

"Simple....You flew away", Severus said coolly.

Noworry [...]

Did he? As far as he remembered he didn't fly away.

As if reading from Noworry's expression about his thoughts, Severus immediately answered.

"You didn't fly away immediately but you said you had some work and will come back soon. I also told you that we will be visiting the twin brothers but bleh.... you flew away for some time. Do you remember?"

What the hell!!!! Was it really me who abandoned him?

What a shame!!!!

Noworry sulked.

[Aaaah....I see. As you are aware Severus that I am a heavenly bird and due to such long sleep my body is tired, so I need to restore my strengths, thus I went for closed-door training] Noworry lied without an ounce of shame.

Severus made a serious face and replied, "Of course I understand that you need to restore your strengths. I hope your half an hour closed training was beneficial. Was it? I wish to see your powers soon"

Noworry [....]

Wasn't this statement the same as telling one's tricks openly?

[Really Severus? You didn't need to embarrass your birdie like this. This small bird's heart hurt] Noworry mumbled while pouting.

"Never mind. After you left, the manager asked me for tea, to which I agreed. There he gave me a book and asked me to keep this book a secret. He told me that this book contained divine spells and array formations so, come what may, I shouldn't hand this book in wrong hands"

Noworry cheerful expressions instantly turned glum. No wonder there were so many coincidences. Someone was bent on killing Severus.

[Severus I think something is wrong] Noworry replied seriously.

Severus clicked his tongue in interest. It would be a shame for him if he still couldn't decipher the connection.

"Interesting....finally I believe that you got brains noworry"

Noworry [....]


"Some people spend their whole life living in lies and deception"


Noworry really thought that Severus had gone mad. As per his knowledge of mortals he knew that people with weak hearts either die or go mad after seeing a ghost much less fighting. Noworry's thoughts ran wild but he dares not mention it in front of Severus. He was very well aware of the fact that Severs wasn't a weak person, but he still had some doubts regarding him.

Severus was aware that noworry didn't trust him fully but he was confident that it was only a matter of time before noworry trusted him fully so he didn't dwell on it instead he smiled brightly and said, "I smell a rat here."

[What rat? Ewwww. Is there a rat here? Is it alive or dead? If it is dead, then why can't I smell it?]


"It was a reference dum bird"

Noworry [....]

Noworry pouted. He should not be blamed for not knowing mortal's idioms and references.

Noworry still felt aggrieved and with frustration and anger piling inside him he made a conviction.

[Someone doesn't want us to dig old skeletons] Noworry said with a conviction however Severus did not react to it.

"What if someone does want us to dig old skeletons?", Severus said out of the blue.

[Huh....now are you a dum mortal? What do you mean by it?] Noworry said arrogantly.

"Why do I feel you are just returning my lines? never mind I just don't believe that all this is a coincidence."

[What coincidences? Throw some light on this statement]

"Grandma turned ghost, this book, another ghost and the other book which I found in the house of an old woman. Didn't you feel like there was a connection?"



"All these incidences seem like individual incidents but if you take a closer look you will see a story in them"

Noworry was completely focused now. He felt like this matter had something more than which meets the eye.

[What story?]

"Do you remember the massacre?"

[I do]

"According to old women, she was the daughter of the second survivor but as far as I know the second survivor never married."


Noworry's feather stood up. It was damn confusing now. He was not sure what to believe and what not to. [Fooook, what did you say? Never married, impossible. Didn't she say that she was the daughter of the last survivor?]

"Why should we trust her noworry. If your tiny bird brain is forgetting the let me tell you, Jane fooled everyone. Her entire life she fooled everyone that she was blind. Are we supposed to believe her words? If we do, then tell on what basis should we?", Severus questioned seriously.

[I know what you want to say and I totally understand it too but what benefits will she gain from lying to us?]

"Oh benefits. Noworry are we really talking about benefits. I totally didn't want to believe in it but I can't deny the truth."

[What do you mean? What truth? What denial?] noworry asked in burning curiosity.