
"Time is the only thing that moves too but also remains constant too


"Earlier I was ready to die. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't for love or anything else but it was something else. When I was resurrected, several questions haunted me. Why was I resurrected? Am I here for any purpose? Or did the heavens pity me? I even thought that it was a mistake made by gods and they might take my life again, but nothing happened. I didn't die. Forget about dying I didn't even get a scratch"

[You wanted to die?] Noworry asked in annoyance.

"Yeah…. It's not like I am scared or something, but this life is different."

Noworry was perplexed and almost asked [What do you mean by different?]

"Well…... I don't think I am good at explaining. When I was Severus in my earlier life, it was so simple. My life revolved around the Crown prince, Melanie, and the king. Even though I went on several battles and was general of the army but, still not many knew about me. My achievements were always hidden, and nobody bothered to see them too. I lived a simple and bleak life. There was nothing interesting in my life except for Melanie, alas! That too was my delusion. If I take a look at my previous life, it was mundane. There was no fun, no adventure, no colors, and happiness. I don't even remember when the last time was, I laughed in my previous life"

[Aye...…. Severus. Don't bother with your previous life. Let bygones be bygones]

"Neeh...…...I can't"


"There is something which connects my previous life and this life"

[Connection! As far as I remember a single soul can't be connected with two-person You are thinking too much Severus]

"It's not about one soul and two bodies"

[So? What is it about?]

"It feels like I never died though I am sure I died. I have the same facial features and exact body that I had in my previous life. My allergies, fear, and even taste is the same. Everything's the same."

Noworry pouted [In reincarnation, everything remains the same. You just thinking nonsense]

"No... it's not nonsense. According to my knowledge of resurrection, it's impossible to be totally same after one's death. It seems like someone wanted me dead for once"

[Who would want you to die once? If you die, you die. Who would think about resurrection and other stuff and that too when necromancy is taboo in Rivera. I doubt anyone predicted this far? Moreover, reincarnation is an unnatural phenomenon. There is no perfect potion or spell for resurrection.]

"Are you sure?"

[For decades mortals had tried to unlock the mysteries of this world and necromancy is one of them. They tried every trick in their hand and didn't even hesitate while sacrificing innocent peoples. Several gruesome people killed innocent women and children in the hopes to become immortal or to get in the cycle of resurrection but there wasn't any single spell or potion which turned effective]

"Nothing? Are you sure you aren't bragging?"

Noworry [...]

[Successful resurrection is a blessing that is blessed upon people who have a good heart. No one can interfere in this cycle of reincarnation, not even gods.]


"Who runs this resurrection cycle? Is there anyone who is more powerful than god?"

Noworry chuckled.

[Almost all gods are powerful and there isn't a comparison to make but they all do have different powers and authorities.]

"Explain please"

[For example, Hades is responsible for Netherland and souls similarly other gods are responsible for different tasks]

"Do you mean to say that Hades is the one who keeps an eye on life and death?"

[When did I say so?]

"You just said now? Are you having short term memory loss?"

Severus [...]


"Dumb people are egoistic"


[There is a central council who is responsible for maintaining the balance of powers between gods. They keep a check on them so they don't fight and create chaos]

"Do god also fight?", Severus asked in an intriguing manner.

Of course. They do! Jealousy is their only motivation. ]


If gods are like this then what can he expect from mortals?

"Anyways you can't say that I wanted to die. I just took a risk"

[What risk?]

"I am no fool and when events started unfolding in front of me one by one, I knew something was wrong. To-be-honest, I never want to experience that life again. A life filled with despair and boredom, so I took a risk. I wanted to test my powers"

[You….is this the way to test your powers? You could have died that day if not for him? Do you understand?]

"Yes, I do noworry. I very well do but I don't know why would he save me? You remember our first meeting when he tried to scam us."

[Yes. I can never forgive that scammer]

Severus "...…."

"He was earlier asking for money but when he saw my face clearly he tried to ignore me and then when I fainted, he came to our rescue. If things would have not happened the way they did, I would have thought that it was an accident but it wasn't the case. No one, not even Crown prince and Melanie are aware of the Icetra herb and its consequences then how come he knew about it?"

[Why is it so suspicious? It's just an herb. I understand about its rarity, but I don't think he would serve you poison directly. If he was aware that it's poison, then he wouldn't have given you so directly. Sigh, what trouble. I don't understand why he wants to kill you? Very few people know about you and I don't think anyone from them wants to kill you. Moreover, for a crime to happen there needs to be a motive but I am failing to see any logic here. Just why the heck he wants to kill you?]

"Who told you that he served me poison directly? You are still underestimating him. He is far cleverer than we thought. If we talk about motive then if he knew about me then this is more than enough explanation as to why he wants to kill me."

[You are not making sense Severus]

"Am I not? Sigh, Dum noworry. That bowl of poison was indeed a bowl of the medicinal herb. That bowl of soup almost contained the rarest of rare medicine and herb and for duping me he even added the pungent smell"

[Are u kidding me? How is he smart if he added the smell of that herb? If he is that smart, then I am sure that he would have known that you might identify the poison. Why did he make such a stupid mistake?]

"It wasn't a mistake noworry. That is what I am trying to tell you. He added medicines in the bowl so that I can drink it."

[Are you saying it was a trap?]

"Finally. You understood. Phewww", Severus exhaled.

Noworry [...]

Did my brain really get rusted? I can't become dumb.
