High end drama

"Are you sure? I bet no one is going to come. The level of humiliation and shame they will face is something that will bother them. Since they belong to royal families, I know one thing about them. They all can lose their life but not their face. Who wants to be associated with the daughter of a traitor?" Desellla questioned back.

"Just wait dear" Severus left her hanging in suspense.

Indeed, after half an hour, an entourage came sauntering inside the chamber. The leader of Hui Island, Gui Song, followed by little kid Shino entered. Severus was startled when he observed how much Shino had grown up. Not only his height but his aura changed drastically. It was as if he became mature overnight. Selena was dressed up soberly unlike her previous self-looking like a coated doll. She was carrying a simple beige color gown, with small diamond earrings that accentuated her fair neck. Like her sister, she too stole breath out of men.

Deadly sisters.